no, not at all. Most people go put the gloves on, go touch a whole bunch of stuff, and think they have protected themselves. Then when they are done touching everything they just bought, and grabbing their car keys, and then the car door, and while they are at it, the steering wheel, and then they go take the gloves off, but they take them off like they are a pair of ski gloves. I watched a video of some lady showing how to dispose of the gloves properly (in a trash can) because they were all over the parking lot, and she clearly didnt know how to take them off, since she touched her skin with a gloved hand, trying to take the other glove off. Really it just makes people feel like they are protecting themselves, but if they really thought about it, they might not want to reach in their wallet to grab the credit card, with the gloves on they just touched everything with. If something was contaminated, then they just contaminated the wallet and CC.