Woke up to about 8”. News says another 5-10” over next 2 days. Front Range seems to be the bullseye for this storm and not the mountains. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Storm knocked power out here around 9:30am, so with all the rain & wind, I figured people wouldn’t be out shopping and that turned out to be the case. Hit Sam’s for a ton of stuff paper toweling & TP, fruits, vegetables, snacks. Set for a while from there. Grocery stores were practically empty too, but pickins of some things are still slim.
GreenThumb lawn company sprayed my lawn by accident on Friday(supposed to spray neighbors)..I came home from running and found the notice on the door...My lawn just turned green instantly with this rain...They sprayed some stuff for weeds and crabgrass too...
#DELCO Stay Safe Everyone. https://chesco.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/fd5bfe0a9461440eb36901d61cf6b468 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Raining like hell in PA right now. At this point, i would take the snow so i could go shovel and use the snowblower for something to do outside. Maybe make a snow fort. and then a few funny snowpeople. With all this rain, @toast21602 will be back on the mower by Wednesday doing lines.
My friends live out in Aurora and they got a dusting today with a high of 25. I believe they spent most of the day in the hot tub drinking mimosas. Quarantine lyfe!!!
This is sad 32 year old guy in Allentown died worked at the sprint store. I remember seeing him at beer pong when it was at Roosevelt’s and we have six mutual friends on Facebook. He passed away this morning. Here is his last Facebook post. This shit is really real.
Snow making crew member’s house burned down recently. https://www.gofundme.com/f/jake-henderson-house-burnt-down-and-needs-our-help?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet