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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/20 in all areas

  1. All the anti mask, stomping on my freedoms, impairing gods great respiratory system people are going to shit bricks all over the interwebs.
    3 points
  2. sorry, in reverse order, but math lines up i think. County Region 7-1 Cases 7-2Cases Diff BRADFORD NC 58 58 0 CAMERON NW 3 3 0 CLINTON NC 80 80 0 ELK NW 15 15 0 FOREST NW 7 7 0 FULTON SC 18 18 0 GREENE SW 41 41 0 HUNTINGDONSC 252 252 0 JEFFERSON NW 24 24 0 MCKEAN NW 18 18 0 MIFFLIN SC 63 63 0 PERRY SC 86 86 0 POTTER NC 16 16 0 TIOGA NC 25 25 0 WARREN NW 7 7 0 WAYNE NE 140 140 0 WYOMING NE 38 38 0 ADAMS SC 341 342 1 ARMSTRONGSW 76 77 1 BEDFORD SC 87 88 1 CLARION NW 35 36 1 INDIANA SW 111 112 1 MONTOUR NC 74 75 1 SNYDER NC 66 67 1 SOMERSET SW 61 62 1 SULLIVAN NC 5 6 1 SUSQUEHANNNAE 182 183 1 BLAIR SC 72 74 2 CAMBRIA SW 83 85 2 COLUMBIA NC 403 405 2 CRAWFORD NW 57 59 2 JUNIATA SC 111 113 2 MERCER NW 140 142 2 NORTHUMBENRCLAND 314 316 2 PIKE NE 496 498 2 UNION NC 91 93 2 CARBON NE 280 283 3 CLEARFIELD NW 72 75 3 SCHUYLKILL SE 747 750 3 BERKS SE 4559 4563 4 LAWRENCE NW 103 107 4 VENANGO NW 19 23 4 MONROE NE 1423 1428 5 CENTRE NC 205 211 6 ERIE NW 620 626 6 LYCOMING NC 187 193 6 LACKAWANNANE 1707 1714 7 BUTLER SW 311 319 8 BEAVER SW 678 688 10 CUMBERLANDSC 856 866 10 FAYETTE SW 117 127 10 FRANKLIN SC 940 950 10 LEBANON SC 1350 1361 11 LUZERNE NE 2915 2927 12 WASHINGTONSW 230 244 14 NORTHAMPTNOEN 3425 3441 16 CHESTER SE 3731 3751 20 LEHIGH NE 4258 4280 22 DELAWARE SE 7230 7253 23 BUCKS SE 5777 5801 24 YORK SC 1531 1555 24 MONTGOMERSYE 8483 8514 31 WESTMORELASWND 675 711 36 LANCASTER SE 4464 4504 40 DAUPHIN SC 2059 2120 61 PHILADELPHIASE 21724 21862 138 ALLEGHENY SW 2870 3103 233 total col e 832
    2 points
  3. Could you imagine if the Three Mile Island Nuclear plant accident happened today? People would be defiant of any evacuation/shelter in place orders because "the government can't tell me what to do". But when Karen ignores the orders and starts glowing and growing a second head because she just had to go to Chili's, she will be the first to want to sue and be vocal how the government failed on their response.
    2 points
  4. Cuts of oxygen. LOL. I've worn a mask for 12+ hours during surgeries and have never experienced hypoxia or hypercapnia. These people are freaks.
    2 points
  5. The ones I ordered yesterday were recommended by somebody on the Teton gravity forum and a legit company but I believe it.
    1 point
  6. Gonna be near impossible for an increase five days in a row as last tests are processed Saturdays and Sundays for Sunday and Monday reporting.
    1 point
  7. I agree with that. County by county numbers are fascinating to me.
    1 point
  8. Nice work @Benm. Seems to make sense to me, and also fall in line with population densities. Next argument I'll throw out here now: When I have tables like this full of fun facts and figures I inevitably have to present it to a board or a few VPs or whatever and one of the things that I learned a while ago and really sticks with me is the question that should be in everyone's mind when they look at a table of numbers. So what? Nice, chart. So what? Trends are going slightly up in the whole state. So what? County by county we see some flatness and some increase. So what? This doesn't look good. So what? PA is much better than Florida. So what? We have all this data and we aren't asking the right questions. Only when we can agree on the questions will we find the answer that's sitting right in front of us.
    1 point
  9. yeah but it's a pain in the ass to go through each county. i can use key commands but things like the scaling of the results doesn't help either. i'm workign on something now to get what i want, thanks tho
    1 point
  10. 832 new cases for PA time to close the bars and indoor dining. The amount of people traveling this weekend gonna be insane.
    1 point
  11. From yesterday just outside of Bath at the old Tadmor freight yard.
    1 point
  12. It is funny watching people freak out acting like every time they open their front door and step outside they need to put a mask on. I guess they just read the headline and it fits their anti mask agenda so they run with it instead of reading the details in the article.
    1 point
  13. I like trump cause of the tax cuts on upper middle class people and he’s a troll. I don’t like the way he’s handled the pandemic though. He was also worlds better than Hillary. I’m not either political party.
    1 point
  14. Well this was fun. Ill see this post again during the next lockdown. Carry on.
    1 point
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