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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/20 in all areas

  1. The LV coming through Glen Onoko. Wish this was in color.
    3 points
  2. you do know that's only a few blocks away from me! after all the biden signs popping up in my neighborhood, it might just be time to leave!
    2 points
  3. I have an electrical engineer friend who, apparently is the only person in the country, that has the knowledge and experience to repair a certain complicated automotive carpet manufacturing machine. He has been flying all throughout this pandemic. Speaking with him last week he said airports were deserted earlier but are getting busier as time goes on. He also said he will only fly Delta as their planes are only booked half full, and says he avoids American, if at all possible, as they're a SH$%T Show...way overbooked.
    2 points
  4. dont wear a man bonnet https://www.espn.com/espnmag/story?id=3511542 Let's face it: A cap with an uncreased brim worn as a fashion statement isn't a baseball hat at all; it's a man bonnet. Any self-respecting dude understands you can't simply buy the perfect baseball hat, you have to create it. You have to catch foul balls in it and use it as firstaid gauze. Like the burn scars on a Jimi Hendrix guitar, what makes a baseball hat cool is the stories it tells with each scuff and sweat stain and, yes, lack of symmetry from the maddening process of massaging the brim in an endless attempt to re-create a just-so arc. You've seen the arc. It's the one right above the Vitruvian Man, Da Vinci's ideal. Think that guy would be caught dead in a man bonnet? Me neither. -DAVID FLEMING, SENIOR WRITER, ESPN THE MAGAZINE
    2 points
  5. That is such a classic logo. There is something about an old hat that just makes you feel whole.
    1 point
  6. I have this Phoenix Coyotes hat sitting in my closet that I wore when my oldest daughter was born. It's easily a few decades old. It's been collecting dust but I'll never get rid of it.
    1 point
  7. There are two. We have a nice mix of mobs and militias.
    1 point
  8. I do not believe they check your medical records. Medical weed or otherwise. Technically however it’s a no no, yet there’s no cases where the government has persecuted medical marijuana holders who also have guns.
    1 point
  9. Good time to be a season passholder at JH then. the article stated that anyone who has purchased would have unlimited access without making a reservation. I think its a strong play by the Mt. They have probably sold a bunch, and maybe the majority have already purchased. So on to selling day tickets, which in turn, should net them more $$ than more season pass sales. it will also help for people planning trips to JH, get tickets rather than be absorbed by season pass holders. Be interesting to see how the Ikon thing is handled. Locals are always so accommodatin to the Ikon. This is gonna be a fucked up year for everyone. I am glad the news hasnt been filled with headlines about resorts not opening at all. Yeah, some patrons might get screwed, maybe people will have to make reservations, but i feel all and all, skiers are a hearty bunch, i mean, who else gets up at the crack of dawn to go outside when its cold and snowing? The mountains will be getting screwed all season by this.
    1 point
  10. Hopefully Im there is 3 months.... but chances of legitimately being able to make the trip seems slimmer as the days go by. I guess a lot will depend on how the reservation or capacity limits work. I've already flown a few places for work over the last few months and as long as Im willing to avoid certain areas/places due to crowding I feel safe. There were a few places in KC that I wanted to eat but I showed up and quickly went somewhere us due to crowds. (luckily Delta is still stating that they will keep the middle seats empty until 2021.. from what i've seen/heard the airlines have not been so kind/careful)
    1 point
  11. Correct. It’s essentially one or the other. edit: both can’t be “active” at the same time.
    1 point
  12. People make fun of me for wearing my favorite cap. I call it my Traveling Cap because it has been everywhere I've traveled. Been to more countries than most people (13). It is 18 years old, almost to the day. It pretty much never left my head from age 17-25. Fuck. I just went through some pictures and found some gems of this cap. Thanks for that @Benm
    1 point
  13. In the woods. Cross country skiing. No lines, no masks, no reservations. Just silence, snow covered trees, and limitless fresh untracked Perder.
    1 point
  14. We lost my dad's uncle. Was older but healthy for the most part. I think it goes without saying at this point but this thing in no joke. Stay safe. Keep your guard up still.
    0 points
  15. I’ve been feeling terrible since Saturday... So I got Covid tested today. Should have the test results back by Saturday.
    0 points
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