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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/20 in all areas
Its unfuckingbelievable. People are just such fucking assholes. And i get that there are people that are way smarter than all of us (especially me) and are convinced masks do nothing. What ever. They want you to wear a mask. wear a fucking mask. its just not that hard. I want to ski, so if they tell me i have to wear one thats what im gonna do. I like having the "normalcy" of skiing back in my life.12 points
11 points
Absolutely loved these Black Crow Camox Birdie’s. They are being mounted as we speak. Took@JFskiDan ‘s advice and got the Pivot look 12 bindings. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk10 points
9 points
Ordered some new bindings for the new skis I bought right when the world collapsed end of last season. Spent Monday night putting some holes in skis and got on em Tuesday morning.9 points
7 points
7 points
This is great: We'll be opening down to the Valley on FRIDAY and adding Lazy Mile, Upper Main Street, Shuttle, Tut's Lane and Homestretch to our trail count. Saturday it is likely that Falls, Crossover and Connector will open. Both Comet and Challenge lifts will open Friday. Arrive together, ride together! Single riders will need to sit on opposite ends of the chair to properly distance. Face coverings are required both in line AND when riding the chair to the top of the mountain.7 points
6 points
Let me get everything straight..they are blowing snow at Blue as aggressive as ever, it’s going to snow, there’s no race team and they are limiting ticket sales....I guess every dark cloud has a silver lining.6 points
and, it looks decently cold in the long range, so this should be an excellent base for any snow we might get in the future and help to get more terrain open more quickly since they won't need to waste the first few hours of snowmaking temps just getting the ground cold so snow starts to pile up5 points
Man i'm glad i just write code and don't have to deal with the physical infra stuff. Though i'm sorry you have to deal with juniper networks. Any time i've had to deal with their software it's been a pain. On a snowier note... snow was easily 12oz deep here, closing in on 16oz. It's since switched over to sleet/freezing rain, so barring a change back to snow, I don't think it's getting any deeper.4 points
Crazy that they are gonna open the six pack Friday with no falls and crossover so can ski whole mile to shuttle to homestretch. That’s a long run4 points
The first flakes have fallen, it is picking up rapidly, and the final accumulation guesses are in for storm totals for my backyard snowfall. Winner gets two (!!) 16oz beers from my fridge and courtesy of @Mixilplix, it appears he will also contribute some beers as well. In between bread baking, diner making, shoveling, and some occasional work, I'll be checking in on storm totals. Winner will be determined at the first post-storm measurement. Entries: @toast21602 - 13.50" @tarponhead - 14.40" @GrilledSteezeSandwich - 20.00" @JFskiDan - 16.00" @Benm - 21.00" @PSUFly - 11.00" @tnt - 17.50" @AtomicSkier - 16.10" @RootDKJ - 16.50" @trackbiker - 12.50" @Schif - 11.63" @Mixilplix - 13.00" @Johnny Law - 19.25" @RidgeRacer - 27.60" @theprogram4 - 16.50" @enjoralas - 19.00"4 points
4 points
weather channel is set up some where in PA, but i dont recognize the name/location.4 points
4 points
19.25 fluff adjusted of course... Super smells like snow in Berks its going to nuke for sure, the wet smell to the air is off the charts according to my sniffer. The sky too is the perfect mix of grey with a little bit of bite to the breeze prime PA snow conditions. Somewhere in the snow corridor is going to over produce and get 2ft plus you can just smell it in the air4 points
4 points
You guys need to take a xanax. We are talking about the winner getting a beer, not a BMW.4 points
Sounds like I'm a winner, although Accuweather is still saying we're getting more overnight. Either way, I should be drinking beer with you fools in the lot one day this weekend3 points
gotta add lift capacity to capitalize on ticket sales after mother nature's free advertising3 points
3 points
3 points
Drive home took double as long as 30 bypass and 202 completely covered in snow. People suck at snow driving. I passed a bunch of stuck 4x4 vehicles in my Focus. before leaving work I saw a guy stuck with a bunch of assholes waiting in their cars too lazy to help. I went to go help push and Another guy came to help and yelled back to the people in their cars “any of you assholes wanna come help!?” One other person came and helped us. A lady tried to drive around us so I blocked the road and made her turn around. Eventually we got the car moving again. our snowblower is working!3 points
3 points
3 points
Just tell them, "You have to wear pants in public. I don't hear anyone complaining about that infringing on their freedom" Where are the anti-pantsers? (Although I am a big supporter of the top freedom women's movement.)3 points
Yeah they spelled it wrong. Should be Bethlum. Bethle-ham does make me hungry, though.3 points
Definitely does not smell like that in the air surrounding me and my couch right now...3 points
3 points
I have three identified: Deck, basement door pad, and grass my driveway drain.3 points
I think we need 3 measurements at 3 different points in the yard and take the average of the 3.3 points
3 points
As for the rules, is it closest, or closest without going over?3 points
3 points
This is going to be toast's backyard after he shovels all the snow and measures it3 points
Guns on for Falls, Homestretch, Tuts, looks like Lazy as well, and they've turned around the guns from one tubing slope to face the other. Really trying to get tubing open. Smart move. Looking forward to more terrain in the next few days!3 points
2 points
Puking and windy here at 1800 feet. I'd guess 7 or so right now.2 points
2 points
Roads are fine for the ranger. I pitched in for the night cleaning so peeps would drive less.2 points
2 points
Naming snow storms is just a marketing thing that the Weather Channel thought up. Next they'll be naming rain storms, fog, heat waves, cold spells, and earthquakes.2 points
2 points
2 points
Nobody wants a BMW because then we’d be asked to join Atomic Jeff’s group car washes2 points
2 points
2 points
2 points
This leaderboard is set to New York/GMT-05:00