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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/20 in all areas

  1. Of all seasons to do this, I think this would be the one. That would be one hell of a day.
    3 points
  2. While I support restrictions in other aspects of life, just open blue with as few restrictions as legally possible and say fuck it. We can all risk it if it means riding blue like a normal season. Snowboarding/skiing is more important
    2 points
  3. I think the governor can recommend things about school but it's ultimately up to the individual school districts, which makes sense to me. A high school in Elk County can probably go back just like normal, whereas one in Philly cannot.
    2 points
  4. If it's cold enough, you should be able to see people's breath and avoid it.
    2 points
  5. I’ll be cool with going on a plane this winter if it means a week of skiing the Rockies...risk vs reward. Might buy this mask as well.
    2 points
  6. maybe sixer separated into three plexiglass sections, quad into two, double chairs they can send up single person or couples. / corrals for lines or they will be separated single row in an outward direction like / / .^. \ \ . highspeed chairs will pass through little fogging sanitation station once it comes off of the highspeed track. limited ticket sales. i dont know why everyone's concerned tho, it'll all be gone nov 4.
    2 points
  7. I hope it's a good snow year so i can just dick around in the woods all season...
    2 points
  8. I'd be shocked if schools are offering ski club this year. Sucks for the ski resorts. I encourage everyone to buy waffles at the Waffle Haus, get your gear tuned at Blue or perhaps buy chicken fings or a burger in the lodge if you can to support the true mountain this season.
    1 point
  9. Mbike, did you copy and paste this from another forum? Was pasr not your first choice? Shame. Shame on you.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Take it to the covid thread, guys.
    1 point
  12. That my point. When I want to ski I want to ski even if I know there's a freeze thaw, sugar ice type of thing. I usually want to get out add my day into the stats. It may be tough but I think it may be prudent to avoid days that I know will be trash). Maybe it's simply more days away from Blue in exchange for more mid week days somewhere else, perhaps up north, at places where I know I'll be riding the chair alone all day.
    1 point
  13. Sorry....TTC6 already took your spot.
    1 point
  14. Juul juice kills Corona? Might as well just have him sneeze on you.
    1 point
  15. If Blue could open out of the valley it would really ease early season conjestion.
    1 point
  16. I’ll be doing a lot of weekday mornings from 9-11..
    1 point
  17. Anybody want to buy my Blue pass?
    1 point
  18. I don’t really find that racist at all, look as how many people of Asian decent (pre Covid) wore masks during cold/flu season, sars, swine flue, etc and got nasty looks for it. Personally, I’ve noticed that in my area the Hispanic population has been more willing to comply with the mask thing, but less willing to comply with the social gathering thing, which may be a cultural thing as big gatherings are part of the Hispanic culture. either way, the only people I’ve seen complain about wearing masks were white. And it’s usually a fat white person bitching about having to wear a mask so they can go into Wawa to get theirs 1 liter mt dew and pack of Marlboro reds. They can’t breathe because of the mask, but they can damn sure smoke a pack of cowboy killers a day and that’s not an issue
    1 point
  19. Dug out the rest of the potatoes today. ~24lbs total.
    1 point
  20. Yeah Allentown. I’m guessing the Philly diocesan Catholic schools are not $20k+. Swain school and Moravian academy are way over $20k a year. I have a friend with three kids at Swain school. My mom went to the Baldwin school in Philly...Tuition there is $37,000 and I believe that’s for day students. Also another friend works for one of the intermediate units..special ed teacher and has been online since March and she works part time in the summer as well. She said it’s really hard for the special Ed parents and students but those kids are especially germy..no social distancing...they bite and spit.. sort of like @saltyant on a first date lol
    0 points
  21. Skiing is not that risky compared to like hanging out in a bar..it’s outdoors..full six packs of strangers will be a little much although people are that tightly packed on airplanes. I’ll wear a mask in liftlines and on lifts no worries and on the ski run pull it down...I’ll buy like a 40 pack of lunchbox sized chips..BenM can bring the cream pies.
    0 points
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