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  1. Same could be said for indoor/outdoor dining. Do people REALLY need to sit down and eat their food at a restaurant? No. We all lived with takeout for ~2 months. Shut it all back down if that’s what needs to be done.
    4 points
  2. That was one of my concerns was how deep/shallow to actually plant them and if they would push upwards over time and need to be covered with soil again. Thanks for the info!
    3 points
  3. If I can't go play laser tag what's the point of even carrying on anymore? Laser tag is the only thing that gets me through summer with no skiing.
    3 points
  4. I dont think we have to go into hiding to make things better. Alot of us are living proof of that, going to work every day, being smart, making good decisions. Its my opinion bars and the likes will continue to be scrutinized, and remain a big issue. I mean, at the end of the day, do you really have to go to the bar? The answer is no. you dont. If there were no bars life would still go on. We as Americans are stubborn, selfish, and feel its our god given right to go drink in a bar. I do also realize that everyone can make a choice not to go into a bar, but its just really not that simple with the spread of Covid-19. Just for the record, i'm all for shutting the bars down. I do realize how unpopular that is, but it is what it is. i want this thing in the rear view asap.
    3 points
  5. 3 of the 6 yellow squash we pulled from the garden tonight. Beets and potatoes should be coming out soon too.
    2 points
  6. I agree. People don't follow the rules anyway and owners don't want to piss off customers by enforcing them or have them get in their face about the rules. Just shut the bars down. They are the worst for social distancing.
    2 points
  7. That's my thoughts as well...I'm fine with shutting down the bars and just allowing bars/breweries to sell takeout beer...but then they should really go back to takeout/delivery only for restaurants. Skip making up rules regarding on-site food consumption with alcohol and trying to enforce the rules and just shut things down like it was before.
    2 points
  8. Till or turn the soil 12-16” deep immediately before planting. That will give them loose soil to grow freely. Once the plant is 6-12” out of the ground, mound dirt around them so the potatoes stay covered from sunlight.
    1 point
  9. all that talk about sports a few pages back and no mention that the NBA is back, the sixers are beating up up the grizzlies, and ben simmons made a 3?!
    1 point
  10. ...After 186 pages of regurgitated covid information, I think it's time for a Laser Tag thread to come to fruition.
    1 point
  11. The reality is what it is. We fucked up. No two ways about it...all we can do is our part by wearing masks, social distancing, washing hands, educating our kids etc. So incredibly disappointing that the country didn't come together on this one. But like everything...we make it political and this time it seems to be biting us in the ass. just my take on this whole mess. Either way looking at numbers daily was making me crazy. It's not like I won't read about it but I had to stop the "it's noon...gotta check the numbers" routine but don't worry Doug....you know I'll be raving about conditions during those sweet night sessions at Blue.
    1 point
  12. I havent answered my home phone in years. i distinctly remember getting exactly one message in the last year that was a legit call. I do answer my cell, and have gotten tons of "the warranty on your car is about to expire" calls. i ask them which car they are referring to. They ask for the VIN. i tell them "you called me about it, so you tell me. i have 16 cars" they hang up. Like RidgeRacer said, we are just going deeper into the woods. 1200 is bad. i doubt we will lockdown like before, maybe similar, but bars, restaurants, laser tag, concerts, etc, will pay the price. We as a society will continue to fuck this up, even though we know exactly what has to be done.
    1 point
  13. I like to play with them when I have time. I act interested in what they're selling, ask stupid questions, then give them fake info. I've even given them fake credit card numbers. Wow! 1213?! Things are not getting better. I see more lock downs coming. The idiots who wanted to open up too soon to "save" the economy are ending up hurting it more than if they just would have listened to the experts in the first place.
    1 point
  14. I fuck with telemarketers plenty. They call my work a lot. I was a telemarketer late high school and early college. I always like when I get a call from an Indian dude with a name like Brian about an extended warranty for a 2014 Dodge Charger.
    1 point
  15. My dad got a call this morning his Covid test results came back, all they needed from him was his information, policy number, and social security number. he never got tested anywhere. the scammers are starting to emerge.
    1 point
  16. It’s comcast..... you’re going to pay for it at some point.
    1 point
  17. @Justo8484 @RootDKJ @enjoralas
    1 point
  18. I like bars but bars during Covid even before the governors new restrictions are just not the same as the pre Covid days. I’m not gonna be hugging lots of girls, singing karaoke, walking all around in circles like Steve urkel. I’d be relegated to my seat, server or bartender sort of wearing a mask and avoiding people’s hugs and handshakes...also I take Uber’s and Uber’s aren’t something I’m comfortable with now...still better than a DUI but having a few drinks with friends outside very occasionally in somebodies driveway or at a bar/restaurant is my new normal that I’ve accepted.
    1 point
  19. i've become way too accustomed to drinking at home. never thought i'd say this, but i don't even give a shit about going to a bar anymore. unrelated - delco crushing it today comin in hot at #3 behind PHL / Alleg.
    1 point
  20. I think the move here would be to look at each state vs each European country. I mean at the end of the day there are only 2 more nations on earth with more people than us. If we keep looking at the USA as a monolith you're going to have a bad time. We are 50 unique little countries, some are doing well, some are not. We also have more freedom than most places (though as I said before we are shockingly OK with leaders stepping on that right now) so they can't lock us in our houses and spray us with Lysol cannons if we go out (I'm looking at you China) and we aren't going to cover up data (I see you China and Russia). This thing is here. It sucks. It's not going anywhere. I mean if we all go into hiding the numbers will surely go down. Then we come out and they go up. Lather rinse and repeat.
    1 point
  21. I googled in as well..anyway I might hold a great allentown fair protest...I really like walking by BoBo the clown and having him make fun of me and eating two steak sandwiches pierogies and a root beer float is living to me. I usually only eat one steak sang but I need to compare and contrast.
    1 point
  22. It’s crazy how bad Pittsburgh is doing with this. Everyday triple digit numbers in Allegheny county. Yes their population is high but still..this coronavirus really is the honey badger virus. It escapes from all enclosures.
    1 point
  23. Because “Murcia! Soon to be land of the free, home of the dead.
    1 point
  24. I can't believe that we are still having conversations about closing high-risk places and wearing masks while confirmed cases here continue to spike and the EU is pretty much under control - comparatively speaking. Those places aren't learning to live with it, they took care of it when they should have.
    1 point
  25. Our governor just passed an emergency law that last call is to be at 10pm starting today. Bar owners are understandably upset and trying to get together and fight it. I have mixed feelings about all of it. I get the mask, social distance thing. But you are right, it just seems like the government keeps passing extra things to “keep us safe.” I agree that Covid is just here to stay and at some point we have to do what we can but live with it. Not everyone can be kept in a bubble forever.
    1 point
  26. I saw that. And the tough guys on social media who call people snowflakes continue to melt down over a team changing their name. I love it. Seattle got a new NHL team today too. Opening day for baseball. Lots going on in the sports world. Hopefully COVID doesn't end these already abbreviated seasons.
    1 point
  27. I miss racing @RidgeRacer to post the days PA numbers. When the biggest optimist I know loses hope it’s sad. 1213 new cases for PA...
    0 points
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