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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/20 in all areas

  1. does this mean we won't be able to fit 7 on the Sixpack anymore? @JFskiDan
    5 points
  2. I'm glad I didn't buy an Icon or Epic pass this year. I considered it, but looking at how we are trending (again) it doesn't look like I'll be wanting to be in an airport, on a plane, in a gondola, or tram anytime soon. I'll deal with it for a year if I don't travel anywhere and I'm sure we will still all make the most of the skison regardless of what happens.
    4 points
  3. I think it has more to do with parents not wanting to arrange for day care or have a hard time working from home when the kids are there.
    3 points
  4. Skiing will be the problem. You gotta get up to get down, two people per chair on opposite ends of the quad and 6 pack, singles only on double chairs? Ohh and stay 6 feet away from everyone in the lift line that you dont reside with. With people standing shoulder to shoulder the line makes it to the end of the ropes on a normal weekend, its going to be fun stopping half way down Challenge to stand in a lift line to maintain social distance. Skiing is a business, the only people that the business cares about typically is its employees. They will keep employees behind some sort of comically funny sneeze guard and let the paying customer come and do as they will. They will push the limits of what they can get away with as far as the current level of restrictions at the time to make money. Maybe they will start renting touring gear, make Paradise an up-hill only trail, all other open trails are downhill only, lifts wont run.... This seems like the winning combo..
    3 points
  5. I think the biggest change is that everyone will have their own barrel of cheese balls so you don't have to dip your hand into the communal one.
    3 points
  6. Harvested about 1/3 of the potatoes earlier and will be making some with dinner tonight.
    3 points
  7. I feel like this is the first of similar statements to follow. Its probably time for resorts to acknowledge Covid isnt going away. Better to start planting the seed that things will be different now, then waiting until november to say, oh, yeah, by the way.......
    2 points
  8. 100% disagreed. No kid in their right mind would give up a spiderman mask for a paw patrol mask. Batman on the other hand....I'd do that trade all day long.
    2 points
  9. the only upside to this is that they actually might initiate an uphill pass or policy
    2 points
  10. I dont think Blue is going to have any good idea how to handle this. I think whatever they come up with, it will look like 11 am on the Saturday of Presidents weekend, after it snowed the day before. (complete shit show) Does anyone really think Blue is going to limit ticket sales? I will agree with @toast21602, this is probably a good year to not be spendy on other passes. I guess we will see firsthand how A-bay and Killington handle this in the fall. that should give us some idea of what we are in for. We know that skiing isnt really going to be the problem. its going to be everything else. Blue opening with come around and midway, and just running main street chair really funnels people into one massive pile of people. As far as i am concerned, i think they need to run every lift, all the time, to spread everybody out. We all know Blue cant get the 6 and the quad to run simultaneously for more than half an hour. Is there a Covid-19 plan being put together for Mount Mik?
    2 points
  11. Strike 2. Get to 3 and I'll have you put in the database.
    2 points
  12. drinks/brunch from 8-12, then skiing 12-4...it could work (not really)
    2 points
  13. Yep - sickness spreads like crazy in day care, I'm sure it's the same in the schools. Luckily my daughter isn't in regular school yet, so I don't have to worry about virtual learning, etc...but I feel for the people who do, for some people, it's going to be tough if they're not allowed to work from home. We have to get temperatures taken every day at work...now they put in a robot looking machine with a camera that checks your temperature and makes sure you have a mask. If you don't have a mask on, it starts blinking red and yelling at you.
    2 points
  14. You're pretty spot on. In a normal year kids get sick almost instantly when going back to school... It never fails. They're healthy all summer. School starts and within 2 or 3 weeks here come the ear infections, colds, sniffles, coughing etc. Now couple that with the fact that were in the midst of a pandemic, where cases are way up and seemingly not coming down anytime soon. It scares the shit out of me.
    2 points
  15. I know that part of the issue is NSP is looking at how to handle on hill incidents and protecting patrollers. That is a big concern. The mountain operations people are meeting regionally to discuss the issues in the upcoming season. You have to look at line control, lodges, rental lines, food lines. All things that could lead to limiting tickets sold and on hill users. Weekends look like the big issue to me. That is when the crowds show up. I don't think weekdays will be too much of an issue as the crowds are low to non-existent. Keep in mind that 98% of patrol is volunteers at most hills. To say this season will be an interesting challenge is an understatement right now.
    1 point
  16. Some seem to think that this pandemic will cause more housewives to exist rather than fewer. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-the-pandemic-could-force-a-generation-of-mothers-out-of-the-workforce/
    1 point
  17. blue's gonna have a hard time spreading people out on lifts when only half of them are working at any given time.
    1 point
  18. I bet she wished she sold to Vail last year or to Mr. Slugworth.
    1 point
  19. She'd never open up before 8am ever again. Be lucky if she doesn't push open to 9am for everyone.
    1 point
  20. The amount of people that utilize summer services at Blue is significantly less than winter, so I wouldn't compare the two.
    1 point
  21. Do you plant any Washington Redskins?
    1 point
  22. Hey your plan would work if Blue was willing to spend more money and take in significantly less revenue while also pissing off indiggio.
    1 point
  23. Indiggio isn’t gonna like that. Thankfully PARidge isn’t the one calling the shots.
    1 point
  24. Although now that I think about it the first hour is usually passholders only anyway. Here's what I would propose to blue. Open at 7. Passholders only from 7 to 9. Limited ticket sales each hour after that until 8pm. Passholders only from 8pm to 9pm so passholders can watch patrol do whirlybirds on challenge...a passholders perk.
    1 point
  25. I didn’t miss snowboarding too much during the first few months of this because I was grateful we got almost all of the season in and I realized this could have occurred 2 months earlier and shut the heart of the season down. However, this 90+ degree days are taking their toll. 6 months ago I had plans to ride Xanadu tomorrow morning, instead im now looking up pocono hiking places but don’t want to go in 90+ degree weather. I watch ice road truckers most nights and Alaska looks amazing
    1 point
  26. Wholeheartedly approve of this.
    1 point
  27. The smart thing to do would be open up for the first hour for pass holders only and give that time to the staff to thoroughly clean/disinfect the lodge which they know we don't really use anyway.
    1 point
  28. I’ve been more cautious than the average American during this pandemic, but snowboarding is way more important than my health. I won’t play hockey but I’ll absolutely snowboard during a pandemic. Better to be sick and die on the slopes than sit at home not enjoying the snow
    1 point
  29. We kind of already do that hahaha
    1 point
  30. Imagine how people on here will react when blue tells us we can only come during certain time windows
    1 point
  31. I got the free flex box when I got Comcast (Xfinity) internet installed at our house. I only pay $54.83 month after taxes for 200gb so yes it's completely free no strings attached. We just hooked it up in my son's room as I have roku on all the other tvs in the house. It's pretty nice especially for free. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  32. Those old railroad spikes are really cool. Either just the way you found it, or if you clean it and shine it up it makes a cool little decoration.
    1 point
  33. The former football team? No. Potatoes? No.
    0 points
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