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  1. very difficult decision. The 'we need to open the economy' line of thinking is, IMO, faulty. The virus is killing the economy, not the shutdowns. FLA and TX are proving this in real time.
    2 points
  2. The vaccine doesnt bother me as much as the virus thing does though. The managers assistant in my office scares the shit out of me. He is in the age group that seems to feel impervious to the virus. Made mention of going out to dinner on dates, bars with friends, etc, kinda seems like he just cant lay back for a little and see how this goes, i guess feels like he needs to be the test pilot. He really feels he doesnt need to wear a mask around the office, and he is actually not in an office, just this kind of open area, so there is tons of traffic around him. I figure if he lacks judgement at work, its certainly out the window when he leaves here. Before we got tested on Friday, i heard him say "if i have this thing im gonna be so mad." Fucking schmuck.
    2 points
  3. this vaccine scenario scares the living shit out of me, way too many $ and political chips on the table
    2 points
  4. HIV vaccines are incredibly difficult to develop because the virus is highly mutable and the epitopes of the viral envelope are super inconsistent, so recognition of B and T cells is really difficult. As of right now, none of those irregularities has been identified with the COVID virus, making it more likely do develop a vaccine quickly. Because it is still so new to researchers I would not be surprised of there are changes of the virus that are impacting their R&D of a vaccination. That being said, I think by the time a COVID vaccine becomes readily available to common folks like us, there will be plenty of testing done post-FDA approval.
    2 points
  5. You mean kids who constantly have their fingers in their mouths, sneeze without covering their mouths, lick anything and everything possible, etc etc can’t spread it? She’s got her head so far in the sand she probably knows the lottery numbers in China for tomorrow.
    1 point
  6. Where did people get the idea that kids can't spread it? Fox and Friends?
    1 point
  7. assuming you're wearing a helmet (ideally a full face) and a mask underneath it, glasses or goggles, and gloves, i'd think your exposure risk is pretty slow. i'm guessing they're recommending you only ride the lift with someone you came with, and not just allowing random singles to hop on together, but it's blue so who knows. they change their chairlift rules every two weeks for the bike park it seems. don't go inside, keep a little bottle of hand sanitizer in your pocket for emergencies, and keep your gloves on and don't touch your face. i can't imagine the "sweat trail" or whatever they're talking about (exhalation stream?) is gonna be that large and dispersed from someone wearing a full face helmet. you could also just go up on a rainy day when no one's there and any droplets fall out of the air quicker from the high humidity/moisture content, in theory? the biggest risk at blue is always the loose rocks haha
    1 point
  8. I'm not an antivaxxer but there is no way in hell i'd let someone inject me with a vaccine that was rushed through development like this. i wonder what percentage of people have the same sentiment.
    1 point
  9. All good news now, but what happens if these vaccines hit a wall in the third phase of testing? Do we think that they will be pushed through the stage gates faster than a typical vaccine trial would go just to get it done? I heard something interesting on the radio a few days ago too. It's happened in the past and is surely going to happen this time where whichever country develops the first vaccine hoards it for their own population before distributing it to the rest of the world. It was a week ago since I heard this so the details were fuzzy but the last time there was a major outbreak Australia had the breakthrough and was holding out on everyone else for a while. I wonder what will happen when someone actually gets a Covid vaccine done this time around? Also, I was listening to SiriusXM on my ride today and flipped to Business Radio and caught some of the Wharton Moneyball show, it's a really awesome show (link below) especially when there are actual sports to talk about, but they were chatting about Coronavirus today for a while. They were talking about the r value of the infection rate, good if below 1 and bad if above. 1 means that every person with the virus infects 1 other person. This is incredibly tricky to accurately track but sounds like it's the value that really has the most impact on things. Also they reiterated something I've been saying for a very long time. ALL THE DATA IS TRASH DATA. https://businessradio.wharton.upenn.edu/wharton-moneyball/ Hope all of you have a magnificent Wednesday!!
    1 point
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