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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/20 in all areas

  1. My happy place. Good morning so far.
    4 points
  2. Yup. I’m a pretty quiet person but I’ll be the first to admit, I’ve been a bigger asshole lately because I haven’t had the human interaction that I had before (that I thought I hated). the simple solution is “well, ask your friends to go out with you”, but that doesn’t work for someone like me who feels like I’m putting a burden on someone else just so I can be able to go out to eat. the pandemic is taking a toll on more than just physical health. I think that gets lost a lot of the time (in general).
    2 points
  3. All you need is a beer fest and we’ve got a party
    1 point
  4. It’s way easier just being a one man Wolfpack...plus that’s when I meet new people but there isn’t much of that this summer. I’ve missed the interaction with friends but I do enjoy conducting more business at work via phone, email and mail. I had four appointments this week at work which is the most I’ve had all pandemic. I feel for the really old folks. Let’s say this lasts a year solid..that’s perhaps 2-3% of our remaining lives..for 86 year olds it’s a much higher percentage percentage. This old lady who came in with her son the other day was wearing one of those masks with the filter. It made her day when I complimented her on her nails and gave her an elbow bump. Another old lady asked if she could smoke..I said go for it..I’m surprised I didn’t bum one off her. When ski season starts..even if it’s herky jerky...it’s going to be a breath of fresh air...I’ve slept late enough I’m ready to get up at dark o’clock and arrive at Blue earlier than necessary.. @Johnny Law still beats me occasionally.
    1 point
  5. Good for Florida. edit: also aware I’ll probably get dragged for that comment.
    1 point
  6. I much preferred the single digits in Lehigh/Northampton.
    1 point
  7. Hey All, I'm back from another fun session at Blue Mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the lower lot at 07:45 and parked in Atomic's spot to make him jelly. It was around 28 degrees under partly cloudy sky's. In the house were JohnnyLaw, Enjoralas, Enjoralas's Dad, Enjoralas's Cousin, Enjoralas's delicious meats and shrimp, Tarponhead, Indiggio, TP4, PSUFly, BenM, Mixilplix, and many many others. First run was Challenge which was hard and solid, pretty legit. Then hit up Sidewinder, P-dizzle, and Main Street. Lazy Mile was in pretty damn good shape and later on was like a western groomer. The 6 pack seemed to be running slow again, so I rode the quad which was running at a higher speed. Eventually the race team inundated the quad with lines so went over to the Main Street and Burma lift. Around that time met up with @enjoralas and @pops and we made a few runs on Switchback which was definitely ROTD and in very nice shape, smooth as butter. Then we hit some glades (I skied between 3 trees). Then on Lower Main Street tragedy struck. I crashed into the middle Slow Down orange sign and became Jerry of the day. No one laughed at me too much so I brushed it off, and my legs and RTMs continued to function normally. Tried to put the sign up but my efforts were futile. Parking lot shenanigans were great. The meats and shrimp were outstanding, 10/10. Stayed until around 1 pm. All in all a great day at Blue the True. Some lyfestyle shots below.
    1 point
  8. Florida no longer has any restrictions on bars and restaurants. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wesh.com/amp/article/florida-phase-3-reopening-no-limits-restaurants/34163178
    0 points
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