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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/20 in all areas

  1. Snowmaking on Burma to which I was surprised to see
    7 points
  2. I have a research scientist friend who is developing a therapeutic treatment to eliminate the spread of the virus in a person's body, once infected. Essentially attacking the disease on the molecular level. His process effectively constructs a wall around the diseased cells not allowing them to infect any other cells within the body. His process focus was originally designed to attack cancer cells, but since March his team has turned their attention to fighting Covid 19. Last week they began limited clinical trials in Singapore, his main research center. This man is a genius and I fully expect him to win a Nobel prize someday. His company name is Hummingbird Bioscience and was featured on CNBC last weekend.
    7 points
  3. I’ll text barb green and let her know you’re free.
    4 points
  4. I can't imagine being a skier on this board who is stoked to get on snow and then declining to go skiing because it is only vista.
    4 points
  5. It could depend. If you are at a BLM protest or a Trump rally and its outside with the wind blowing and the sun's UV rays shining, I feel okay about that compared to being across the dinner table from a spit talker in an unventilated room. Edit: of course wearing a mask in the protest/rally scenario.
    4 points
  6. I hate to the the nihilist in the room, but come on. None of this matters. We can slow it with restrictions but we can't stop it. We can lock down, drop the numbers, feel good about it and then they will spike again. We are talking about something that went from one small area in China to the entire world in the span of a few months. If this virus had a motto it would be "Can't stop won't stop". A vaccine will take years to get this under control and there is nothing we can do. We are just animals stuck to a big spinning ball we can't really get off of and sometimes things kill off a bunch of us for no real good reason. Once you kick back and realize we are all just along for the ride it starts to feel less bumpy.
    4 points
  7. This is nothing but hearsay. Consider the source.
    3 points
  8. It's snowing at Elk. The guns are in position and the West Slope chair is running......
    3 points
  9. Both sides are equally as guilty. /thread
    3 points
  10. I think this round of restaurant shutdowns will actually be useful from a data perspective. We will get a chance to see if cases drop due to the restrictions or not. I would hypothesize that most of the transmission is happening at private gatherings and not public spaces. The thing that really sucks is that we don't have enough data on what's going on to make decisions. The smart and "follow the science" thing to do is to run a multiple regression analysis with the independent variable being number of cases and find the coefficients and statistical significance of all of the dependent variables, which are the things that you want to implement and/or shut down. In the absence of that we are taking educated guesses and shooting into the wind with policy choices.
    3 points
  11. Damn, we’re going to miss you!
    3 points
  12. Open with whatever they have on Easy Out/Vista for Saturday. Show Vail who is king 😂
    3 points
  13. They laid down a fairy decent amount so far. No whales yet but a nice bit of white covering the grass. Not ironically I was in a really good mood when I was there.
    2 points
  14. it must suck to suck @GrilledSteezeSandwich
    2 points
  15. Ya, because the crap guns on EO/Vista are exactly that ... crap.
    2 points
  16. Depends what they are talking about, but yes sometimes I do.
    2 points
  17. Would be a major flex opening Easy Out / Vista this weekend. They could if they lined both sides of EO/Vista with real guns, not those budget fan guns.
    2 points
  18. I'll never understand why they only have ~10 guns on homestretch. That is THE trail they need to get open before anything else and they usually have less production there than anywhere else with those crappy yellow guns. Line that trail on both sides and get that shit open with the vista lift asap.
    2 points
  19. I think Burma will open earlier than normal this year, possibly with the first pod to open. I conjecture that they know it’s a shit show when people show up for the open and get over their heads in Midway/Main because Vista isn’t enough, and they wanted a green Root to the doubledouble from jump street. The upgraded guns are supposed to be able produce in more marginal conditions, use less resources and be fully automated, right? I know an earlier Burma isn’t super exciting to us, but if it keep the Jerry mass off Midway/Main I’m all for it.
    2 points
  20. you can put me on the vaccine list as well. When it comes right down to it though, i will take my guidance on the vaccine from the people i know in the medical field, not Google, or Yahoo.
    2 points
  21. I went to the doctor the other day. He said son...you have reggaemylitis.
    2 points
  22. Have you watched Letterkenny? That shit’s hilarious. It’s on Hulu. Or pirated. I watched it one of those two ways.
    2 points
  23. I already have. As I said, there is nothing left cool to see, I have seen all the internet has to offer
    2 points
  24. Yes but it's a different league and they play on Tuesdays and Fridays so no conflict with skiing.
    2 points
  25. Belle blowing as of yesterday.
    2 points
  26. Lol it spreads at home with a small group of family but not in crowds of tens of thousands lol. Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining
    2 points
  27. Yeah, I didn't see many wearing masks during the last round of peaceful protests in Philadelphia either. All the yelling and spitting into each others faces. Definitely deserves a big wall around the entire city. NJ was rather relaxed during summer time, no doubts about it, but then again PA wasn't too far behind. I remember July or August at Dutch Springs. There were some stupid rules instituted like spraying tanks with soapy water, but people lived their lives, half didn't wear masks, though all were clearly distancing from each other as much as possible.
    2 points
  28. If the law is enforced, absolutely. Otherwise I'll see on the mountain. I don't have other local passes or even the usual PA card this year, but I've got the ORDA card, so if things really go south, will stick to Belleayre or night skiing at MC. This is getting old however, and the lawmakers got way out of hand. There has to be a limit to this insanity.
    2 points
  29. 🚨🚨 Guns on! 🚨 🚨
    2 points
  30. Wow you should bring in your tropical plants and pets.
    1 point
  31. First time my new weather station hit below 20. WJW.
    1 point
  32. Do you have a reservation. TTC6 can get you on the list.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Plus you could start working on your lot game.....
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. EZ pass Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. I bet if they made you use your voter registration for testing, both sides would follow the stay at home orders more seriously.
    1 point
  39. The positive....Pfizer upped their vaccine effectiveness to 95%. Let's be honest a vaccine is the only thing that may end this at this point. https://apnews.com/article/pfizer-covid-19-shot-95-percent-9d71455cfce0ff047dee4df873ec1023
    1 point
  40. according to a caller on talkback, it's being spread via chemtrails lol. that's prob the best one i've heard yet.
    1 point
  41. This. I’ve been saying this since May. If it wasn’t for the riots/protests/celebrations/looting, this virus would be under control now.
    1 point
  42. Coldest air of the season allows ski resorts to begin snowmaking By STEPHANIE SIGAFOOS THE MORNING CALL | NOV 18, 2020 AT 6:54 AM With temperatures at night dropping down into the 20s, snowmaking operations are now underway at area ski resorts. Blue Mountain Resort in Lower Towamensing Township turned on its snow guns around 9 p.m. Tuesday. “Our system can pump out 14,000 gallons of water a minute and convert it to snow,” mountain manager Bob Taylor told The Morning Call last week, with his team able to groom a trail per day once conditions are favorable. Live webcams at Blue Mountain showed heavy snow flying through the air Tuesday morning. Temperatures in the area were below freezing, with the humidity continuing to fall. The colder it is and the lower the humidity, the better quality of snow the machines will produce. Taylor said his team needs just 80 hours of snowmaking to be up and running as long as conditions remain favorable. The National Weather Service said Wednesday will be the coldest day of the season thus far. Temperatures will top out in the upper 30s and low 40s, with a steady breeze that will put wind chills markedly lower. "While it will not last long, the air mass over us today is quite anomalous in its chill,” the weather service said in its morning forecast discussion. Forecast lows tonight will be mainly in the low to mid 20s with some upper teens in the coldest spots. A few areas may come within 5 degrees or so of record lows. Ski resorts will have to get their snowmaking in while they can. The end of the week will feature a transition back to a warmer pattern. Thursday will see highs near normal, and by Friday, most areas will return to the low 60s for highs. As long as area resorts have some good cold nights, the snow will likely keep flying. “We will let the snow pile and not touch it,” Taylor said, noting that once you touch those piles it’s like cracking an egg. The snow freezes from the outside and is better left undisturbed until it needs to be moved. The webcams at Blue Mountain showed Vista and Main Street as two of the trails currently being coated in snow. Bear Creek Mountain Resort just outside Macungie does not have live webcams showing snowmaking yet. Last week, its team was looking ahead for a four- or five-day window of the right conditions to get started.
    1 point
  43. Yeah looks like I will be skiing Hunter almost exclusively this winter as long as NY/NJ travel remains unfettered.
    1 point
  44. You’re welcome and anytime. I have better access since I live so close.
    1 point
  45. Just be careful going out to these places if you are still going. Bars are definitely some pretty notorious hotspots.
    1 point
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