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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/20 in all areas
Hey Everyone, Thank you so much for your advice. I went to Blue Mountain and took the beginner session for $94. It included rentals, a beginners ski lift ticket and a 1.5 hr session. The session was almost a private one. I was a slow learner but I think with some practice I was able to pick things up pretty well. Fell quite a few times on the slope. Post the training session, I was able to go down the training hill slope, make banks and turns. Though I am pretty far away from going on the beginner slopes I want to continue learning and building my skills. Blue Mountain doesn't have a Beginner+ session (something for someone who has already taken the first session). What would you guys recommend. Should I just go to the resort and continue practicing on my own? Let me know. Plan to go again sometime during in the End of January. I kind of liked Blue Mountain. The prices are competitive and the people are nice. Price is a bit important for me so would want to keep it low but not compromising too much on the experience. Thanks again everyone. I love skiing. Hope to be able to conquer some big slopes soon!9 points
Arrived at the LL at 12:55. Changed in the lot and grabbed a $7.20 hamburger($.80 pass holder discount FTW) for the first lift. Would have been a cheeseburger or chicken sandwich but none were to be seen. Snow was good and no rain until about 2. Skied til just after 2:30 and was soaked. I thought from the radar that the rain would hold out a little longer but was happy to get some laps at least.8 points
Since peak bought snowtime, I wanted to check out some resorts that I’ve never been to, and probably won’t have the chance to get to again. The original plan was to drive to whitetail, then hit liberty, then Roundtop on the way home. Whitetail is by far the biggest of the three but only had one trail off the top open so I figured I would just check out liberty and Roundtop. The weather didn’t help things, but these hills are so boring and lame great conditions wouldn’t help. Liberty is super weird. You can see if for a while driving up to it, and it’s just a small bump sticking out of farmland. As you drive around to the front side, the roads change from moderately maintained backroads to perfectly paved two lane. The actual resort at liberty is insanely impressive, the lots are paved and marked. Multiple sit down restaurants and a hotel slope side. I just can’t fathom why all this was built on this tiny hill. The park is serviced by a j bar. Super cool. It looks like this was a trail at one point. Shame it’s gone, one of only a few short steep pitches. At the top you sitting on a ridge maybe 50 feet wide. And you have quite a few trails to try. The front side (lodge and park side) looked boring so I tried the back. Conditions were soft and fun but if it doesn’t get cold soon, they area gonna have to close I hit each open trail twice and got bored so headed to Roundtop. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk5 points
5 points
No one is saying Blue is better than X up north or out west. you're the only one doing the compare and contrast bull shit. We're just having fun at our local Hill. Honestly just ski and have a good time. Who gives a shit.5 points
Tomorrow if the 50/50 coin flip rain is dry, maybe head out late if the 11 am stop holds. Sausage Sunday.4 points
Why stop there....Just drive to Newark get on a plane and go to Argentina/Chile...skiing is prolly better there anyway.....4 points
Roundtop Took what seemed like 45 minutes to get from liberty to Roundtop. Roundtop reminds me of spring mountain, it’s lame and there’s houses nearby. You can see the strange looking bump quite a while before you get there I got a a spot right at the lift. The snow was some of the iciest snow I’ve ridden in years. The layout it very boring and nothing steep was open. The crowds were crappy too. They would always stop right at the bottom of an icy headwall and Wonder why someone almost hit them. So that was that. I’m glad I went but these bills are way smaller than advertised, ski tracks showed around 500 vert. Both resorts reminded me of skiing in the Midwest. Conditions aside, the terrain in the Poconos does seem light years better. If it gets cold soon I’ll definitely head out to whitetail as that place looks legitimately fun. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk4 points
3 points
My go to ski buddy is out of town so I hooked up with some skiers from a backcountry FB group. Went back to the spot I tried a few weeks ago. Much better visibility today. There was tons of powder which we were all surprised by since it has been so windy. The guy in our group was very familiar with the area and had us skin up a pretty steep section that left us all winded. I told him to show me the mellowest line as I knew I was in over my head. The girl had a slope meter on her phone and measured it at 32 degrees. Not sure how a accurate it was knee deep powder and trees, although loose, made it a heart pumping challenge for me. Our run was completely untouched, gotta day it was pretty amazing. Only way to get better at skiing is do things that scare you I guess. Goal achieved today! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk3 points
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3 points
Are you skiing somewhere else on the other days? i totally agree with all of this, except for one thing. If its an extra day, i think Powder would be good. If you are trying to get the most out of a day at Powder, having someone that knows the place would make for a perfect day. Dont take anyone with a snowboard there though. Lots of nooks and crannies there for sure. Powder Mt is a really neat place to experience. Nothing like skiing powder country, ending up on the access rd, and being picked up by a bus to get back up. Brighton is just so much fun. Groomers are great there, up and down, twists and turns, its kind of like you are skiing in the trees when you are on the trails. I feel like Snowbasins groomers, also excellent, are more wide open, more straight runs with consistent pitch.3 points
You can’t go wrong either way. If you are looking for great groomers, Brighton might be the most unique. Snowbasin offers some incredible groomers as well. Alta/Bird have less groomers and more gnarly terrain. Solitude is alright.3 points
I took AIARE 1 (3 days) and companion rescue (1day) last season. I do keep it mellow and low angle. Our group had good communication and we did evaluations of the snow pack on the way up in addition to checking the avalanche report this morning. What we did today was steep for me but based on our evaluations it was relatively safe. I have no interest in being a hero on crazy stuff. It’s more about just being outside, getting a good workout in, and looking at gorgeous scenery with very few people around.3 points
I ride the double regularly when I am lapping Widowmaker, which everyone knows has more powder than the Hunter any time it’s open.2 points
I don't think so, but if I do I'm gonna start my own crew called the Happy Boyz. Everyone in my crew will have to be smiley and jolly like me.2 points
2 points
i was surprised to find out last year that roundtop is only an hour and a half from my parents house. never would have thought that central PA resorts were a closer drive than the poconos2 points
2 points
No shit, really? Taos better than PA? Thats the fucking dumbest statement i have heard in a long time. Taos on an inch of snow with snowblades, and rocks in your boots would be better than PA. I'm not sure that you just dont get that we all understand Blue isnt just like a western resort. But its location is why we ski it. A day to the Catskills, well, i guess if its gonna be epic, but its a pretty decent drive for most, and if im gonna gas up the truck to go ski, might as well bypass Hunter, Platty, etc, and head a little further to Northern VT. But at the same point, maybe before gassing up the truck, maybe just jump on a plane and head out west, where you will get the best skiing. Do i think Platty might be a good time? Sure, but is the drive gonna be worth it, when Blue is so close? We get that you are thrilled with your Epic Pass, and will ski no where else that you would have to pay for a pass.2 points
2 points
All have their own strengths and weaknesses. I think you would enjoy Perder because of the vibe there and the terrain is great. All good options, though.2 points
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2 points
Thanks for all the great advice, everyone. I’ll write a report wherever I end up. Still voting for Powder.1 point
Wow and I thought you were the nutty one in the relationship. I bet she wasn’t even featured in any of your Xmas songs.1 point
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You can't go wrong with any of those. I'm partial to the bird. Literally has everything one could want.1 point
1 point
By bringing their own lunch, they'll offset the cost. Hopefully they'll have some crackers they can share too!1 point
Try to get to Powder than. Not that any others would be so similar, but Powder is just a different experience. This way you wont have to deal with the Canyon Rd, that just seems to be turning into a shit show lately.1 point
I’m going there for my birthday. If you want to come have your mom back you a lunch.1 point
Just left. ROTD was either Main Street or Paradise. Fast snow made for some great turns. The top of NMDW is a pebble field. They need to blow there badly.1 point
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We have 2 days at Canyons/ Park City, 2 days at Deer Valley, 1 day at Sundance. I could have passed on Deer Valley, but I didn’t pick the resorts. Sundance sounds interesting.1 point
1 point
Really fun night.@AtomicSkier, Dude, Matt Edge and a few others were in the house. Conditions were good overall. NMDW was the run of the night. Mainstreet was also good. Razors and challenge were decent with some bumpy, sugary sections and some slick hardpack. One of those life is good night sessions for sure. Hopefully the rain holds off on Saturday.1 point
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Or you can go for a run with @AtomicSkierand I and grab pizza and beer.1 point
Sunday for me. Can maybe even do a double session if it’s nice since my day is wide open for a change.1 point
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North Conway is pretty mellow; I think there's a brewery there for aprés entertainment and food. Where are you flying out of that you're finding $100 flights to manchester though? Even after paying for a rental car, I don't think driving myself, if I were to go solo, would really be all too much cheaper after accounting for gas, tolls, wear on your car, etc. Also, I applaud you for trying to tackle your fears on your own terms. While flying to new england is certainly not my preferred method of traveling there, if it works to get you over your fear, then it's worth it for you to get yourself off the east coast in the future and enjoy some better skiing.1 point
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