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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/20 in all areas
5 points
I for one am so tired of hearing people say they should get money back on their Ikon/Epic/season pass. This is how small peoples minds are sometimes. The only compensation i can see is if someone bought one that hadnt been used at all yet, but i would bet thats a super small percentage of passholders. I saw someone complaining about their ski trip that was cancelled, and they got everything back but $200. If that $200 is really going to change that persons world, then they need to quit skiing.5 points
QFT! Being up at Blue closing day, sunshine, friends, fun, all helps one escape all the crap going on in the world.5 points
Last day of lift served today. Got laid off yesterday. Timing is everything. Got 3-4" overnight, 3rd chair up. Practically untracked for 5- runs. Skin up the hill tomorrow. Happy St. Pat's day all!!!!4 points
Once I feel well enough to ski again I promise to do my part to bring some backcountry stoke here with pictures.4 points
4 points
It has been in the states for almost 2 months. Regardless, I don't think your trip will be happening, unfortunately. Just be safe. We need more music videos in the future.4 points
3 points
You know you can buy Depends so you don't do that. I'm pretty sure they have them in extra large. That is if they weren't all sold with the toilet paper.3 points
I've never shit in my boots, but if I did, I'd at least clean it out before putting my feet back in them3 points
DCNR updated their website...and appear to have "reopened" the closed parks. All facilities are closed (rest rooms, etc) but trails, parking, roads, etc are open. https://www.dcnr.pa.gov/Pages/AlertDetails.aspx3 points
I had a nice day. Snow was firm early on, but didn’t get too soft until around 2 pm. Skied from 930-415. We tailgated, no where near what folks do at Blue. I really needed a last day since I worked last 3 days Blue was open. Camelback announced about 15 minutes before closing today they would not be open tomorrow. LOTS of kids there today, the park was a shit show3 points
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2 points
Do you just talk to talk or are you really bad at looking into things on your own? https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/world/corona-simulator/?fbclid=IwAR0CDmrKdda3ayNl8UGz_JU4JAMZCuatfqX7JCYqicVwLOZVhwOdp6e2EBQ2 points
And this is just day 2 of the off season. I'm legitimately scared for what will happen in July and August......2 points
Excellent...a Ski2Live vs GSS rap battle. Only in my dreams could I forsee such an amazing event...until now.2 points
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2 points
I wash my penis after I pee, because it was clean before my dirty hands touched it. It had been safe and sound covered by clean underwear until pulling it out with possibly filthy hands that have been touching rails, handling money, etc.2 points
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2 points
This was a “pleasure” visit and had nothing to do with getting anything from the office or anything to do with work that’s why most of the people had a problem with it. Said person was already working from home and came in because they “got bored”. Chances are I’m getting one as I make less than $65k a year, but as nice as that would be, I don’t need it because I can work from home and I’m still getting 100% of my income so it’s life as usual. I would rather see it go to my single father neighbor who’s a chef (and now out of work) and has a 1 year old and likely has bills to pay and is relying on an unemployment check every week.1 point
I hope you’re being sarcastic. Your kids are old enough to be home alone anyway. You don’t know any babysitters.1 point
I'm sure it's extremely oversimplified, but extremely illustrative. Thanks for the Link!1 point
Because during these two weeks if less people interact with one and other and spend time in crowded setting they’ll be less likely to spread the virus more. Yes in two weeks and six weeks people will continue to be infected but the goal is to spread out the rate of infection so that hospitals do not become filled beyond capacity. If 250,000 people are infected in the next two weeks it’s wag worst than 250,000 people being infected in the next two months.1 point
Perhaps a quick order of ammo is in the cards with wild numbers like that.....1 point
Don’t get any ideas if I was gay id probably go for Shadows aka long dong silver wahahahah1 point
1 point
You mean tree fiddy yeah would be super sick Larry Bird tweet tweet.1 point
1 point
@GrilledSteezeSandwich That was incredible! You and Ski2Live should live stream a rap battle and charge for it. I would pay three fitty. It would be sick!!!1 point
1 point
That was terrible. Almost as bad as my blue mountain rap set to Snoop doggs Gin and Juice. With so much drama at Blue mountain ski it’s kind of hard being that homey GrilledSteeze but some how some way I keep skiing those funky runs like every freaking day may I kick a little snow for the liftees 38 degrees and I tell Darla please crank up the six gotta get my ski fix..cause it’s 8 in the morning and the gates still closed... rolling down the slopes on glenns Kendos sucking on PSUs snuss laid back it’s always sunny when you rolling with Mrs snowbunski.. Later on that day my homey SaltyA came through with a bag of frito lays RTMs done sprayed a wake that will get you half baked like you were watching Josh and Drake...so gonna take another run have some fun and watch JLaw tail gun1 point
1 point
Way to get after it and props to camelback for staying open longer than most ski areas in the country.1 point
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1 point
Yes, it was a beautiful day. I’m a big believer in how being outside makes you feel great, and is a huge stress reducer. During these times, people need that.1 point
Jesus Christ guys, the seasons been over for 1 day and we’re already off the rails.1 point
State parks appear to be closed in the locked down counties, but I read that state parks otherwise won't close? Remains to be seen. I ran in a state park today...only saw a couple of people. Beautiful day out.1 point
While I agree with quarantining and the serious health implications, I truly believe the loss of life from the economic crisis will be higher than the loss of life from the virus itself.1 point
Healthcare change at least. We had elementary school kids get slaughtered and that didnt change gun laws lol.1 point
I lied earlier. It was 17 days ago he called it a hoax made up by democrats, not two weeks. Sorry.1 point
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1 point
Went to Buttermilk days 2 and 3. We were told about the sugar bowls out the boundary gate. We went back there day 3. Guy at info desk told us we could ski down the bowl but then had to skin back up and traverse out way we came. We went in about 1.5 miles in but with all our stops to take pictures we were running short on time and turned around before we made the bowl. Ran into some people who said you can totally walk out from bottom and it’s a 5 min walk to the lift. D’oh! I would definitely go back there, they have such an amazing uphill policy. And also to check out the other Aspen mountains. Thinking about the $150 add on the ikon base to have that option next season. Some yurt shots The yurt was awesome and it was actually really nice to unplug for a few days. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk1 point
Childcare is a rough situation right now. I brought my kids into my office and made them sit on beanbag chairs in the corner for like 6 hours. They were only allowed to leave my office to use the bathroom. They actually didn’t mind and were pretty good but if this thing goes 4 weeks like is rumored I’m going to put a fucking bullet in my head having to deal with stress at work and managing kids.0 points
0 points
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