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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/20 in all areas

  1. lets talk about people not being able to even dispose of gloves properly... ppl are assholes. i'm waiting for the day i see someone just throw that shit on the ground. 719
    3 points
  2. Gloves often give a false sense of safety. Better off just washing hands often unless you are changing your gloves between everything you touch.
    3 points
  3. along the same vein, i think it's funny that people who are so panicked about everything still order takeout with some gigantic trust in where it's coming from. I can't tell you how many times I've seen someone run a card with no gloves at a register (how many have they touched?). Ok, maybe they sanitized hands after, but probably not between the time they swiped the card and touched the terminal. It'd need like 4 sanitizations between one transaction (handing card, touching terminal, returning card, handing over goods. Then, they hand you a package / box / bag after touching the terminal, cards all day or cash register keys. Not to mention people are putting their trust in a number of people in the back who truly may or may not give a shit. It's just as risky as everything else but it's all totally cool and encouraged. I don't understand it. edit: ok not as risky as a packed bar but people are like 'oh wow how did i get this ive been so careful', you don't know if bob from the pizza shop was at the bar 3 days ago and isn't showing signs.
    2 points
  4. I can't even count the number of gloves and masks that I've been seeing on the ground outside of supermarkets and whatnot. Disgusting.
    2 points
  5. Pumping gas is the only thing I wear gloves for.... Yesterday was the first time I put gas in the Jeep since March 20th..
    2 points
  6. I just put my gym membership on hold which I am bummed about. They opened back up a month ago with strict policies. But every time I go less and less people are wearing masks (even though it’s mandatory) and people are not sanitizing equipment like they are supposed to. Ordered a TRX, gonna see how Much I can do with that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  7. Just made the decision I will not be returning to hockey on Monday until this all gets better. Sitting on a bench shoulder to shoulder freaks me out. my uncle tested positive a few days ago but luckily he seems to be doing better now. Crazy thing is he is the family member who took this the most serious and was the most cautious. Unfortunately my cousin has been going to the shore and beaches recently, so that’s probably where he got it
    2 points
  8. Not sure on that and I honestly haven't read anything about it either (other than briefly discussed in some publications). Many people in that region live in less than sanitary environments and culturally they eat almost anything so I guess both could be possible? That might be something that we never truly know.
    1 point
  9. 100% it came from somewhere in or around China based on tracing that has been done and likely that it was transmitted bat-human or bat-(other animal)-human. If it was plausible that it originated in a lab, then it would be reported on by legitimate peer-reviewed scientific journals. At this point there is nothing that points to that other than conspiracy theories. Some interesting reads here and in the cited references: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0820-9 https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2020/05/scientists-exactly-zero-evidence-covid-19-came-lab I don't know if beauty is the best word choice. I'd like to know sooner than later, but I know it took 10+ years for SARS and not nearly as long for ebola tracing.
    1 point
  10. The beauty of this is that we likely won't find out the actual answer to where it came from. If we ever do it will be decades down the road. China doesn't play around with information.
    1 point
  11. No more than calling MERS the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome.
    1 point
  12. I try to do the clean hand/dirty hand and clean pocket/dirty pocket. I put any charge cards and cash I will need in my dirty pocket and keep my keys in the clean pocket. Soaked some baby wipes in Lysol and bring one in the store in case the store doesn’t have one when entering. Bought a UV sanitizer for when I get home. Grandkids are back at daycare, so have to quarantine from them. :-(
    1 point
  13. no, not at all. Most people go put the gloves on, go touch a whole bunch of stuff, and think they have protected themselves. Then when they are done touching everything they just bought, and grabbing their car keys, and then the car door, and while they are at it, the steering wheel, and then they go take the gloves off, but they take them off like they are a pair of ski gloves. I watched a video of some lady showing how to dispose of the gloves properly (in a trash can) because they were all over the parking lot, and she clearly didnt know how to take them off, since she touched her skin with a gloved hand, trying to take the other glove off. Really it just makes people feel like they are protecting themselves, but if they really thought about it, they might not want to reach in their wallet to grab the credit card, with the gloves on they just touched everything with. If something was contaminated, then they just contaminated the wallet and CC.
    1 point
  14. I buy 3 sets of tools for buildings. Specific set for bathrooms. Set for office desks, and set for break rooms. Minimal cross contamination.
    1 point
  15. The glove wearing kind of cracks me up, although i do wear gloves to get gas. Put gloves on, pump gas, throw them away. People shopping in gloves. They touch everything. And then the car keys, and the door handle..... And how many people actually know how to take them off properly?
    1 point
  16. Smart move..cases are going up in Colorado. Chippy was saying that masks aren’t even required in most Colorado counties. Said tons of maskless folks at Target. My friend bought a $2,000 spin bike since she’s not returning to the gym.
    1 point
  17. Saying he got it from my cousin is my guess/opinion, not sure if that is the case or not. No idea if my cousin got tested. My uncle had a bad fever and got tested. Talked to him tonight and he’s doing well
    1 point
  18. Do all y’all think this virus came from a lab in China???
    0 points
  19. Shady maple smorgasbord opening back up and they’re giving our free disposable gloves.
    0 points
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