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  1. 100% disagreed. No kid in their right mind would give up a spiderman mask for a paw patrol mask. Batman on the other hand....I'd do that trade all day long.
    2 points
  2. That's on the schools, not blue though. My experience is limited to the school I went to and how ski club is handled there. This past year, the number of students didn't warrant a full sized bus, since a lot of parents transported the kids themselves. Possible solution in conjunction with all those kids whose parents already drive them up is rent a full-sized bus which would allow the kids to spread out more? I dunno. I agree with you though, a bus packed with 48 kids seems like a terrible idea. I'm already thinking about how I can structure my ski time to avoid crowds. Weekend lift lines at blue are already a shitshow; I can't imagine how bad it'll be if there are enforced distancing measures in place without limiting the number of people on snow at any one time. And I can only imagine the uproar if they somehow limit season pass holders to certain hours or something to keep crowds down.
    1 point
  3. I feel like this is the first of similar statements to follow. Its probably time for resorts to acknowledge Covid isnt going away. Better to start planting the seed that things will be different now, then waiting until november to say, oh, yeah, by the way.......
    1 point
  4. I know that part of the issue is NSP is looking at how to handle on hill incidents and protecting patrollers. That is a big concern. The mountain operations people are meeting regionally to discuss the issues in the upcoming season. You have to look at line control, lodges, rental lines, food lines. All things that could lead to limiting tickets sold and on hill users. Weekends look like the big issue to me. That is when the crowds show up. I don't think weekdays will be too much of an issue as the crowds are low to non-existent. Keep in mind that 98% of patrol is volunteers at most hills. To say this season will be an interesting challenge is an understatement right now.
    1 point
  5. I think it has more to do with parents not wanting to arrange for day care or have a hard time working from home when the kids are there.
    1 point
  6. the only upside to this is that they actually might initiate an uphill pass or policy
    1 point
  7. A lot of people are saying the pandemic ends once the election is over so we should be good for ski season
    0 points
  8. Assholes they need to set an example by handwashing, social distancing and mask wearing.
    0 points
  9. His best friend Bobby was on the chair with him. He called SP and was met up top by another personal friend from the SP. Bobby took close to two years before returning to ski. The patroller said it was one of his worst calls. RIP Glenn...
    0 points
  10. I had a friend who had a heart attack on the quad at Elk and died. He was 42....
    0 points
  11. this was a crazy derailment today
    0 points
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