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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/20 in all areas

  1. That is expensive for a mask, but reminds me of this:
    2 points
  2. Nothing says HelloIwannalaya like Hawaiian print pandemic masks....
    2 points
  3. One of each of these two. Beautiful sentence.
    2 points
  4. From yesterday just outside of Bath at the old Tadmor freight yard.
    1 point
  5. It is funny watching people freak out acting like every time they open their front door and step outside they need to put a mask on. I guess they just read the headline and it fits their anti mask agenda so they run with it instead of reading the details in the article.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Just bought one of each of these two masks. Nothing like a little pandemic retail therapy.
    1 point
  8. I would be curious to see the county by county breakdown in cases in these hard hit states. My thoughts from the beginning, and why I think PA killed it in the reopening, is that population density plays a gigantic role in the spread of this thing. It's so easy for the news stories or snippets to say Florida, California, Arizona and just start blaming governors. These stages are gigantic and CA has some of the strictest rules in the nation. The country is not a monolith and neither are these states. County by county makes and putting the numbers in context is the only way to go.
    1 point
  9. I think demographics come into play. Riverside county California has been very hard hit they had more cases today than PA for that county alone but about 1/7th of PAs population. Riverside county is part of the Inland empire which is major shipping hub filled with warehouses much like the outskirts of the Lehigh valley but on a much grander scale. Low average household income and a large population of undocumented Americans means that working from home is not feasible..add in cramped living conditions and lower average education and you have all the makings of a hot spot. It’s similar in Sacromento and other areas of the centeal valley of California. The SF Bay Area which is much more affluent has seen less issues but give it time. Another area which is seeing a lot of new cases is Idaho which has become a refuge for Californians looking to escape high taxes and overpopulation.
    1 point
  10. The garden is coming in nicely this year with everything started from seed. Lots of lettuce, arugula, romaine, and spinach. Cantaloupe are starting to get a bit bigger. Red potatoes and red/yellow beets are doing great. Tomatoes and green peppers are doing well, and the three blueberry bushes are starting to turn nicely. We have so much lettuce that we have been having salads every day and it still hasn't put a dent in the amount of greens that we still have.
    1 point
  11. He should probably consider it. I don't see him winning. I think Pence may have a better shot than Trump at this point but thinking a more moderate Republican with a level head and less of an ego (Nikki Hailey??) would be the move. But what do I know.
    1 point
  12. I respectfully disagree that one can still be friends and do business with people that support different political views. I do not support Trump, but I think that a lot of people do for reasons other than racism. I'm willing to try to see the good in everyone, even though I might disagree with their political beliefs. Love and respect to you but I'm sharing the exact ethical dilemma you had and I'm the problem. I'm not loving the "then you are too" in relation to racism and hate. Keep us all posted on how finding a new supplier goes.
    1 point
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