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I saw an article today where people are pissed target and walmart in some areas have stopped sales of non essential items like clothes, toys, and one lady was really upset that she couldnt run to the store to get printer ink. What the fuck. This i whats wrong with people in this country. To me all these people are complaining about is they cant go “shopping”. Last i saw, amazon still had toys and printer ink. And clothes? Where the fuck are you going where you need new clothes anyways? Dressing up for a special dinner inside your house?4 points
4 points
Data privacy and security is a serious topic that most people are total oblivious to. It's one of the reasons why I'll keep buying Apple products. You are not their product, their hardware/services are their product. You pay the "Apple Tax" so they don't have to sell your personal data for profit (like Google does). There is a reason why Apple is in the hot seat over their device encryption and lack of backdoors. They know that if a government backdoor exists, it'll be exploited by others. But, I also don't believe that there should be a government backdoor. Here's a good Last Week Tonight with Edward Snowden from a years ago. Snowden puts data privacy and government surveillance into a topic everyone can wrap their heads around....dick pics.4 points
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I just got a couple hundred $ booze order delivered to my porch. Upset printer ink lady can get printer ink...2 points
2 points
Did you read Edward Snowden's book? I had never really considered my right to data privacy one way or another until I read that and I was blown away!2 points
As much as i want to get back to work, and start living life somewhat normal again, (a decent paycheck sure would be a nice thing) people need to understand things wont be "normal" for quite some time. I think once people start to go back to work, they let their guard down. I know 90% of our employees stop at some type of convenience store on their way to work. In my opinion, this is just opening up pandoras box again. We are starting to put together some measures at work for safety, but there is a huge big picture here people need to see, and be aware of. Yeah, think outside your little box for just one minute here. Maybe, some type of construction company with about 100 employees or so......probably have a few million dollars in loans for equipment at any given time. you do the math.2 points
Not sure I agree with all of this because I'm more in the "you can't put a price on human life" camp, but I found this to be an incredibly interesting read: https://freopp.org/a-new-strategy-for-bringing-people-back-to-work-during-covid-19-a912247f1ab52 points
They sent an email on 3/17/20 about closing everything and getting refunds. I filled it out but haven’t heard anything since.2 points
You wouldn't want to do that at Lowes or Home Depot. Their wood is not the best grade of lumber. You usually have to pick through half of the skid to get a few good pieces.2 points
I got my money today too... Lowe's here has been insanely crowded. Like a usual Saturday, it's going to be a nice day so we'll do some work outside....that kind of crowd every single day. I did an online order and picked it up so I didn't deal with any people other than the customer service desk. Some stuff you can't order online though for store pickup.2 points
1 point
Yeah, all over the world. https://www.npr.org/2020/04/10/832131816/every-night-new-york-city-salutes-its-health-care-workers1 point
I got several cases of beer and a case of vodka delivered today to my door step.1 point
Well that tears it!! https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/15/drinking-alcohol-can-make-the-coronavirus-worse-the-who-says-in-recommending-restricting-access.html1 point
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For jersey. Betting most of what RU develops (and produces) stays in state and possibly ny as the viral positive rate here is several times that as elsewhere. I’m sure other state universities are doing the same. I know MA is planning on massive testing and they certainly have the academic infrastructure. A lotta folks will come up with better mouse traps testing wise. Vaccine, anti-viral meds is a whole different matter1 point
I read somewhere the USPS was forced to pay pensions upfront for 75 years. No shit they're doing bad then.1 point
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1 point
Perfect. I’ll send more pics to the group tonight. I’m glad they don’t have documentation of @GSSucks injuries.1 point
I don't think Doug fits in a "little box" 😄 But I agree with both you and Doug. Most business have a lot of overhead that eats up the cash reserves really fast when there's no positive income coming in. Even businesses that are still open are incurring a lot of extra expenses with extra cleaning and safety supplies, etc. If this continues for a while, a lot of business won't make it.1 point
I read that last evening and it is definitely an interesting perspective and a lot of the suggestions are relevant and make sense. My only concern is that a lot of it relies on testing, which is still a failure. IMO the only way to start 'opening up' the economy is to have more robust testing, but what do I know. My fear is this one-sided push to open everything back up and get 'back to normal' is just going to create a second infection bubble and then push back any normalcy even longer.1 point
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Just stay home so you don't get it, and drink yourself silly every night. It has worked for me so far.0 points
I might be the only person in both Montgomery and Chester county who wears a mask going out smh0 points
Our governor making noises that data sharing technology could be used post virus (to keep us safe of course). Such bullshit.0 points
0 points
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