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  1. 10 points
  2. Pence can't wear a mask because Donnie doesn't wear a mask. It's about staying on message and it's an election year. We have found ourselves in a most unfortunate position. We are essentially asking the question who do we want to die and how. Additionally if possible which path leads to less suffering. If we remember this whole thing was about flattening the curve but then people got really scared because its natural to lose our collective shit when the whole world is endlessly bleating about the Rona and all of life has seemingly changed. So now half the country wants to stay locked down and the other half doesn't. Both will claim moral superiority and endlessly virtual signal online because that's what Americans actually truly love, not freedom or fucking George Washington but feeling superior to others. Its all the same shit it always is, what most aligns with all the shit already in there head. A millennial with a shit job and a shit life with no meaningful social interaction loves the lock down. They have done nothing but all the sudden never leaving your home makes you a hero plus they love something they think will make rich people less rich. Meanwhile suzy q chapstick can't get her hair did and actually being around Kaydin and Noah all day makes her want to put a bullet in her head so it's either drink or bars, probably both. Her husband, probably a Liam has to pay for this whole mess and keep everybody happy but aww fuck GDP just fell 40% in q2 so paying the mortgage is going to be a real mystery. Everybody's hopes and dreams and life is being crushed. Which is not nearly as bad as all the fucking poor people all over this world and in this country that will flat out starve and die as other hairless monkeys dump millions of tons of food into the ocean because well it's fucking corn and corn has its own entirely differnt set of economic rules that pretty much work for nobody. So who is it ? You want the old people to die or you want alot of other potentially much larger group of people to die ? Who's right ? Turns out like the real answer to everything they both are and aren't. Either way people suffer, mostly unnecessarily though plenty will have 0 choice. Can we actually science our way to the right answer in this place as to which way less people suffer ? Maybe but its a guess that may only happen to end up right. GA could open everything up and be completely irresponsible and yet at the same time nothing meaningful may occur. My answer to all of this is the same it was 4 weeks ago or whenever it was. You lost like 40 fucking years ago when we all couldn't act like adults and take one tiny slice out of our collective pockets and build a system that doesn't have to have a strict environment in order to function at a basic level. This economy only works when it fully works, minor interruptions ripple through layers in ways we don't even fully comprehend. Global is the only way but if we admit for example that we cannot forsee an earth quake that creates a tsunami that causes a nuclear plant to melt down which stops the only global supplier of certain automotive pigments than is it not reasonable to decouple the system in tiny but reasonable ways. To build a nation that has a social safety net of meaningful proportions so that in something like this we don't have to ask who the fuck it is we want to kill because you can turn down the economy 40% and nobody starves. We become more free not less free, free to not have our heath care tied to a fucking job, free to have people chill for a month and not have half the fucking country lose their shit because their rightly worried about their continued existence. All you 2A dudes apparently never read the rest of the doc because there are no less than about a billion unconstitutional things occurring right now that we never even talked about. Buts that's fucking Communism smarty pants ! Like Norway and their 2%ownership of the entire worlds stocks and bonds or red Switzerland and their token ring barter system that regulates prices for basic goods in times of economic peril. Can you imagine what would happen to our children if we were 5% more like Switzerland ? Fucking Thomas Jefferson and Ronnie Raygun would be rolling around in their graves. Certainly can't have that conversation. Wasn't there a presidential candidate that was talking about this and had a message that directly spoke to this kind of stuff? That's right he's too old and crazy though it didn't matter anyway because one of our two parties is somehow even bigger cowards than the other one that elected an orange reality tv star that can't read and shafted him like they did 4 years ago. We go through this like every 6months, Iraq, 2008, Rona it's all the same fucking message that we just ignore. Our system is shit, not all of it and we need to actually learn the lesson. Not the lessons of how to fight Rona or counter insurgency in pashto lawless lands but the big lesson, how to build a society that copes better with all of this shit and creates less of it in the first place. I don't care who you are or what your politics are you cannot tell me this is it, look around, this is as good as it gets ? Or what we still need that less 10% left out of hummanity to kick the economy into overdrive and everything magically becomes shangrila ? PS Actual rich people won't get less rich in this, all your shit or more accurately shit that used to be someones shit just got 40% cheaper.
    8 points
  3. Not the full Beagles during Lockdown - but Joy and I have "a new" tune
    7 points
  4. Shame on that hospital though. Shouldn't let that happen.
    6 points
  5. This finally happened tonight. Could have gone worse I guess but I certainly do appreciate the skill of a barber more now.
    5 points
  6. While you’re at it I bet you were trimming your pubes over the toilet lol
    3 points
  7. I"ve donated 12+ gallons of blood so far...I often wonder who has my blood in them.....
    3 points
  8. Some batshit crazy theories going on here. Props on verbing “tinfoilly”. I liked that one! Medical comment - blood transfusions can in no way treat covid 19
    3 points
  9. Can someone tell me what Shadows said? I have him on ignore.
    3 points
  10. Largely just doing stuff with Joy due to social distancing. She wrote a poem and I set it to music. She leans more to "deep" than I do.
    3 points
  11. Wow can’t wait till the sex tape is leaked
    3 points
  12. Fuck. I didn't see this thread ending up here when I started it.
    3 points
  13. Idiot 'leading' the COVID Taskforce refuses to wear mask even though it is hospital policy. Gotta keep the mask off because he will be ordered to kiss Donald's ass at any time.
    3 points
  14. Want to point out majority of Americans support the shutdown https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/04/23/843175656/8-in-10-americans-support-covid-19-shutdown-kaiser-health-poll-finds
    2 points
  15. I've been doing it for a long time....
    2 points
  16. Maybe Pence took the Presidents advice and did the injection/light in body treatment........Looks like just another publicity stunt...
    2 points
  17. The PA attorney general definitely looks like a man. I agree with you on that.
    2 points
  18. Klung-flu? Totally unnecessary to post that...
    2 points
  19. I'll raise the tin foiliness and speculate that he has already had an early vaccine only available to the ultra-wealthy and politicians, which is why he was not wearing a mask.
    2 points
  20. This is in Minnesota..any problems??
    2 points
  21. After a nice 75 mile rip today, I noticed that I've been riding like a pussy since I got new tires....need to get that knee out 🤷‍♂️ when we going for a ride @indiggio?
    2 points
  22. Took the dog for a walk to catch the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds. Saw them fly over 3 times. It was pretty cool..one of the most exciting things to happen in the last 45 days
    2 points
  23. That’s sad it’s like breaking no heat November. But I feel you my hair grows faster on the sides than on top so not looking great.
    1 point
  24. 99% self inflicted, just had the wife clean it up around the edges with the trimmer.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Sorry if I offended anyone. Sometimes I’m my stupidest when I try to be funny. Turns out the brother has Covid too. He’s the “upsell you guy” at a Nissan dealership. My FIL is freaking out and I don’t blame him.
    1 point
  27. This is interesting 96% of the people in the jail who tested positive were asymptimatic https://www.inquirer.com/news/coronavirus-testing-montgomery-county-jail-asymptomatic-philadelphia-prisons-20200428.html?fbclid=IwAR1RcAcyn0sHvvdNqzCsRkR8Uukf84VXrwrv5Rw5BUU5sL9-mrKKZ0Drdm8
    1 point
  28. Curve in jersey is starting to inflect a downward trend for positives (used average of last 3 days). But >6770 deaths is way way to much. State parks opening this weekend for walkies. Playgrounds, picnics, restrooms still closed though (as is proper)
    1 point
  29. What’s crazy is up until early March when they were imposing quarentines in Italy I thought corona would sweep through the US but I figured only the sick would be quarantined. I figured my Colorado trip would happen and I also nervously thought there’d be a chance I caught the corona on the flight out there and would be sickened with it at high elevations. I personally know I’d probably do poorly from this due to being obese and high blood pressure...and occasional smoker. I believe the social distancing has kept me from getting corona so far and I’ve also stayed out of the actual city of allentown which is a super hot spot. I just think on an average karaoke night I probably hug a half dozen girls..squeeze by people..give complicated black man handshakes..ride two Uber’s..maybe even share popcorn or get gifted a lone Mozz stick or wing or some Bae fries...I don’t see much of that happening in 20/20...all I can hope for is next ski season is semi normal. @saltyant extra face mask may come in handy.
    1 point
  30. JLAW glad I vaped up before I read that.
    1 point
  31. Really yes it was poor judgement for Mike Pence to not wear a mask but please show him some respect. He’s leading the Coronavirus task force and according to our president doing a great job.
    1 point
  32. Getting rid of my board I've had the last 6 years or so...It's a Forum Holy Moly 155, 2012 model. I bought it new on clearance in 2014 (it had been sitting in a warehouse for a while). No bindings, just the board Still has plenty of life left, I think it has a couple deeper scratches, but nothing terrible. Edges could use a good sharpening. It's a stiffer board, but it carves ok after it's been tuned, just have to work a bit harder. I found the softer bindings felt better on this board (I put Union Contact Pros on it at the end of this season, which was a good combo) If anyone here is interested, I can post pics. Price for PASRs is a 4 pack of something good or a crowler or two.
    1 point
  33. re: the pence photo, how tinfoily is it to think that he's not wearing a mask because he already had it and has recovered and thus now has immunity, and doesn't think he needs one?
    1 point
  34. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-01221-y?utm_source=Nature+Briefing&utm_campaign=8952c41133-briefing-dy-20200428_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c9dfd39373-8952c41133-43530341
    1 point
  35. The honey-do list has to be getting pretty short at this point.
    1 point
  36. 1102 new cases in Allentown..just has to go down 13 more days until pet spas and laser tag facilities can open following strict social distancing guidelines
    1 point
  37. Sweet I haven’t been in the new ADP building but it looks sweet and old ADP office is near my hotel house.
    1 point
  38. Fantastic maybe some half siblings for the twins in the future!!
    1 point
  39. Something about cleaning windows. He's lost again.
    1 point
  40. Wow. The Beagles unplugged. That's a deep tune Ski2Live. Are you guys going in a different musical direction?
    1 point
  41. No reason they couldn't have flown over ABE on their way to Fort Dix.
    1 point
  42. Yup that sucks. This whole pandemic sucks
    1 point
  43. Payroll protection money hit company checking account which is good news...
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/vail-resorts-provides-update-on-season-pass-plans-for-the-20202021-north-american-ski-season-301047362.html?fbclid=IwAR0QPQENbgr1oHLSC9yi12uRbjEPosKL5jHH00TiNst7uKaA2WbWBG5kou0 Vail released a statement about passes. I think it’s pretty fair. Basically says they will give 20% credit towards next year’s pass. If you have used your pass less than 5xs they will give you up to 80% credit. Plus free ‘insurance’ if something happens to shorten next year’s season.
    1 point
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