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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/20 in all areas

  1. Any hope I had of us mitigating this thing into non existence is gone. Perhaps that was nieve but I had hope. If the virus is a war, like the politicans said it was, then we lost and essentially retreated. The win will come with a vaccine. I can't look at numbers anymore as its making me a bit insane. Won't post em anymore either. All I can do is everything the scientists say we should be doing...social distance, wear a mask, wash hands all the fucking time and load up on sanitizer, continue make sure my kids are educated about all of this and doing the same. So far they've been really great about it. They need to continue to be cognizant.
    3 points
  2. Trains are the way to go for sure. We need mass bullet rail coast to coast.
    1 point
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