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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/20 in all areas

  1. Dug out the rest of the potatoes today. ~24lbs total.
    3 points
  2. If you need a place to stay, Doug has a hotelhouse.
    2 points
  3. I made some serious enemies yesterday after I was at a construction site and so many subtractors weren't wearing masks (let alone chin straps, nostrils showing, etc), despite being required to. It wasn't even like they had them around their necks ... they weren't anywhere in sight! I reported it to our Environmental Health & Safety office. I got quite a few nasty texts after they figured out who did it and people saying "why don't you just wait until everyone goes home to come?". They're missing the point ... it's not *only* about me being safe, it's about *everyone* being safe. They'll thank me ... eventually ... maybe ... probably not.
    2 points
  4. @skiincy I’ll always think of your wonderful dog when I watch the movie Annie...and trust me one of my favorites. I have this song in my head every trip to Jackson hole.
    1 point
  5. I don’t really find that racist at all, look as how many people of Asian decent (pre Covid) wore masks during cold/flu season, sars, swine flue, etc and got nasty looks for it. Personally, I’ve noticed that in my area the Hispanic population has been more willing to comply with the mask thing, but less willing to comply with the social gathering thing, which may be a cultural thing as big gatherings are part of the Hispanic culture. either way, the only people I’ve seen complain about wearing masks were white. And it’s usually a fat white person bitching about having to wear a mask so they can go into Wawa to get theirs 1 liter mt dew and pack of Marlboro reds. They can’t breathe because of the mask, but they can damn sure smoke a pack of cowboy killers a day and that’s not an issue
    1 point
  6. Dont worry, i'm not making many friends right now either. The few job sites of ours i have been to, i havent seen too many of our guys being strict about masks. I know this will somehow come off racist, but the guys that are good about it, werent born in this country. A friend of mine at another company said the same exact thing. Its hard when at least 2 of our foreman are dead set on their belief that this is all a hoax, and will be gone in November. I have made it clear to our HR guy how i feel about the lack of mask wearing, etc, via email, as a kind of "hey i told you this......" Most people i have to deal with regularly are good about it. There was some interesting event that happened in the other office, that now those guys are wearing masks, where as they werent, like 3-4 weeks ago, and now the weekly meeting they have is done via conference call. There was also some type of exposure at the pool at my place in the poconos, which they have now since closed it, and pulled the lifeguards from the beach. Dont have the real 411 on that yet, but IMO it was just bound to happen. Edit - just found out the beach is now closed as well.
    1 point
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