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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/20 in all areas

  1. I think the best course of action would be to trap this groundhog by tracking it's fresh prints.
    4 points
  2. You could trap it, but you're technically not allowed to relocate them, so you'd have to trap and kill it. They don't like human scents...cut all Schif's hair off and spread it around your yard. I used to pee in the backyard where the groundhog used to hang out...they hate that too.
    3 points
  3. 22. But I think that might be frowned upon in the city.
    3 points
  4. Penn Live says everyone is going yellow. The Gov Nor will be speaking soon at 4 to confirm.
    2 points
  5. Apparently everyone in PA is going yellow on June 5th
    2 points
  6. I get them living under the shed as well and trapping this is a PITA. I tend to catch everything but them, raccoons, cats, skunks. I block off their holes with cinder blocks, and they just dig elsewhere. They drive me crazy. I've tried piss, mothballs, various other urines, but they seem to just ignore it all. I did manage to catch one once and took it over to a friend house who's a falconer and we let the hog run and unleashed the falcon after it. Nature at its finest.
    2 points
  7. According to the Pennsylvania Game Commission, it is illegal to relocate groundhogs because they may carry rabies, which can be transmitted to pets and humans. I doubt if anyone would tell on you, but if you had a game warden see you, it could be a problem. I didn't have any luck trapping them either. I kept filling in the holes and blocking off the base of the shed...and peed all over my backyard. Eventually it either found another home or died
    2 points
  8. i didnt know this. i relocated 2 unwanted under-shed dwellers at my old house. I do have a have-a-heart trap that can be loaned out should you go that way. They are not always the easiest animal to trap though. you would most likely trap your neighbors cat before the groundhog. Groundhogs are evil, smelly creatures btw. My 17 lb Rat Terrier went fisties with one once, and won the first match. I made sure there was no re-match. My neighbors landscaper pointed out to me that Deer were really doing a number on my Arborvitaes. i knew they were nibbling on them, but i never really saw how bad they fucked them up. I went for the irish spring soap, since i had some on hand.
    2 points
  9. This works great for all sorts of animals. My wife's hydrangeas were getting tore up by deer, so i pissed in one of those souvenir Sixers cups and poured it all around them. The deer haven't messed with them since.
    2 points
  10. Contact tracing by app is a billion times better than public sector involvement. Money down the drain.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Maybe try to form a coherent sentence to present your case. I think Apple and Google have done a decent job at doing their best to accomplish the goal without compromising individual privacy, but nothing is fool proof. It's a serious concern and needs to be at the forefront of these types of technical solutions.
    1 point
  13. Would you actually think about what we are trying to accomplish? Fuks sake people are fuckin idiots
    1 point
  14. @enjoralas Universal Studios in Florida is opening June 5th.
    1 point
  15. ok, that makes a little more sense (if bump, things may change). i guess i could have better phrased it as: originally we had concrete rules, now it's a little more relaxed, i wonder why. of course, i got a work call at 3:58 and couldn't get to it/edit in time.
    1 point
  16. No, its still data driven and not set in stone. From what I've heard it seems that if there is a significant bump in cases it will be held for those counties. But as of right now, based on the current trends, those counties will be ready to open. Its the same thing leaders have done at the start of this. Drag people a long bit by bit. If Donald and governors would have said "we will need aggressive social distancing for 2+ months" people would have blew their load. Every two weeks it was extended and over the last few weeks things have been opening up or whatever that means.
    1 point
  17. Pet spas are nice but practice social distancing.
    1 point
  18. Philly is still very red, but they are selling cocktails to go so at least I can get a drink and wander around outside? Edit: Might have to take this to the Running Thread to plan out a good route that will end at a nice bar near some outdoor space.
    1 point
  19. Curbside non essentials, pet grooming, gatherings up to 25 people. Not just Saltys county but al the counties. Fuck yeah I’m ready to hangout with friends. The only person I’ve seen during this is my weed guy and we didn’t even embrace https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.inquirer.com/health/coronavirus/coronavirus-pa-pennsylvania-yellow-counties-reopening-philadelphia-20200522.html%3foutputType=amp
    1 point
  20. I've tried tossing smoke bombs under there for kicks. They just never seem to be in there when I'm there. They must feel pretty safe under there, since the shed butts up against the woods. They only have one entrance/exit. I've since blocked that hole off with a trap and a bunch of cinder blocks. I think they've found an easier home elsewhere. I've always wanted to try a recipe with one. https://foragerchef.com/a-groundhog-stew/
    1 point
  21. This is great! What can we do now that we couldn't do before?
    1 point
  22. get your trash out of the COVID thread.
    1 point
  23. One of the biggest regrets of my life is not going up to NYC on the Wednesday morning after Trump won to walk around with a giant shit eating grin on my face. I’ll never forget the euphoria I felt that day, the social media meltdown that day will never be beaten ever. i blasted this all day long
    1 point
  24. I can’t wait..love him or hate him, Trump is the most transparent president in our history. He’s not a republican...he’s a populist...he appeals to ordinary people....you know the people that you meet when you’re walking down the street. Get that Sarah McLauglin song ready for the streams of liberal tears in November...
    1 point
  25. Today's COVID-19 Update• 866 additional positive cases of COVID-19• 66,258 total cases statewide • 4,984 deaths statewide• 312,743 patients tested negative to date
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. It's West Phillly, they have bigger fish to fry and bigger caliber rounds to worry about.
    1 point
  28. No. Life is to short for wasting my time on assholes. Hope you are well
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. 😱 wish I got a warning about his teeth... ...that puppy tho 😍
    1 point
  31. Added a rack to my paddleboard and put a rod holder, paddle holder, and cupholder on it...I was gonna make my own rack but PVC seemed too flimsy and to bend my own out of aluminum was going to end up only costing like $40 less than buying a new one...plus I dont have a TIG welder to weld aluminum.
    1 point
  32. I’m sure you’re familiar with contact tracing from your time in Africa fighting Ebola...have a good night
    0 points
  33. I don’t like Florida and don’t wake up Matt Edge..
    0 points
  34. @GrilledSteezeSandwich let's go! I'll text Matt Edge and let him know we're going.
    0 points
  35. At work today we were discussing how great the next 4 years will be after re-election since Trump will no longer have to be politically correct. A lot of people will get called out and I can’t wait to see it
    0 points
  36. Wow the sign language lady who stands beside Dr. Richard Rachel probably look d extra intense at today’s briefing.
    0 points
  37. just saw this posted. Maybe cocktails isn't the best word to abbreviate. (disclaimer for @JFskiDan it is not original content)
    0 points
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