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I feel as though I am helping keep our employees who run the plant safer by not bringing 100+ employees back and increasing the chances of something spreading. Making our employees WFH (those who can) is showing respect to those who have had to go into work the past 3 months. If I showed up to work sick and infected our production team, who would run the plant and make our products? We respect our production team so much we said here is everything that can help keep you safe, we are leaving the site to your teams only and limiting the exposure. Also, I don't trust the cleanliness of my coworkers. They keep the office kitchen area so dirty...they are like children haha I enjoy working from home because it has kept employee relations down. I get tired of hearing "Bob breathes to loud , can HR talk to him about it? or "someone moved my lunchbox in the fridge, I'm really upset". It's a nice change to be able to focus on real work6 points
Any HOA can have a gate. I think at first it appeals to people, but that seems to wear off fast. Ask ridgeracer, his last house was in a gated development. Super big pain in the ass for friends (me) to get in. I dont have trash pickup at my place either. We have compactors in the development that you have to take your trash to. Believe it or not, this is a good thing to do in a community with alot of weekenders. It keeps the bears from going through everybodys trash. Another development nearby has trash pick up, and a huge bear problem. The place is a mess by the time the trash trucks get there monday morning. Everyone is supposed to have “bear proof” trash can enclosures which normally become kindling. So, im actually pretty cool with not having trash pickup, i know how much it costs me at home, and its about as much as my yearly HOA fee for the year. development stays clean, and bears dont really have a reason to keep coming around since nobody is feeding them. I usually just take my trash home with me, sometimes in the winter it gets deposited somewhere else on sunday mornings.5 points
True. totally agree with you @theprogram4 My parents use to own a vacation house in the poconos within a private community called Arrowhead Lakes. Had so much fun there as a kid despite security always busting our parties as teenagers and young 20's. Ok, and in our 30's too. The gated entry was more to keep people away from the amenities like the lake, pool, etc. But, it also gives a peace of mind when you own the house and you have security checking on it. When I moved back to PA, I fixed up the house and rented it on airbnb. Its crazy that so many people have turned their cabins in rentals. But, especially over the years it has created a divide between the owners and renters. Legit the facebook posts and people snapping photos of people doing "illegal" things (such has having a dog in the lake) or pictures of stop sign violations is out of control. The board are usually retired people who live there full time so the people who make the rules are not reflected of those who enjoy it. There's so many people up there who literally have nothing else to do but be snitches, complain, and post inappropriate things. It does suck. But, I love it because it's where my friends I've had since the 1990s all congregate.. we drive golf carts, play shoes, hang out on tubes or kayaks, and grill. It's simple. So although it sucks, I'll be up there pretty much all of the next week. It's definitely a love-hate. Thanks for coming to my ted talk about private pocono communities (I tried to post a picture of Birmy swimming in the lake because I figured that would get at least 2 likes but you can't post video :-I ) so this one will have to do.4 points
It’s amazing the hate teachers get on this site. Tougher job than pretty much anyone on here works,4 points
A few observations....given that I have no distractions at home, it's great to get work done. My counterpart has a 4 year old at home and his wife works for an accounting firm and has to bill a certain numbers of hours per week, so she actually has to work. He's stuck trying to work while he has a 4 year old climbing on the back of his chair pulling his hair out. We certainly have different opinions of WFH. It's also interesting to see how many IT people have (or, had) shitty setups at home. I already had dual monitors on my desktop at home, great wireless, nice desk, nice chair, etc. I had coworkers who were obviously working from their kitchen table and sitting in uncomfortable wooden chairs. Some have since established better working environments. What I have noticed is not that I'm any less productive at home, but rather, how much time I wasted at work. I'm getting the same amount of work done, but have time to go for a run in the middle of the day between meetings or cut the grass when I feel like it.4 points
My house is 100% safer than Wawa, or my office. The only person other than my mom who has been in my house since Mar 1 has been @toast21602. I'm glad you're so hard. I have a job that I can WFH. Why would I rush back to the office?4 points
4 points
Wearing a mark shouldn't be political or partisan. Yet, here we are...4 points
Also, for those of us who have been working from home, it's not like we've just been on vacation for the past three months. A lot of people miss the social interaction they get in the office. A lot of people legitimately have an easier time doing their job from a dedicated off than from their house, for whatever reason. My job has been great about doing everything they can to help us be as efficient as possible while working from home. My internet connection is free, my manager ordered everyone on my team new secondary displays, I've been able to expense other miscellaneous electronics/desk supply type stuff, but it's still tough, especially with a toddler running around not really understanding what it means when I say I have to work now. I can't imagine households where both parents are working and also trying to be a homeschool teacher while also trying to cook three meals a day because your normal takeout spots are closed, all while keeping the house from turning into a garbage pit.3 points
2 points
Very interesting topic on the WFH... and very timely. I manage a Production Facility, so I've been in the building everyday, but the Call Center part of the business has predominately sent everyone home. The management team for the Call Center rotate through every few weeks to be in the building and manage their small remaining onsite teams. it can get frustrating seeing everyone else working from home, I feel management should set the example and be in the building and note most did not start 'WFH' until the weather got nice.. ??? Personally I'm struggling because I recently gained oversight of 4 other facilities across the country and I feel I can still get too caught up with issues in my 'Home' site. However, I feel I would be a hypocrite if I start working from home a day a week to focus on giving attention to my other sites.... Covid-problems I will add that I personally am glad that I had the ability to go to work during the major lock-down as my life during the week did not change much.. we've only had 4 positive tests in the building but nothing passed inside the facility...2 points
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2 points
My wife went ballistic on some of her friends in the neighborhood who are teachers because she was talking about how frustrated we were that our kids' teachers weren't doing jack shit the last 2 months, and their response was that they couldn't do their job because they have their own kids at home too. Those dumb bitches weren't doing my wife's job, why the hell should she be doing theirs? We are very glad its the summer and school is over.2 points
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2 points
While I appreciate your viewership of TPIR and Steve Wilkos I can 100% assure you that I have no time to turn on the TV during the day. I'm lucky if I have a moment to post here some days. I love working from home for a ton of reasons. Others hate it. To each their own. It would be really hard to get me back into an office every day.2 points
You are supposed to be arguing with me right now, not using logic and rational thought2 points
2 points
Some old bag yelled at my friend and I running the other day because only one of us was wearing a mask and despite the fact my friend who wasn't wearing one went around a parked card to avoid the few people and him on the sidewalk. This person clearly had a terrible day because he pointed as us and yelled aggressively. Asking us if we were stupid and knew how to read (i guess he meant can we read the news?) and that he needed 6 feet of distancing. If he is that concerned, he can walk his dog on a street that has way less foot traffic. We gave him plenty of room so the public shaming was uncalled for. We told him to have a fantastic Monday evening. I'm glad a lot of people still wear masks and are taking precautions because I don't want to see a spike in our area. I'm happy things are starting to open slowly. I'm all for wearing masks and I try to wear it for most of my runs but I do pull it down to get fresh air once in a while. No one had said anything until Monday. Anyway - our office is reopening July 13th. We split employees into 2 teams and will be alternating onsite work weeks. Part of me is sad because I'm enjoying no commute and working from home but I think it will feel good to get back in the office every other week. It will be interesting to see how many employees will actually come back. I'm sure alot of employees will enjoy the summer months by continuing to work from home.2 points
Pennsylvania and other states who have been on a downward trend need to limit travel to these new hot states or at least require self-quarantine for those who traveled there. Similar to what those states did when the northeast was popping. Otherwise I fear that we will see the spread come back in our region again. I know way too many people that have recently been to, or are planning on going to the Carolinas and Georgie beaches because "everything is open"..2 points
We moved in a house some time ago, neighbors had peacocks. They make a blood curdling scream. I didn’t know what it was, scared the shit out of me.2 points
2 points
Apparently Europe is considering banning travel from the US and I don't blame them one bit. I'm happy the PASRs got after it in Switzerland when they did.2 points
I would say 75% of the people who live there are from NYC or NJ. The place is only full during the summer months, the rest of the year it is only like 1/3 occupied. The hideout is probably the only thing me and ski999 would disagree about. It sucked for many reasons: 1. No trash collection, you have to drive your trash in your own personal car 5-10 minutes to the trash center. This might not bother everyone, but when you drive a Ford Focus SE, you have to be extra careful to not dirty up such an amazing vehicle. 2. Gated entry. This is Wayne county, not Beverly Hills. (They charge you for the entry card) 3. Guests were not allowed through with their personal vehicles unless you got a guest pass over 24 hours in advance 4. Super anal about fireworks 5. no mailbox, you have to drive 5 mins to a central location 6. security guards who pull you over and write “speeding tickets” lol 7. Neighbors who are snitches 8. fines for parking Your car in front of the house 9. 10 minute drive to Hamlin (the convenience store closed at 10:30 each night)2 points
Highest daily new confirmed case count in the US since the end of April. 36,000+ new cases today.1 point
I can imagine it was a bad experience if it wiped the permanent smile off of your face.1 point
My perception would be different I'm sure if the teachers that my kids and I interacted with had demonstrated effort and explained the shortcomings as you did above. However, they were outwardly lazy and rude, and while I'm a very patient and kind person generally, I speak out against what I witnessed because I feel it is wrong (and it pissed me off). I only speak badly of those that I witnessed first hand not giving a shit, while I applaud the hard work of those that did their best in a very hard time for all. I wish my kids had those teachers.1 point
It is hard to evaluate teachers based on how online learning went during all of this. I know very few people who teach completely online in higher ed and in k-12 it really isn't a thing. I know for myself I didn't perform up to my standards that I hold for myself and I imagine that a lot of others feel the same way. Equity and access becomes a challenge as well, especially for k-12. I had some students who didn't have stable internet access or hospitable home environments that made learning on their end incredibly difficult. Just so many factors for teachers to be successful during all of this. Hopefully things improve and allow for in person instruction or at least planning for online teaching in the fall for k-12. Anyway, back to the botched response to COVID....1 point
Correct. The last class that I taught was one the worst of my life because I had to transition the entire course online in 2 weeks before the start of class and then figure out how to coordinate 12hour clinical days into an online environment. Fucking terrible. At least I have the rest of summer to try and get myself ready for the fall semester courses. I'm sure it was harder for k-12 teachers. At least I was still able to manage my time well and enjoy my hobbies, but it came with waking up early and staying up late so I can spend time outside during the day when possible. Anyway, yes, teachers have been roughed up through this.1 point
1 point
lol putting up with piece of shit kids and the douche bag parents of said kids is a very tough job, way tougher than your job, my job, or almost any other job worked here And I’m not referring to NM in particular, as he is one of my favorite posters, but seeing the site’s top 2 nicest posters talk shit about people who help him is wild and quite a heel turn. I’d expect something like that from me or you1 point
I have to disagree with you here. I can tell you for a fact that teachers have been working their asses Off during this pandemic, I’ve witnessed it firsthand1 point
1 point
I read this interesting article about "disposable people" a while back and it opened my eyes to my ignorance and privilege. https://thebaffler.com/latest/disposable-people-algharbi Every time my wife orders something on Amazon or food delivery the last couple months I give her shit about being part of the managerial class relying on disposable people.1 point
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1 point
Everybody has different levels of risk. If you have the ability to work from home..go for it. I’ve been in my office six days a week since ski season ended selling a shit ton of tombstones via phone email mail and even fax machine. Office manager scared of her own shadow..she just started seeing her step dad outdoors recently..she can work from home as long as she wants. If you are working at a warehouse or fast food or something there’s no work from home option.1 point
I never had a day out of the office through this and we've had 3 confirmed cases in the building (all on the production floor) across this time. No one in the building caught it from the infected people here as they did extensive contact tracing and testing. Anecdotal I know, but it's something to think about.1 point
I'll never get the anti mask thing. How is asking people (or requiring people) to wear a mask to protect not only the mask wearer but others during a pandemic any different from requiring people to wear clothing in public? Fucking stupidity. This coming from someone who tends to lean right on a lot of (not all) things. Common sense is common fucking sense. We politicize everything and I'm over it to be honest.1 point
I think there is a big disconnect between taking a class in high school because you have to and the next level stuff the biomedical experts are doing. I took a pretty STEM heavy course load in high school and I'm glad I have the general knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology and Calculus but at the end of the day most of what I learned there is gone. I wish there were more business and finance classes offered. Also this makes me think of something I remember hearing a while back. I think it was either a series of articles, or podcasts and for the life of me I cannot find out the title or the author but the general idea was. "What do I actually know to be true?". The premise was that the author took a look at things that are just completely well known scientific truths such as "the world is a globe and not flat" and asked the question, do I know this to be true because I've been told, or because I know for a fact myself? Pretty interesting concept. I'm not advocating for anyone to think the world is flat, but at the end of the day we take a lot of things for granted without actually pressing our own knowledge about it. I believe the author then did experiments and such to prove to him or herself that these widely accepted truths are indeed true. I'll see myself out of here and take it to the Psychology/Philosophy thread now.1 point
1 point
I used to hang out with friends at a pizza shop late night because we know the owner and most of the staff and they have a killer beer selection. The regulars who would come in at 10pm inexplicably covered in dirt and/or concrete droplets and pull out wadded up ones and coins to buy keystone ice pounders were amazing. My favorite were the ones who you knew lived a few miles away and would roll up on most likely stolen bicycles to buy their beer. One would ask for his six packs to be put in separate bags so it would balance better when he hung it from the handlebars to go home.1 point
STEM courses are definitely lacking in our schools when people listen to unfounded BS as opposed to experts who have studied things for years.1 point
Oh for sure. Just interesting to me he can’t work but can travel all over Allentown by foot buying a case of beer per day. I used to be part of the Allentown Fuckery Facebook groups and the white trash behavior is amazing1 point
Yup - it is optional. The company will still continue a flexible, work from home schedule for anyone who cant come back due to childcare/health reasons/concerns. The CEO was clear that it is optional for now however she expects the corporate office to eventually return to "normal". All our roles should not be work from home forever.1 point
Imagine thinking you are tough and patriotic because you don't wear a mask. What a fucking country.1 point
I’m surprised security didn’t kick you out (unless you live in the Hideout). Those guys are brutal I used to shoot fireworks there all the time. Security would come through 3 cars deep with their emergency lights on. It always amazed me how crazy anti fireworks the Hideout is, neighbors would rat us out too. Security would come knock on our door, we’d deny it, and the process would repeat itself1 point
We get them all. Other morning I looked out the bedroom/office window to see some type of remains in the yard (wife disallowed next to take a pic of the remains) which through the fog of flies chowing down, looked to be that of a fox, probably dropped by a coyote. I had planned on getting a shovel out later and tossing it into the woods later on, but the cleanup crew got to it first.1 point
Gangster shit like always lol I've mostly been at the beach, i escaped down there mostly since April. I've ridden my bike through almost all of Delaware i think by now and a decent portion of MD. I was in Wilmington for the protests and looting, I had to see it first hand to see whats up, wig store and the sneaker store got wrecked besides that it was mostly media hype. I was in PA some and did some hiking. I've drank a shit ton of stupid good beer (dewey is killing it lately) and party rocked as best I can with my beach people. Shit is real good all things considered, though I'm dying to ski, I've been so close to fucking off to SA about a 100 times. Rona has been most interesting in what it shows about people. Both the group as a whole and the mostly arbitrary way in which we interact with fear and individuals in how so much of their lives or what the preach has almost entirely to do with what they are seeking to emotionally fulfill within themselves. I still think for the most part Joe avg human did pretty fucking well. If you go way back 1 to 2mil dead Americans should be around and they aren't because humans came together to do something incredible. The doomers will say any is too much and in some sense they are right but also entirely divorced from the reality of existence. It doesn't change the fact that what's come of the lockdown and what's coming is really fucking bad, it was poorly managed but we've never done it before so that's about what should be expected. High fives all around, way to survive our first pandemic !!!!! I hope to see you guys soon. I'll be up in PA more so anybody that has my number or something and wants to ride bikes or drink some beers hit me up but I also might rando go somewhere else too lol........... since December I've done 34k driving and another 3 or 4 on my bike, gotta keep moving.1 point
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