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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/20 in all areas

  1. People can't even get shit inside the toilet. A bidet would be disastrous
    5 points
  2. Son #2 just cranked this out Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  3. But without the “no open flame” caveat please.
    3 points
  4. When I was a kid I would watch Tracks Ahead on PBS
    3 points
  5. In the spirit of cold weather and possibly some first snowflakes of the skison, here is a nice snow picture of an LV load coming from Lehighton heading towards Lehigh Gap right near the turnpike tunnel. And here is a nice one from between Lehigh Gap and Northampton. I'm hoping for more snow like this.
    3 points
  6. we already made new plans for Thanksgiving - I refused to visit with 3 different families in 1 day. It's actually a nice excuse because usually we spend the day just driving between houses/families and its not very enjoyable. We also started talking about Christmas plans. Both my parents are high risk so I made it very clear I was not comfortable seeing a bunch of people for both holidays.
    3 points
  7. No, I think that Elk’s communications approach is rational and well positioned. It sets the tone from the beginning that the continued availability of skiing is really in the hands of the patrons, and I too hope Blue can get that message across. I just hope they don’t copy/paste. 😉
    2 points
  8. Not many enclosed gondolas at amusement parks besides the Skyliner at WDW, but plenty of the open air, seated style. Great Adventure and Busch Gardens Williamsburg are probably the two closest to us. Interestingly, the Scenic Skyway chairlift at Knoebels is an actual ski lift, bought secondhand and repurposed.
    2 points
  9. I can’t fucking wait to ski.
    2 points
  10. I’m gonna take my pants off first before I watch this. Thanks for posting.
    2 points
  11. 2020 has been a challenging year and it’s looking like the challenges will continue into 2021. At Elk Mountain, we’ve had to make some difficult decisions. Rest assured that Elk Mountain will continue to offer a quality product on the hill and in the lodge. This means that you, too, will have to be patient and help us to comply with all National, State, and Local rules. Please understand that as long as occupancy limits are in effect, we will have to limit the number of people in all indoor spaces. Time spent in the buildings will, as well, be limited. No tables may be reserved whether inside or outside. All skiers and snowboarders will be required to wear an acceptable face covering at all times, unless eating or drinking (e.g. seated in a designated area) or actively engaged in skiing or snowboarding provided that the skier or snowboarder is over the age of 2 and able to medically tolerate such covering. We encourage you to boot up at your car and to tailgate. However, no open flames are permitted and all traffic lanes must remain open at all times. An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people gather. We may from time to time have to adjust our policies to keep both you and our employees safe. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation. Please don’t be the reason that we lose our season. If you have any questions, we ask that you call us at 570 679 4400 or email us at elkskiresort@gmail.com. 2 take aways. 1) They encourage you to tailgate. 2) "Please dont be the reason we lose our season." Thats a pretty good line. The way things are going, this could all go in the shitter, and with no Bidet in sight.........
    2 points
  12. Getting deep at Kmart
    2 points
  13. Eat the Wuhan Stew get the Wuhan flu yeah it’s true..use a bidet after you poo..if you like board games try Clue..popped a molly im sweating woo..ate Matza ball soup cause I’m a jew..when I eat Cocoa pops I get a little Coo Coo..
    2 points
  14. Sorry, I was selfishly thinking about my own needs and not your cheffing magicianship! Controlled open flames encouraged!
    1 point
  15. People wanted more videos? https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1622339651278341&id=323219044523748
    1 point
  16. Yeah I’m starting to miss JLaw..he’s a legend. I remember the one time he had a pizza delivered to class!!!!
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Where's @Johnny Lawwhen you need him to log it?
    1 point
  19. the absolute best thing about covid is that it's a perfect excuse to not have to attend to family / social gatherings.
    1 point
  20. Same here. Really enjoying not being the ones that have to travel from family to family all day.
    1 point
  21. How come you dont see bidets in public reatrooms?
    1 point
  22. Wolf Creek opening day video.
    1 point
  23. He should just come here. I'm told it will be gone on November 4th.
    1 point
  24. I hope I don't have to go into work to start taking shits with single-ply again.
    1 point
  25. One bite everybody knows the rules pizza review time. This is Covid related because both people in below picture got it.
    0 points
  26. Here is a screenshot of the bullet points. I don’t know how restaurants will survive a 25% capacity. The next step after this is strict lockdown with only essential errands like doctor and grocery store like we had in March. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    0 points
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