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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/20 in all areas
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I was gonna crush them up and snort them in hopes of giving my immune system a shock.4 points
You’re the kind of guy who complains that the water at a restaurant isn’t wet enough4 points
3 points
I hate that "locals vs. outsiders" mentality; I mean the state's biggest economic sector is tourism after all. There are tons of people here in my town waiting this thing out in their vacation homes; I don't blame them and haven't heard much of any local griping about it either. They're ordering take-out from local restaurants and supporting our general store. I think it's just that whether you're local or a visitor, try to make good decisions and don't unnecessarily create a burden on the system right now.3 points
While that might be a nice attempt to acclimate to the #ZincieLife, it seems as though it takes years of inhaling toxic zinc dust to boost your immunity to COVID-193 points
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Same here. Better cautious now than being screwed later. Other than food/beer the only thing I bought was a rack for my bike so I can ride to places to get food/beer instead of drive now that I have more time and it is lighter later.3 points
I know this is 10+ days late... but did anyone else notice that “cancelled” was spelled wrong like 3x? 😂3 points
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I spent a few bucks here and there, but just am trying not to spend on anything other than groceries, utilities, transportation and mortgage. Its my wife's birthday, so spent a few bucks on some gifts as well.2 points
Like No Heat November, I wonder if I can do a No Unnecessary Spending April??2 points
i just splurged a bit and bought you these to go with it. i think they will pick up on the colors of your new basket. Shipping might be a little slow though.2 points
2 points
Holy fuck. We tease the people in Palmerton about being riddled with zinc, but it appears as though it works for them.2 points
i hope you got the one you were looking at the other night. i really thought it would class up your bike. Not that my living expenses are really high, but this time of year is when all my insurance is due, and a tax bill for upstate. Other than food and a little beer, its little odds and ends for the cars, (mostly to keep myself occupied) and stuff for cleaning around the outside of the house. Laundry soap isnt cutting the mustard anymore. i would imagine a lot of people didnt re-up with Blue, so i wouldnt be surprised by just a small increase, or non for a while. At this point, its pretty low on my priority list.2 points
I re-upped Blue only because I weaseled in on the $399 deal and couldn't pass that up. It was also just prior to all the coronacrap hitting the fan. We too are on a big purchase spending freeze because ya just don't know.2 points
I had just bought my blue pass and new glove liners right before all this shit hit the fan. Still getting paid as normal for now, but the family is on the poverty budget plan for the foreseeable future just in case one of us loses our job or can't work. With all the free time on weekends since we've been isolating, I've actually fixed stuff and done jobs around the house that I might have paid someone to do otherwise.2 points
Sorry to hear Doug. Wishing everyone a speedy recovery. Lock us down at this point. That's where I'm at. People clearly aren't paying attention.2 points
2 points
Winter wonderland up here, but it's falling on bare ground. Resort trails still have snow, but obviously it's not being groomed so it can be pretty bulletproof depending on the weather. There's been a push to discourage people from skiing at closed resorts or in the backcountry, the logic being that if you hurt yourself you'll be a drain on medical resources and cause more exposure. Our hospitals and grocery stores are small and wiped out and even Dartmouth-Hitchcock is asking people to sew masks for them because they have no protective supplies. There is definitely a strong current of hostility toward people coming up from out of state to play outside up here. I don't have a dog in that fight, but just be aware that people may not be happy to see you driving around Vermont with Jersey plates and skis in the car these days.2 points
Everything is beautiful about this sign. Cardboard, clumsy letters, arrogant wording and a one-for-all signature. If it's not just for trolling on FB, the person who wrote it is pitiful.1 point
1 point
Extended to April 30. I’ll renew mine sometime before then. Actually making MORE money right now, getting 25% appreciation pay bump at work. Some might call it hazard pay.1 point
Blue extended season pass early bird deadline to April 30th. Sweet one less thing to do this week.1 point
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A lot of the locals see tourists as rich people who live a life of leisure. I went to the university of Vermont and the locals there are the same way towards college students. Very bad town gown relationships. Jackson hole locals hate on tourists right in front of them. Anybody that has money is called a wallet yet most of the JH locals have money...their early bird season pass is like $1650. When I lived in Montana my one roommate was like these damn Californians moving here and changing our politics...they hate California in Montucky...but were happy as fuck when they got a Target and a TGI Friday’s 10 years after the rest of the country.1 point
1 point
Only and probably closest skiing available for the remainder of the 19/20 season is at Olympus Mons on Mars. If you reach out to Elon Musk he may have a ride for you.1 point
You should meet the PASRs next season in Jackson hole. You’ll have a blast!!!!1 point
Haha no planning lol but doing at least three ski trips next winter and probably buy a couple PASRs season passes as well with all the extra money I have from limited spending and future big $$$$$ coming in. Maybe I’ll have an essay contest and whoever writes the best essay I’ll buy a blue season pass. YOLO..and JOPO..1 point
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I'll do my patriotic duty to reinstate thread integrity. @GrilledSteezeSandwich How's your Colorado ski trip planning going? If you don't go we should take the bus to Chinatown.1 point
Yeah, I've been friends with Andrew since I was like 5...If anyone is gonna buy his ski poles, he may hook you up with a discount if you tell him you hang out with me at Blue.1 point
Cancelled my trip. Evergreen Hotel in Vail gave a credit I have 2 years to use (after I complained about 1 year credit - wanting cash back). Jet Blue gave a credit I have 1 year to use. Frontier I believe will refund my miles in full. I am worried about buying Epic Pass as I am concerned what happens if they can't re-open next season. Figure long run this should at least be good for tombstone biz1 point
Yeah, I'm home for now, but I may have to go in later in the week and one day next week. The person who had it was on a different floor, but they still use the same front door as everyone else. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if other coworkers had it though. When I was at work the past few weeks, I avoided using the coffee maker, fridge, etc. and just stayed at my desk except for going out for a walk a few times a day (and also use the potty )1 point
I figured it would also help to relieve the number of people at the grocery stores and leave produce for people that need it...(if things go on that long).....Just signed up for grocery delivery service....1 point
Everyone needs to Google Dick Pound, include IOC if youre not feeling risky.1 point
First day of solo quarantine mtb is kinda like the the first day of ski season, except without the snow, friends and beer... not quite the parking lot but the patio is gettin shmokin’! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
The big kitties seem to be out and about town today. Not my photo but taken about 1.5 miles away from my house in a residential neighborhood. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk1 point
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