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Crawford County, the county to the Northwest of Venango seems to be the culprit for the strange lines. In March 1829 the county was defined as: Beginning at the N. E. corner of a tract in the name of James Gibson on the line of Erie county, being the N. E. corner of [Cussewago Twp.]; thence south to the S. E. corner of a tract in the name of E. Spencer; thence east to the N. E. corner of Thomas Campbell's tract, on French Creek; thence across said Creek to the N. W. corner of A. Humes' tract; thence east along the north line of said tract and F. Rasburg's to the N. E. corner of the last; thence south to the N. W. corner of P. Eck's; thence E. to the N. E. corner of a tract in the name of G. Eck; thence north to the south line of a tract in the name of Israel Israel; thence east, north and west by the lines of sundry tracts to the S. E. corner of a tract in the name of N. Pryer or Ralph Snow; thence north to French Creek; thence across the same to the S. W. corner of a tract in the name of William McArthur's heirs; thence north by the same and donation land to the Erie County line; thence west by the said line to the place of beginning. Looks like they were taking into account tracts of land along the border.4 points
Invites went out a few weeks ago. Maybe yours got lost in the mail along with 6 million Trump ballots? 19,000th post!4 points
4 points
My wife was telling me last night that she got volunteered to be on the vaccination task force at her hospital, but the interesting thing is that they have an actual timeline in which she as well as many others at her hospital will get the vaccine sometime in December. Not exactly breaking news since this is all over the media, but that its happening in real life is exciting to me. I'm jealous that she'll be able to do whatever the fuck she wants and I'll still have to pretend like I'm being careful!4 points
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They took alot of heat over the "super spread", and put out an apology. I sort of looked at it like they were sort of telling people to have large gatherings. Im no marketing or advertising genius, but i would have stayed far away from advertising anything that had to do with a big gathering.3 points
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Not blaming them...I just notice everything. Gift and a curse. I once noticed a PASR with mouth open drool right onto platter of ribs. Can’t unsee that.3 points
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I was personally at these peaceful protests in Philadelphia and I can promise you MAJORITY of people (I saw as I wondered through center city) had masks on. Again, I was not every single spot in Philly so yes media or social media coverage could have shown different. Plus anyone wo spits into each others faces is gross. pandemic or not, that's gross.3 points
I'm curious to see what the production looks like on Main Street. with guns on both sides I'd imagine there is fairly good production and whales that are present. Guns won't be on too much longer as temps are rising quickly.3 points
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If they care to open? Dude you sound like my mom...."I made dinner if you actually care to eat it" I'll start writing up a letter to Blue today for you though - petitioning for them to open Saturday so you can conquer the steeps of Easy Out.3 points
3 points
Kauai is the one main island I haven’t made it to yet. There are some hikes there I hope to get back and do. More time on Maui is also needed, and even the Big Island. I wouldn’t need another visit to Oahu except that I have a cousin there now, my kids haven’t been, and I wouldn’t feel right without a respects trip to the Arizona memorial. I badly wanted to hike both Haiku Stairs and Sacred Falls but both are closed and off limits and I wasn’t feeling rebellious enough. My favorite hike on Oahu was Likeke Falls. I miss Hawaii.2 points
Just an FYI when being questioned by various governors today, President elect Biden said there would be no national shutdown.2 points
Shrimp is gross so if that's the main thing you're putting out in your super spread it's the best way to get myself and people like me to avoid your party. Maybe that's what they were going for there.2 points
My pet peeve is my customers who lick their fingers whenever they have to pick up a piece of paper. A lot of olds just do that instinctively. I’ve seen cashiers do it as well when grabbing plastic bags and I called one out and said I’ll skip the bag.2 points
I am available to ski Saturday if they care to open. I request blue gives me my own chair with a seat warmer, 2 hot chocolates and a cookie for the price of a gumball, and a slalom course on easy out.2 points
He's a rock star... preferential treatment is expected when you hit a certain level of stardom.2 points
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Just throwing it out there for all the ding dongs who say we’re not gonna have a ski season everytime cases rise.1 point
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Nobody messed up. Early season snow making is high risk - high reward. You gotta go for it when you can. If BB wouldn't have been Vailed, we'd be skiing there this weekend.1 point
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Not train specific, but here are some really cool photos of the "last cast" at Bethlehem Steel on the day that they should down all operations. 25 years ago yesterday. https://www.nmih.org/the-last-cast/?fbclid=IwAR1u6bqKfq1hn1FS5K0PNqWKME5UKddRt31Saf8L2JuIihniDRBd_u31mUE1 point
The ramps at Aspen/Jackson Hole saw record numbers of private jets that rival/surpass the busiest weekends in ski season. Safest way to fly right now?1 point
Just read an interesting article about how private planes landing in Gunnison were very popular this summer. They had between 15-20 privates per day land all summer. They wouldn’t disclose the locations people were flying from because they said private plane users value their privacy lol.1 point
Haha...my mom is cool and all, but she's not a rock star like Ski2Live That makes sense. I'm sure his agents are already in contact with Blue to get reservations then1 point
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