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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/20 in all areas

  1. Cobbled together some brackets to hold the board when I cut the slot for the edge and rubber...Also made the cut so the edge sits flush..Used a cabinet square and a utility knife blade...I'll take it out after the slot is cut....
    2 points
  2. looks like creek was ahead of its time. open air gondy.
    1 point
  3. For crowds to be dispersed, the gondola may be necessary, but without the gondola, I think you just have to ski it like before. Rely on the Superchief, Lift 7, and Tomahawk. It’s annoying having to transfer multiple lifts and not be completely high speed, but it is workable. I haven’t been since they installed it, so it could ski differently than before. Have crowds increased since ORDA took over and offered a 3 pass? I haven’t kept up on NY Ski Blog. He usually posts those numbers at the end of the year. Here’s those numbers. Last years haven’t been posted yet. https://nyskiblog.com/orda-skier-visits/ Also, here comes the obligatory annual late August question. Are the leaves changing yet?
    1 point
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