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Nice pics! Sitting in Chicago waiting for my connection at the moment. It was an awesome couple days with a great crew. I went over to the 49er for some free breakfast this morning and then walked around town until I headed to the airport. I hope you boys get some more freshies before you leave!8 points
Some interesting weather today. It was 32F and sunny on the way to the mountain. Top of Sublette was 40mph wind and probably 10F with 0 visibility. By mid-morning, everything was in complete sun and it was heating up. Spring skiing for sure. It actually made the lower faces quit nice at the expense of it getting ruined for tomorrow. We skied a couple of *beautiful* groomers today, including the completely sunny carpet that was Amphitheater first run. That is my favorite groomer anywhere, and it fucking delivered today. We also had some awesome soft turns in Washackie and on some of the lower shots between Caspar and Teton. @NMSKI also skied Buffalo Bowl which was pretty playful soft spring like snow with minimal mank at the bottom. We even visited Stokeville today.8 points
7 points
February 1, 2020 Day 4 of 7. Hey All, I’m back from another fun day at Jackson hole. I was a bit hungover this morning from last nights drinking but the warm weather, sunshine and first gondola made everything alright. In the house were Atomic Jeff, NMSki, JFDan, Bethlehem Bruce and I’m sure a few Hannah’s, Kales, Cody’s and Kais. First run on amphitheater was a dream..best cord ever..Grand was also very good and we took a few pictures. Did a run on Rendevous trail which we usually don’t do..was nice fast cord but the top of sublette was extremely windy and whiteout conditions and closed down later in the day. We went back to Thunder for a few laps on amphitheater then down to the base via Sundance. After five different snow conditions on the way down. Then teewinot to apres vous we skied two fast top to bottom laps off apres vous..top was nice and smooth middle a little more skies off. Then skied over to Casper lift up Casper I got some leftover fresh cord in campground stash park than skeet skirted a few trails over and then down to Teton lift. At the top of teton I split up from the boys..doodled around a little had a safety break on side of trail and then hungout in the deck of the general store then when the boys arrived we had a nice lunch at the Alpenhof. No pow today but pretty solid snow. Now it’s super warm and everything including myself is getting baked. The new snow can’t come fast enough. JADIP6 points
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I could use a change of scenery so think I'll hit up Camelback tonight. They opened Cliffhanger so it should be pretty rad. Maybe I'll even high five a cartoon camel again.4 points
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Skiing above the clouds this morning. Conditions were fantastic early on and stayed pretty good up until 10. Challenge first run was the best Challenge run by far for me all season. Lazy was roller city. NMDW and Razors were closed for skier cross and racing. Sidewinder was good. Main was ok. Overall a really fun morning. In the house were[mention=2392]Johnny[/mention] Law[mention=511]toast21602[/mention][mention=13117]Benm[/mention][mention=13012]enjoralas[/mention][mention=3245]tarponhead[/mention] and lots of others...(sorry if I missed someone). Fun day. Edit...the sixer was running but at half speed.3 points
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March is the big dog, January/February in pa is normally pretty bullshit but March is our month3 points
At Camelback. It's so sick. So far did Nile Mile, Pocono Raceway, and some trail that used to be the park. The snow is the slushy crap I don't care for mixed with icy spots but making the best of it. Gapers and Jerries everywhere, especially annoying when they blast their Gaper Club music on the lift right in my ear. @GrilledSteezeSandwich enjoy the Perder while you can get it, I cant wait to ski some real snow in 3 weeks.2 points
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I think I’m burping in this picture! Had lots of fun today. They all can’t be massive pow days but still managed to let out some involuntary hoots and hollers and found some legit nice snow. Hoops gap was ROTD I think, but Alta 2 gave me the adrenaline rush I’m looking for too. Solid day 1 in the books for me. Looking forward to a couple more good ones!2 points
1/30/20 Time to say goodbye to Loon/Lincoln. Was a fun little mountain for a couple of days of skiing. Decided to try out local eatery for breakfast, Flapjack’s pancake house. Cool place that has a model railroad running throughout up near the ceiling with some interesting menu selections. I opted for The Hooverville which was egg, sausage and cheese in a stack of pancakes. Delicious! Packed the car and departed for Portsmouth because the wife wanted to go there. Arrived at the “hotel”, The Ale House Inn. It’s a converted warehouse that was used by the Portsmouth brewing company back in the day and is now the inn and apartments. After getting settled in, it was time to go off on the Portsmouth brewery tour! First stop we found was Earth Eagle Brewings. A cool brewpub with a New Orleans feel with skulls and Absinthe fountain. Had a couple of good IPAs and hatched a plan for the rest of the evening. The wife’s phone battery was getting low, so we headed back to the car to pick up a battery and ran into the presidentIal candidate Tulsi Gabbard’s supporter. We thought he was just gonna hand us a pamphlet, but instead told us she was gonna be at the Gas Light Pub that night for a town hall meeting. Well, the plans just changed! Headed to the Portsmouth Brewing Co to sample a couple of their beers and then headed to The Franklin Oyster House for happy hour. We slurped down a dozen raw oysters and a couple of beers, both of which were delicious. Hard to beat $1.25 oysters. From there we made our way to the Gas Light Pub for beers and a pizza before the town hall and then made our way up to the top bar. Shortly thereafter, Tulsi entered the room and greeted everyone with an Aloha, but me already a bit lit yelled back, A-Lo-Ha, in true Hawaiian fashion. She got a kick outta that, called me out and thanked me. After her speech, they had a very short Q/A (I had a question I wanted to ask, but time ran out), followed by a meet & pic. That would be my chance! The other day she was snowboarding at Cranmore, so I would use that. We got in line and up came my chance. I shook her hand and told her that I was the greatest skier on the mountain and asked her if she would consider switching to skiing. She replied that she “was willing to try anything once!” After pics we were leaving the bar and then I got stopped by some reporter who said “she liked my energy and would I mind being interviewed”. Visions of @GrilledSteezeSandwich ran through my mind. Needless to say it was an alcohol-fueled energy. I doubt they used any of my answers! I didn’t know what to expect out of Portsmouth, but now I’m glad the wife wanted to go there. It’s a neat little mini-Boston that’s got a lot of history, breweries, pubs, shops. I’d definitely go back for a longer stay. Flapjack’s The Hooterville Finally got to see the peak of Mt.Washington Ale House Inn Just for @GrilledSteezeSandwich Oyster bar Downtown Portsmouth Gas Light Pub Yours truly (God I’m old) with Tulsi Gabbard2 points
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1/31/20 Day 3 of 7. Hey All, I’m back from another fun day skiing at Jackson hole. We made it first in line around 815am and I shot the shit with Django from the Teton gravity forums and another TGR member who’s an Alpental local. Temperatures were in the teens under overcast sky’s. Skied amphitheater flat light not terrible not that good either. Then grand to sublette followed by bivouac woods. Atomic Jeff and NMSki did Alta 2 while me mute and JFDan did the Bivoac trail which was chalky as fuck. Then went into the cirque couldn’t see much...chopped chowder mostly some groomer over to Casper lift up Casper and did Moran woods ok snow it’s just yesterday and Wednesday was like fucking a super model and today still like a 6 or Scranton 8. The Wahsakie glades had the best snow NMSki went after it with that Kung Foo grip. My feet were givng me issues issues so I split up from the group and doodled around on apres vous took a safety break then skied to the base had a sugarfree redbull and ham and cheese croissant. Mute and Ryan joined me shortly thereafter and had coffee and the others did a few more runs then we had a late lunch at the mangy moose. Only 4 pitchers consumed and also a Long Island tea by me currently rocking out to Ski2Live Xmas song I just sent the video to my friend and her response was the fuckkk dick pierce is the goob we rode the lift with yesterday. Jerry.2 points
Another beautiful day on tap in Jackson Hole. Sleeper pow day on tap...5" overnight and 2-3" between 6am and the 9am opening. Me, @mute1080, and @GrilledSteezeSandwich were first in line for the gondola. It was snowing pretty hard for the on time opening. Quick rip down to Thunder through 5" on top of groomed was a great way to start. After skiing untracked down to Sublette, we skied a wind buffed Ten Sleep bowl. The boys skied Cirque, and I hiked the headwall again. There were very few tracks up on the Headwall, maybe only even patrol in front of me. It was a relatively easy hike given the cooler temperatures and the new snow except for post holing the first 50ft and the last 50 ft. Mute getting some pow Mute getting some pow under the expert chutes Turned out to be a beautiful day....that's me in the distance. Here's GSS skiing the Cirque And here is me later in the day skiing some playful terrain in Moran.2 points
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My guess is there is a transfer case of some sort to run two different speeds. One for when it detaches in the houses and one when it's doing the main haul. When we rode it today and before I don't hear and feel it detach. I believe it's running at the house speed all the time becuase there is something wrong with the transfer case. Those arent the kinda parts just sitting around, never mind that its old or that it was an early gen six pack or that the company that made it is now megred out of existence. I give blue flack about lots of stuff but this time I really think there isnt much they can do. The rep was out, I have no doubts they are trying to get whatever part they need asap but its almost certainly not state side and may even have to be specially made. Last year a big time hill out west, I can't remember specifically but I'm sure Google can had a chair out all season. Camelback ty and all would be in the exact same situation, so would lots of super legit businesses. Those big ass transformers that step power down from powerplants are like on a 5 year wait from Siemens. The little half moon pieces on pivot bindings for awhile you could only get them from calling Rossi in Ogden. I wish the sixer was running full speed too but at a certain point all we can do is be patient.1 point
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Nothing fancy.. Miller Light works... and water. If anyone is interested, we could sleep 4 at TLCITW on Thursday night. It would have to be two to a bed though.1 point
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Pretty pathetic that a ski slope can’t get their primary people mover running properly. Is a 6-pack really rocket science? Hell, SpaceX can launch and land a booster rocket on a barge in the middle of the Atlantic all on its own, multiple times and Blue can’t get a stupid mechanical chairlift running properly for what 3 weeks now???1 point
The fog was thick in buck's county this morning. Had some fog related accidents in the area. Decided not to risk it.1 point
Gotta make sure I have enough Ribs.... Looks like 7 so far if Dad comes again. I'd like to see Phillycore too.. Maybe he can stay out of the trees this year.1 point
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Double to Widowmaker-Chute-Main was great, may have decayed since I went in. I went over there after the line went past the readers on the quad. Racing has summit school hill closed too, for the special olympics. Looks like Nightmare is locked down hard to keep the boardercross restricted - I wonder when that’ll get open. Late Sunday? Monday?1 point
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I got a chance to ask Someone who Knows and they said skiers left bumps is because of prevailing winds and snowmaking - more often they can dust over bumps on skiers let without needing a full rebuild - take that with a grain of road salt.1 point
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This is funny, since Blue is sort of good at doing nothing. Its been said before, let chute bump up. Its a nothing trail, and without having to groom that they could focus more time on getting everything else better.1 point
At least they are trying. I hope they improve too, but there isn't much that we can do.1 point
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Had a long tour planned at a new to us location of about 7 miles RT. The wind and the cold just totally beat us down and we only ended up doing 3. Oh and we need some snow out here bad!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
January 30th, 2020 Day 2 of 7. Hey All, I’m back from another fun day at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. I woke up around 5am and looked at webcams and noticed 2-3” of snow on the railings at the base in the village. The report at 6am said 5” new and it was still snowing. After breakfast from Pearl street bagel we left for the mountain at 720am and way less people than yesterday. In line right around 8am first in line for Gondola. Fun people to talk to in line including a Canadian couple and a surfer dude who lives in a van. I think we ended up with second civiilan gondola because we didn’t hustle around the bullwheel. First amphitheater to thunder was a floating dream of sweetness. Grand was better untracked and the cirque was even better. The deepest pow 💥 was probably below the expert Chutes which we skied three times. While it wasn’t quite as deep as yesterday it was a similar medium density perder and with less people untracked last longer. Four thunder laps had my legs cooked from the choppity chop going back to the lift went over to Casper and Moran was sort of Anticlimatic as it was the first time in two days I could feel stuff under the perd..maybe if I was just a little lighter on my skis. No groomer tracks the first two ski days except for the wind blown area leading to ten sleep bowl..also a 5 foot deep drift that ate one of Mutes skis. I quit a little earlier than the boys and posted up on the deck of the general store removed my sweaty helmet and had an Arnold Palmer..then lunch at the alpenhof. Now back in town ready to relax a little before beer thirty.1 point
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