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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/21 in all areas

  1. From coming soon to being lost in the damn woods. ..what a fucking day.. will post more later
    16 points
  2. Damn, such a good day. I think the overnight snow was a little lighter than what we had for monday. No real lift issues today, i think we got going just after 9, so that was an improvement from yesterday. Skied around a lot, and got some real nice turns. Dom on coming soon. Gives you an idea of how wide this trail actually is. sloppy seconds wernt bad, at least in this case. bumps the size of volkswagons on falls when we left. Fun stuff. hopefully we get a refill this weekend.
    12 points
  3. Got out today for about 2 miles....Tough as hell setting a track through 2' of fresh.....
    11 points
  4. No, seriously, it was groundhog day. Fucking awesome. More later.
    9 points
  5. today was fuckin batshit. i don't know how to explain it but it's as if they were both #1 days for me for different reasons. yesterday was sort of just enjoying powder for the first time and today was kind of no holds barred crazy. between having bumps everywhere mixed in with some untracked, getting lost in the woods, the mountains on falls, tbar line, seeing people skiing literally everything, it was just bonkers.
    9 points
  6. Shoveling out the end of the driveway was a pain...about a 40" drift. Probably around 2 feet everywhere else
    9 points
  7. Got there around 820 or so. Took me a little under an hour to get there. Dan the man was already in the house. Shortly thereafter BenM showed up. We made our way to the quad around 835. Blue staff was just setting up the turnstiles so we walked up close to the lift and were told to move away so we made our way to the turnstiles. We were first in line although a decent line formed behind us within minutes. Patrol was having a grand old time skiing fresh poe while we waited. Just before the turnstiles opened patrol told us that they left a lot of terrain ungroomed, ski with a buddy and everything is open including coming soon. They also said drifts created sections up to 4 feet deep in spots. The crowd of course cheered and the turnstiles opened around 902. First chair was had Patrol yelled back at me and the dudes I was riding with to tell us specifically that challenge, sidewinder and coming soon didn't see a groomer. So I bolted for challenge. Dan and Ben were a few chairs behind and went to razors. After the headwall on challenge (which was hard from the uphill wind) I descended into a fluffy, deep Pocket of snow that held until bottom of falls....like skiing on a fucking cloud. Maybe the best challenge run of all time. All three of us hit it again From there we went to coming soon which held plenty of untouched. The top part is flat but amazingly fun since it was deeeeeeep. The headwall hit and it was boner city to paradise. Skied that twice. Skied a few more off the quad then over to the main street chair to scope out the fresh. Dan suggested the t bar line. Did that, then sleepy hollow.. it was all pillowy goodness. Back to the six (which opened) for a tree run skiers left of challenge and right of lazy. This is where we all got lost Douglass. I followed the bike trail out to lazy. I think Ben ended up on SW. Bottom line...today was a free for all at Blue mt. The baller to gaper ratio was about 99 to 1. People were skiing everything and anywhere, trees, marquis route, under lifts you name it. Lines got long as and things started to get tracked....it was all fantastic but those first few runs were as memorable as it gets. That's about all I got. It was a day for the books. All of my pics are above. Wow. Just wow.
    8 points
  8. truck bumper became a snowplow on my way in. had to hike it to the house. there is sooo much snow
    8 points
  9. today was bananas b a n a n a s
    7 points
  10. Got out Sunday night when it was still low tide, but 4"+ inches was enough to test out the CAST setup on the old jeffreys. Didn't really do any downhill skiing, just skinned around in the cornfields to get an idea of how the tech toes work vs the guardians. The difference is night and day. Don't know why i didn't do this sooner. I still need to trim my skins down because the old skis they were on were 122 underfoot, these are 110. Lots of blowing snow And the skis with tech toes on the CAST plates
    7 points
  11. Listen jackasses. Today was sick.... Probably my best day ever at blue. can we not talk about negative shit and let me have my after ski glow? Damn.
    7 points
  12. I was out last night tooling around the neighborhood. Even took off the skins at one point to descend.
    7 points
  13. Anyone getting out, I know a lot of people here have set-ups. There is lots of snow on the ground, lets put the gear to work that you paid a ton for, even if its skinning the neighborhood roads. Post some pictures and trip ideas, lets get a group together and go for a tour!
    6 points
  14. I couldn't get out of my driveway and neighborhood today so I was stuck skiing Mt. Mik and surrounding areas. Unfortunately the lifts weren't spinning at Mt. Mik, but the magic carpets got me where I wanted to go. Took a brief tour of some of the open fields and a few laps down the face, skinless. With 2'+ of snow and larger drifts I gained an appreciation for those who set the skin track. The looped route back was much better. Might try and find a nice local hill tomorrow afternoon.
    6 points
  15. I'm putting forward a motion that the lower headwall of coming soon from here on out be referred to as Boner City. No good photos from me today. Too busy getting lost in the woods.
    5 points
  16. I want to do trex with the XCD setup and plastic boots!
    5 points
  17. Who don’t we just make a thread dedicated to saltyant? The TP4 thread is over 100 pages
    5 points
  18. 5 points
  19. Got out of bed early and hit the local park before the sun came up. Nothing crazy, but fun to get on skis. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  20. Can we change the title of this thread? I got real excited that this was going to be a legit thread about someone actually skiing in the Dacks, not about Whiteface
    5 points
  21. Plenty of snow for it just from this storm, go!
    5 points
  22. Today was awesome. I had to run to work first thing but thankfully they closed and I was able to get to Blue before 9. Great people and great snow made for 10/10. The apres beer just topped it off. Blizzard like conditions made a fun drive home. Didn’t have any issues but the road disappeared a couple times.
    5 points
  23. He almost always has a smile on his face. He's no @NMSKI, but he is still one happy dude.
    4 points
  24. Oh, and my neighbor across the street was running his snowblower up my other neighbors driveway when he got a hold of some chicken wire she had up around some bushes. Ever seen”daddys home 2” when will farrell sucks up the christmas lights with the snowblower? my neighbors blower doesnt spin anymore either.
    4 points
  25. Is that the trees off of main? They were awesome first thing this AM when the doubles just started running. Seems like we timed that perfectly. Sorry you guys got my sloppy seconds on the T bar line 😘
    4 points
  26. Wish i could join ya. If things get a little refresh on Friday I'd be in for another round on Saturday if ya want. I'll bring the hiking carrier so I can put rose on my back since she doesn't have skins. 😒
    4 points
  27. I'm out. I'm in trip-prep mode at this point. Enjoy boys!
    4 points
  28. Seriously. I've never seen people shit on a pow day thread so much before.
    4 points
  29. Still snowing here. It has been snowing for over 48 hours now. Probably another inch in the last two hours.
    4 points
  30. Damn, let the man enjoy his pow day.
    4 points
  31. And Nastar Glenn saw his shadow!!!!
    4 points
  32. Still dumping. I'm heading out now so I'll wait for the others to make a thread. Only quad. At the gates so I left. Did Here Now all morning.
    4 points
  33. 4 points
  34. Sitting in the lot. Snowing pretty good.
    4 points
  35. It’s bad form to give away stashes online.
    4 points
  36. Skiing anywhere Thursday? Hoping for a small powder day here. Think we’re gonna see about adding the early access to our tickets for that day
    3 points
  37. This. I wasn’t out skiing nor did I really get to enjoy the snow, but it was nice to feel like life was back to “normal” for once and to actually be stoked on something for a change. Loved seeing everyone’s snow pictures on Instagram, fb, wherever else. It seemed like for 2 days nothing else in the world mattered to anyone except the snow. It was wonderful.
    3 points
  38. 3 points
  39. You’re welcome and anytime!! https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/total_forecast/getprod.php?new&prod=XXXPNSPHI&wfo=phi
    3 points
  40. Looks good fellas! Shred the white wave!
    3 points
  41. I went full textbook scorpion in the lower part of Here Now. Two ski po watched and cheered. Great morning.
    3 points
  42. No need to worry, I would never post anything dumb on this site.
    3 points
  43. Minimum 2+ feet at my hacienda ...... Forecast looks like this will stick around for a bit....3 months ago we were worried about a ski season....who would have thought it would have turned out like this.....
    3 points
  44. 100% won’t be there. Will be heading out to Mt. Mik soon. in the meantime, enjoy this thought:
    3 points
  45. He drives a sonic. The only things he rips is ass.
    3 points
  46. Sensors everywhere. And notifications galore. Hate it.
    3 points
  47. Why is there a moth man in the middle of that stock photo?
    3 points
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