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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/20 in all areas

  1. No hoagies at wawa? This is exactly when Philly begins to descend into chaos. P.S. I fully expect a post Corona parade in Philly complete with mummers, 24 hours of debauchery and Gritty temporarily taking over William Penn's place on the top of City Hall.
    6 points
  2. One funny thing about this is seeing landlords struggle to pay mortgages when tenants are banding together and refusing to pay rent. They should use the riches they have saved up from refusing to return security deposits. Good to see the shoe on the other foot for once. “Haters like you owe us for all the years that you hoe’d us.” -Jay z
    4 points
  3. Whats your platform of choice? Grinder, JDate, Purrrsonals, Glutenfreesingles?
    3 points
  4. if you can smell it, you are apparently good!
    3 points
  5. If his game with the ladies can improve as much as his skiing he’ll be having success with the ladies in no time!
    3 points
  6. What was that? Bathing with a hairdryer will keep away the corona? i heard if you eat garlic cloves and wash it down with fish tank bleach water, that works too.
    2 points
  7. Fuck no its not true. God damnit people need to stop sharing that bullshit. Our county is so fucked if they believe that gargling water is going to eliminate a fucking virus. Fuck.
    2 points
  8. You need to get out of Hazleton if you want to improve your chances of finding a girl with an education, teeth, isn't in section 8 housing, and isn't already a Baby Mama with a nowhere to found Baby Daddy.
    2 points
  9. I'm feeling overly farty this morning. Must have been the Hawaiian pizza we made last night. Luckily I can still smell or maybe not.
    2 points
  10. I’ve had that busta rhymes song Wuhan Wuhan I’ve got you all in check stuck in my Herman for bout a month..except for when somebody mentions Colorado or hunter mountain than its fa la la la la and wondering if I still have some of @Benm cream pies in my car.. Lyfe just isn’t as grate without a weekend roll call thread..oh it’s the weekend hooray just gotta figure out which WaWa won’t infect me WAWA on Root 100 what about Root??
    2 points
  11. I had to wash my hands after reading that
    2 points
  12. I can't wait until 2022...tell us now!
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. Asking me or Atomic for pointers is like asking Stevie Wonder for a haircut lol
    2 points
  15. It was something along the lines of “the virus can’t survive above 135 degrees, so turn your hairdryer on and point it towards your face and take deeps breathes of hot air” i like your version better though.
    1 point
  16. I'd be ok if I don't have to cut my grass for another month. I did trim some of the trees yesterday and today
    1 point
  17. The grass cutting season began today.
    1 point
  18. I think the club itself is still active, but I don't know if they operate the lift anymore. I should try getting in touch with them. Might be a cool place to visit one of these winters if they are ever open.
    1 point
  19. Thats it. I grew up in that area and I can’t recall ever seeing anyone on it. We got measurable snow in Philly maybe once or twice a year. The lifts were still there. Apparently still going as of a few years ago. https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/local/skiing-the-slopes-in-conshohocken/74155/
    1 point
  20. They’re right up there with the people that believed the hairdryer thing
    1 point
  21. He doesn't need a skier. He just needs to meet someone who lets him ski.
    1 point
  22. Yup I watched this a week or two ago..
    1 point
  23. Farmersonly.com (what happened to these commercials)
    1 point
  24. I keep thinking of Wu-Tang clan...Wuhan clan ain't nuthin to fuck with
    1 point
  25. Although my grandmother used to tell me as it pertained to farts: "A skunk never smells his own odor".
    1 point
  26. and whoever denied it, supplied it.
    1 point
  27. Always remember: whoever smelt it dealt it.
    1 point
  28. DUDE i'm glad I'm not the only one! All I can think of is that song when I hear Wuhan!
    1 point
  29. The prime minister of Great Britain who looks like a younger Trump with a side of bangers and mash has Corona..
    1 point
  30. That’s when he skied on the Elans which while a radical front side carver are still Jerry skis unless you need something under 170 for ballet..hands forward ass up that’s the way we like to tuck...
    1 point
  31. 2 happy birthdays I need a new song
    1 point
  32. We had like the into to sex ed in 5th grade where they separated the boys and the girls and talked about the birds and the bees. All good I got my hands on my moms women our bodies ourselves book which was a little to much hippie hairy bush..but still rad.
    1 point
  33. I'm concerned about what this will do to Doug and Salty's relationship. Are they okay splitting up so Salty can get a lady friend?
    1 point
  34. When I was 19 my second year of college I read an article on the interwebs about how to seduce women..when I take a lady mini golfing and they ask me what color ball I want I always say Blue...if she laughs might get a second date before the text that she’s not over her ex lol...always worth it even a blinde squirrel gets an occasional nut or a nympho...definitely some man eaters out there..no lie they will chew you up and spit you out... pornhub premium is free lower the curve stay at home.
    1 point
  35. We need to start him off slowly. Don’t want him to get that level of attention from the ladies just yet.
    1 point
  36. Can you send him a bottle of the pheromones you seem to rock?
    1 point
  37. Hey man I’m the LAST one to comment on that [emoji13] But seriously, salty needs to get some. Maybe we can post his ski pic on a dating site
    1 point
  38. My class was taught sex ed by a priest in 6th grade. Talk about the blind leading the blind!
    1 point
  39. what does having hair have to do with it?!?!
    1 point
  40. Why would a girlfriend never happen? Come on man get your game up! You young, not fat, got hair and somewhat edumacated. Maybe GSS or Atomic can give you pointers. Be like a whole pandemic shutdown project for you. Good luck
    1 point
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