So looking back and double checking the first templates I made for the first set of skis I found a pretty big error, resulting in the ski feeling hooky as described in the TR so I’m in need of new templates. The radius on the tip of the ski somehow ended up being about 14m. I got to drawing and came up with a similar shape but with the correct side cut. I sent this shape out to a shop that has a CNC router table and am hoping to have some pricing back by early this week for templates. This will speed things up a lot as most of my time on the first pair was spent making templates. I’m hoping to be skiing Shape-2 by the end of 2020. I’m still on the fence but I may go full in on this shape, it seems like it should be a fun shape and if I can get the flex right, will be a quiver killer in my book. My hope is to make three sets of skis in this shape, with varying core thickness but the rest of the layup will be identical. This will help me fine tune the flex to what i am looking for. From there I can make more of the core thickness that I like, and you fools can also have a set to ski. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk