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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/20 in all areas

  1. Conditions are like frosted flakes today.... They're grrrrrrrreat! Spring like but not too mashed potatoey. Awesome weather. Feelin' it today.
    5 points
  2. TAlk to Ms Mute instead of posting to us assholes during dinner [emoji38].
    5 points
  3. Arrived at 4:45 and it was 44° at the top. Surprisingly not as busy in the top lodge as I thought it would be. Was expecting some ski clubs but they must all be at the Valley Lodge. Skiing with Mrs. Mute so it was down Burma first and then lapping lazy and Paradise. Snow is sugar but minimal push piles. Temperatures mild and crowds light. Good times. Grabbing a bite at Slope Side and then heading back out. Already pulled my pass out so I don’t forget that 10% discount.
    4 points
  4. Day 6 First civilian chair at snowdon. Pure carpet. Best groomer conditions of the trip. Traversed out to bear and back. Just knocked it off and heading home now. k’s ops folks are amazing. Snows coming because I’m leaving of course. Will be grate shape for MLK weekend
    4 points
  5. I will say it will be a bigger shit show on Sunday if it snows even a little in Philly. Those that wont drive up saturday in the snow, will surely be there Sunday for all the fresh pow.
    3 points
  6. I’ll be up tomorrow morning too. Ryan should be there.
    2 points
  7. Nice I might head up tomorrow morning.
    2 points
  8. Saturday depending on weather Also heading up with the Mrs. tonight and I’ll be there tomorrow morning if anyone is around
    2 points
  9. now that im old and over the hill, crowds at the mountain make me angrier than they used to. i think its cause the past 2 thursday mornings have left me disappointed with so many people there. but as you said, blue needs all the money they can get so ill just suck it up
    2 points
  10. They also left Razor's open when it was the mogul run from planet Hoth. Having done both, I don't know which version I hated more!?!?
    2 points
  11. And all of that stinks in my opinion.
    2 points
  12. Ouch. Come on Vail...time to pony up.
    2 points
  13. This is the big question. I have no plans on Sat that cant be rearranged to make for the best skiing. Maybe a morning session, refreshments, ski, lunch, ski, refreshments, who knows really at this point. Maybe make a trip to home depot and bed bath beyond.....not sure if we would have time. This is where NMSKI's camper thing would come in handy, albeit end up smelling like farts in the end. I'm not sold on any forecast at this point, and based on prior "winter" events this season, the best forecast will be the one made Saturday morning.
    1 point
  14. Agree. As much as we might complain about some things at Blue, it could go totally the other direction. Blue is fucked up, but its our kind of fucked up. They can actually function without that lift. Not super convenient, but Vail isnt in the convenience business. This is probably accurate, that is their business model. Its also pretty apparent at this time, putting money into those resorts isnt a priority. I have been saying this since the get go. The quad at JF, and the fact that BB is just a little over half open, proves this. JFBB has been Vailed. I can guarantee that my somewhat unconventional mechanic skills could fix their "banana in the tail pipe" (algea clogging snow guns) Honestly, anyone with half a brain should be able to figure out a solution there. i dont think this issue is bothering Vail too much. True. And i think its odd that even patrol i guess considers this the "new normal.:" But, lets not forget, these are the guys that opened Razors when it was a complete sheet of ice. You would think at some point, some employee of decent stature would step up and say, "you know, our grooming kind of sucks at times." What will be really interesting, is what happens to the other 3 PA Vail resorts. I wonder if pass sales from those areas would drop so low they would consider them a loss. It seems like those people down there hate the idea of traveling to other mountains, and if conditions at those places really go downhill, will people just give up? I would imagine those places are really not seeing any love from Vail at all. They have been Vailed.
    1 point
  15. Blue's groomer crew doesn't give a shit about snow quality, which is pretty obvious when you leave snow boulders down the middle of the trails.
    1 point
  16. I have to agree with Ski2Live and I think there’s still a popcorn machine in the E2000 discotek..free popcorn for epic pass holders
    1 point
  17. Oh I didn’t know Floyd’s was open..grate stuff!!!
    1 point
  18. I don't really see a need for larger crowds. Even if it doesnt make money, Vail would keep Frost running as a way to get more PA skiers buying Epic passes. That is its real point now. And BB is there to get PA Park lovers to buy Epic passes.
    1 point
  19. I think teaching the groomer crew how to groom snow would do it. Although, it’s probably they just don’t spend enough time grooming the larger mountain.
    1 point
  20. It was open for a couple of weeks in December, before the east mountain lift and river shot was open.
    1 point
  21. Long Haul is always ready to go, they just don't run it unless its a weekend or a high volume day.
    1 point
  22. Blue needs to figure out a way to get JF/BB peeps to see the light you know like a blue light special..10% off everything, buddy pass, free tubing...unlimited high fives.
    1 point
  23. Day 5: 9 o’clock start. No visibility. K did a great job recovering. Conditions were hard pack to soft on trails where snowmaking happened yesterday. No bumps or trees though. Mountain ambassador said K went from 130+ trails to ~75 from this last thaw/rain. Ouch! Bear mountain skied best but notable call outs were East falls and mouse trap.was a fun day but beginning to feel like Charlie Brown sitting out in the pumpkin patch waiting for the great pumpkin to return. Come on winter! Snowdon 6 opening bell. It’s there somewhere... Winter(ish) returns This would pair so well with my crocs:
    1 point
  24. We all had a fun weekend of spring skiing and Blue is still open with the majority of their terrain open and there’s cold air in the forecast and we’ve already had two months of ski season. I’m not about to be a sour puss over normal PA weather..it is what it is.
    1 point
  25. Day 3 Late start but arrived at Pico 10:30 ish. Was not planning on skiing but sun came out. Never been but this place has potential. Reminds me of a smaller smuggs. Only lower mountain open as upper lift was not spinning. Winds still blowing but calling bs on wind hold. Upper trails had enough coverage to connect the dots. Sun soon disappeared then the rains came. Then the snow came. Then the sleet came. It even started doing something that looked like baby squids. This state got some weird weather... snow was mixed. Frozen moon craters on some trails to fluffier surface with occasional frozen rivers that you traversed at speed. Blue skies by 3. Skied until 3:30 and called it a day. Would recommend going back when more terrain is open.
    1 point
  26. All depends on temps. Trending to be more of an ice event but anything could happen.
    0 points
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