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Hospitals in this country are run like businesses and the bottom line is monitored to the tee by bean counters. Unfortunately they're not going to put a ton of money into supplies that sit idly by in storage in the hopes that a pandemic occurs, which is obviously what's happening now. People don't plan to fail, they fail to plan. If they (hospitals and regular people) would have had a pandemic plan, you wouldn't have seen the mad rush to buy every roll of TP in existence and every N95 mask. The onus of all this is a failure to plan for such a situation from Trump on down to each and every single person (barring the few actual preparers out there in the world). Hell, people can't stay away from one another for a couple of weeks and can't even stop going out skiing as we've seen, which puts themselves and others in danger, regardless of how innocent they seem to think doing so is. You can hit a tree or a rock or even get into an accident driving to wherever and now you bring others into the picture. Regardless of who's in office, they'd be saying the same thing "Stay at home" and people wouldn't listen, it's 'Murica after all and we do what we want, when we want, however we want. Short of turning the place into a military police state like they did in China, where they're throwing people in confinement for not conforming, cases are just going to keep multiplying. Actually you have to commend China to a certain extent in that they did sequence the virus as fast as they could and released that to the world so that the collective could start working on developing tests kits and hopefully a vaccine, but the spread outpaced development. Creating millions of test kits doesn't happen overnight, so there's no way countries, governments, hospitals, etc. could have gotten prepared with test kits. Stay at home and be healthy!4 points
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I was thinking about this....smoke circles cant happen anymore. have to roll your own joints 6 feet apart.3 points
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Well no Blue Mountain pass for me next year. Got news that my job will need me to relocate to Portland. Looking like Mt. Hood will become my next home Mt. I'll freaking miss you guys!3 points
In my brief experience with hospital supply chain work, there is an issue with overstocking on most things that don't get used. Nearly everything in a hospital has an expiration date from the drugs and saline bags down to surgical gowns and gloves. A reason that the hospitals stock to a predetermined level for each item based on historical need coupled with a safety stock is of course a product of not spending too much money, but also in reducing waste. If a hospital was to stock up on sterilized packaged masks (the packaging is a whole other supply chain issue I have experience with as well) and wait for a pandemic, then when they did their annual inventory it is likely that in a non pandemic year they would run into an expiration date issue and have to get rid of perfectly good gear.3 points
Jersey trout opening was today. I think they just dumped the entire 6”+ fish into any river/stream from the hatcheries. Only stocking of the year. Can’t wait to see the hero-hillbilly pics of camo-garbed dudes holding up their stringer. Merica and all. (Props to any health care workers)2 points
Btw, my clipper haircut went surprisingly well. I did it just before they announced the stay at home till april 30th. Had i know that, i would have gone shorter, but at least at this point i dont look homeless. decided since im so good at clipping stuff, i will attack the huge arborvitaes i have along my property line tomorrow or the next day.2 points
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No. As a whole this country was ill prepared for a pandemic for a long time. Obama realized this and during the Ebola crisis he prioritized our response from the get go to get by on our shoe string budget preparedness. Trump totally shit to bed during the critical period. Zero leadership topped by ideological stupidity. Fuck trump. He fucked us. You voted for him. Own it2 points
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They have a country with leaders that believe in science and not TV ratings. They fucking prepared for it instead of calling it a hoax and saying "cases will go down to zero like a miracle".2 points
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PA liquor stores will slowly resume sales: https://www.mcall.com/business/mc-biz-coronavirus-lcb-restart-online-sales-state-liquor-stores-20200401-zafqpit3tvbdxbz6ijdv7a5cce-story.html?fbclid=IwAR1cB9ar4ncwPL6anGcqKy7WzJNo3liXdzYQ6sdBL2tsyhh5iroAzlqu2Vg1 point
I think fishing, biking, etc. are also allowed from what I've read. I was reading something about park facilities being closed, but activities at the parks such as kayaking, fishing, biking, and hiking were allowed as long as safe distances were followed and no congregating of people.1 point
The stupidity of some just boggles the mind... https://www.rawstory.com/2020/03/florida-residents-pack-into-megachurch-after-pastor-promises-cure-coronavirus/1 point
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Wow just wow or dress up as JFDan you just need a bag of chips and a Macadam sweatshirt this is grate @saltyant1 point
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Oh hell no they weren’t going to catch them. Bikes in the woods are much faster than cops on foot. I bet they re-grouped at another park within 20 minutes.1 point
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Is your neighbor elderly? Maybe people check on him/ her routinely. My brother checks on my mom and my aunt twice daily.1 point
Depends on the manufacturer and the lab. Some people have been waiting up to two weeks, while people like Donny and Pencey and the NBA players get their results in just a few hours.1 point
You can call people childish names and troll and do whatever it is that you do in your hotelhouse, but it should anger everyone the way this whole thing was handled. Regardless of politics. I'm viewing this from a healthcare provider perspective and I'd have the same reaction no matter who was leading our country through this. Its embarrassing. It is going to get healthcare professionals killed. it is going to kill thousands of Americans. It is a complete failure and they are scrambling to make it right. The problem with this is that you can't make up lost ground. It should also piss people off that there are still idiots endangering others by not taking this seriously.1 point
Always nice to hear good news and smile during our socially distant, quarantined life. Hopefully John Krasinski continues this!1 point
Balls https://mountwashingtonavalanchecenter.org/end-of-the-season-and-closures/?fbclid=IwAR3p9MCXEFsHBqHh8DOAAjJKRe0xQetTPHOl3iCOxjX1nq0GloVz_oTBLMc0 points
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That sucks. Well welcome back. I figured you’d have more free time being married since you have a wife to cook and clean0 points
24 hrs later; Statewide + is 18,696 (2k increase from yesterday) Deaths at 267 Union county increased to 1418 Y axis gonna go vertical real soon0 points
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