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  1. YouTube vids are gonna be legit. Will be similar to the Walmart receipt check vids
    3 points
  2. So we had 2 employees call out sick on the same day about 3 weeks ago, with the same symptoms. they were on the same crew, and always ride together in a truck. They were told to get tested and stay home until results were in. They were at home for 2 weeks before they got their results, so they were allowed to come back. We got at least one result back, and it was negative. In the meantime, the accountant ladies son tested positive for Covid-19. She has been working at home mostly, but was in maybe last tuesday or something. (i havent seen her in a long time). She has been tested, but still waiting on results, which again is taking at least 2 weeks to get back. So my boss has contracted some type of independent company to handle testing at our company, and supposedly results are 1-2 days. As a "test run" all of the office staff are getting tested on Friday, which based on the email, should include myself. Cant wait. I do believe my boss, and some other office staff in the other side of the building (theres kind of 2 seperate office spaces here, the old side, and the new side) have some concerns about being in contact with this person. I now see some more frequent mask wearing on the other side, that i havent seen before. And, one foreman that i really like, told someone this morning "this will all be gone after November". So, just so you are all aware, skiing will be just like it was last year.
    3 points
  3. I wear a mask all fukkin day at work...I'd like to kick everyone in the hanksters that bitch about it when all there doing is going into a store....The smokers get me when they say "I can't breath with it on"
    2 points
  4. If i can manage to go mountain biking in 90 degree weather for 2+ hours with a helmet and glasses on, while also wearing a mask, it should not be that hard for someone to go into a store with a mask on for 10-15 minutes. People are morons.
    2 points
  5. I was listening to wolfs press conference. He said you had to have food with your drink. So, define “food”. Crackers? then later the news said you need to sit at table with your food and drink. our club never re-opened, which i know was wildly unpopular, but i think its the right call, however, they do have a deck with outside tables, but just opening that would be a shit show.
    1 point
  6. Wow https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/dyzxjw/the-white-house-really-doesnt-want-you-to-know-how-bad-the-coronavirus-crisis-is?utm_source=vicenewsfacebook&fbclid=IwAR0gwvTDCRXLXxKlETIFnz-0_IwFO3KK-tqKnb4zNdjDmrFKL6yrO7RBvlo
    1 point
  7. Walmart provides an almost endless supply of fuckery vids
    1 point
  8. Sam's and Walmart to start requiring masks July 20. Should be interesting... https://corporate.walmart.com/newsroom/2020/07/15/a-simple-step-to-help-keep-you-safe-walmart-and-sams-club-require-shoppers-to-wear-face-coverings
    1 point
  9. How can the virus survive on snow. Its cold. We're fine.
    1 point
  10. @GrilledSteezeSandwich you got me on that one. I thought I had read somewhere that Mason and Dixon laid out the 12 mile circle but it turns out they did not as far as I can tell. They are clearly involved in the PA/MD border and the Transpeninsular line though.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Some have already had Covid-19 twice. Many doctors are saying that immunity may only last several weeks and then Covid-19 antibodies go away. With this scenario herd immunity would be impossible...hmmm sounds like the flu. https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/covid-19-experts/story%3fid=71792664
    0 points
  13. Lots of stories going around of people making testing appointments, and somehow getting “positive results” in the mail before they even take the test. not sure I believe it one bit, but the rumor mill has been churning out some pretty crazy things so far this year
    0 points
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