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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/21 in all areas

  1. Another successful PASR adventure. @EdBacon @skiincy Wally @Mixilplix @mbike-ski myself, and Jordan - a guy I know from trail running joined in. We met at the reservoir parking lot trailhead and were off around 8:00. Under clear blue skies and plenty of sun we made our way up an unplowed reservoir access road. After 1.5+ miles and 800+ vertical feet of skinning up, we made it to the top where it flattened at the observatory. Wally was pleased to finally be there. After a quick break for photos and to pack our gear way, we made it back down the access road. The pitch at first wasn't super steep, but as it progressed it got plenty steep. No worries about keeping up speed. The snow on the side of the boot/skin pack was fantastic and there were plenty of little logs and rollers to pop off of. After we got back down, Wally was tired from chasing @skiincy the whole way down so her and @Mixilplix went back to the lot. The rest of us went back up past the reservoir and up Furnace Creek to make some more turns. Jordan and I broke trail and picked our way up about 400' of the backside of Pulpit Rock to get some turns in the trees, and good turns were found. I know some others took photos and I'll let them share them here too... After 5.5+ miles of skiing and 1500+ feet of climbing we called it a day and enjoyed a few beverages in the parking lot before heading out. Everything today exceeded expectations and it didn't feel like we were in Pennsylvania. It is wild to continually get good turns outside of a resort in PA. This season has been a treat so far and it has been a blast enjoying it with the PASRs!
    16 points
  2. Another day, another ski day 😁 Today was awesome. Warmest it's been, and extremely sunny. Groomers were 10/10 this morning and was able to really put the hammer down. I hit and quit the main lifts as I know they'd get crowded and explored some of the lesser lifts that I hadn't ridden yet, like East River. Totally empty and you could really crush some fast groomers. Skied until 11, and when I got back to the base area, the two main lifts were out of the corrals (and they're big corrals). Meanwhile, I skied right onto every lift.
    10 points
  3. It's like Vermont but without the drive.
    9 points
  4. Conditions were fabulous. Lift lines were long almost instantly but to be honest the runs were fairly crowd free. Coming soon was good. Blue is so legit when there's natural snow. Not just terrain... but the whole vibe. What a great February it's been
    9 points
  5. Hey All, I’m back from a fun morning at Blue mountain. I arrived at the lower lot at 715AM and it was in the high teens with a nice alpenglow. In the house was Salty, JFDan, PSUFlyguy, Nastar Glenn, Enjorales, BenM, PARidge, KevinThomas, Justo, Rose, Charles, Falco and many others. First civilian six pack and challenge first whih was good but a little more frozen than expected considering the recent new snow...switchback was pretty nice and empty and I repeated that..upper main and lower Main both nice and smooth. Sidewinder was good until the last pitch which was sort of slick. Paradise had chalky packed powder and coming soon had ok snow but pretty rocky and I was pretty careful skiing the right side to not destroy my $1100 new skis. Liftlines got pretty long as expected and had some beer and chips in the parking lot. Remember boys and girls tomorrow is sausage Sunday wahahahahooey
    7 points
  6. Wanted to change it up today, so I ran at lunch time and decided to tour up Snodgrass. Hit the trail at 3:30pm and was at the top at 4:55pm. This was my longest tour to date at just under 3 miles and ~1500ft of gain, and I can tell my boots have broken in nicely as I as overall pretty comfortable. Temps were in the low 20s with on/off sun. Some really nice views, but not sunny when I took the pictures 😂 Because the uphill trail snakes back and forth a bit, you get a good view of some lines. I enjoyed some nice shin deep pow on the way down, but nobody to take any pics 😁 I'm beat, and I'm going to drink all the beer.
    7 points
  7. Today was good...got crowded but no complaints from me. Got in 2 runs on Coming Soon...hit the glades off Lazy (blue baumer I think?) And the the sleepy hollow glades.
    6 points
  8. Great morning, sun, snow peeps and pup! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  9. Cornfields were skiing nice today. Got a quick slightly less than 2 miles in this afternoon roaming around some cornfields looking for something with enough pitch to actually make some turns. Found a decent hill that had enough pitch to get some speed and made like 6 real turns. Since I went out mostly just for the exercise, finding something I could actually ski downhill was a bonus.
    4 points
  10. Super fun time this morning with a great group of people.....Snow was fantastic...Stellar Pa views at the summit.....Some nice turns on the way down...Nice to finally meet Ed Bacon...Glad we got there early ...there were a lot of cars parked on the access road to the parking area...
    4 points
  11. Just zoomed in on photos. Love the action shot of wally lol gettin some air.
    3 points
  12. Fucking awesome boys (and girls). Amazing what you get in PA. Makes me a little jelly 😁
    3 points
  13. Got on the snow around 10, which I think is when they open...access road was sketchy but otherwise the drive was fine. Did a few runs on the top to bottom trail on skiers left. Nice long run, 2 miles. Then time for a lift beer
    2 points
  14. Awesome. I would've loved to join you guys. Hadn't been to Blue in a few weeks though and had to be in Easton this afternoon anyway
    2 points
  15. Better than slobbing the knob.
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. Having a drink on the patio overlooking Deer Valley and Park City at the St. Regis is the crème de la crème living - followed by a ride down the funicular. 100000%
    2 points
  18. Last run of the day on Stembogan... And that brings me to where I currently am...
    2 points
  19. And more pics...nice soft snow and bumps off a blue trail. .Deer run I think Lower extrovert I think...nice bumps and a good amount of powder at the end
    2 points
  20. Then time for a nice lunch... After that I hit some glades. Nice drop off of Stembogan toward east wall glades. First time through I wasn't ready for it and launched pretty far into the trees
    2 points
  21. Lapped Stembogan bowl/trail after that for 5 runs...
    2 points
  22. Great day to stretch the legs. I think that’s edbacon and Jordan in front of me. wallys was loving the snow despite his 😐 face. He’s literally slept on day since. He has the powder legs. at the lookout point. That’s Jordan, @EdBacon, @toast21602, and @mbike-ski And toast about to sending it off the edge. this is the crew going back up to investigate a new route. solid morning. Would 100% do it again if the snow pack maintains.
    1 point
  23. You could pay someone to do half the stuff you complain about doing. Yes, you’d complain about paying someone, but you wouldn’t complain about the extra free time 😂
    1 point
  24. Had to do some adult stuff first thing in the morning, that put me in the lot right at 8am. Hooked up with @tarponheadwho was already a run or two down Coming Soon. Ended up lapping Coming Soon all morning until having to depart to finish adult stuff the rest of the day, but the lines at the quad were getting far too long for my patience level. If you stayed in the middle of Coming Soon, the snow was good and very few troughs were down to the dirt. So done with being an adult!
    1 point
  25. You too, man! It was nice to finally meet some the pasr crew.
    1 point
  26. Nice to finally meet you out there today! 🙌
    1 point
  27. Wally is such a little snow bum. He’s a blast 🐶
    1 point
  28. Nice report. A few wondered where all the PASRs were today. Well this thread explains WTGAI.
    1 point
  29. this is by far the best outdoor setting the nhl has ever had. Spectacular shots https://twitter.com/NHLonNBCSports/status/1363219519930531840?s=20
    1 point
  30. Now is the perfect time to go. They just opened a few more trails. Another 4" overnight and it snowed off and on all day yesterday. The only closed trails I wanted to hit yesterday were upper extrovert and ditch glades. Probably could've ducked a rope at the end of the day for upper extrovert but I didn't bother.
    1 point
  31. Love blue knob. Been there a couple of times, but neither had that much snow coverage. Need to get out there again to partake in those glades. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  32. Don't be fooled by the negative comments from some, the Red Iguana has some killer mole
    1 point
  33. For me it's a little under 3 hours. It would be a bit further for Lehigh valley/ pocono people. Also, a full day lift ticket was a whopping $40. If you bring a season pass from another resort its $35, but I did an online ticket reservation so I didn't get that discount
    1 point
  34. @Johnny Law Thanks for the tips. Maybe I'll go to DV on my 3rd day on my way out of the Park City region. Sooo many places to go, so little time (6 days).
    1 point
  35. I’m eating right now and this post makes me hungry.
    1 point
  36. Just wanted to make a record here. Toured up Snodgrass today. Just shy of 2.9 miles. More pics here:
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. @saltyant if you like Mexican food, SLC is a fucking gold mine.
    1 point
  39. Unless your eating stuff local to where you are it's all frozen and shipped so location is irrelevant. Pretty much all the big eating fish are frozen and ship. Shit most of them aren't even what they say, we ate all the og Chilean sea bass and orange roughy years ago. Really good sushi in park city, Yuki Yama is my favorite in UT. If you go to DV the restaurant on the deck and inside the St Regis, Rime, has amazing oysters. Also the little Cafe at the top of the gondy is an oyster bar that is hyper good. If you do to DV definitely sit outside on the deck, get a good drink, truffle pizza, fries, and an order of oysters and you'll be loving life.
    1 point
  40. Started from the Hamburg reservoir parking lot. Bunch of cars. Lots of folks walking their dogs and taking the AT up to Pulpit Rock and the Pinnacle. Hiked straight up the Lehigh Valley Amateur Astronomical Society/cell tower access road. Not a hard hike at all. There was a solid boot pack about two feet wide the whole way up. Go of the boot pack and you sunk in to your knees. The entire rest of the road surface was deep powder for long stretches. Saw one set of tracks from somebody else with the same idea, and one guy came ripping down from the far side of the reservoir on my hike up. Way to get at it. Strapped in at the observatory then started down. Was a sweet run. Passed a couple groups of folks coming up. I waved. The pitch is really easy. If it were a groomed trail it would be a green "easiest way down" the mountain sort of trail. Could really lay into any big turns but still felt great to float on down for 800 vertical feet. Ate some Trader Joes blueberry fig newton bars then got back to the car. Up and down, including some time taking in the view at Pulpit Rock totaled 2 hours. Not bad at all. So far this year I've bagged three powder days, all hike-to and avoided resorts in the process. Will definitely be doing more hiking for turns in the future as it feels great, is free and you have pow practically to yourself.
    1 point
  41. He’s probably more into docking than soaking.
    1 point
  42. Fuckin legit!!......Place looks fun....Once again Pa delivers...
    1 point
  43. Double on the same pole? That’s the dream . . .
    1 point
  44. Multiple picture posts for one report... you know how to rack up the likes! This is the second report from this place this year and it looks better every time. Sounds like you made the right decision and timed this well! 👏
    1 point
  45. part of the reason i got a roof box. i have 6 pairs of skis in it right now!
    1 point
  46. I think Im throwing every pair of skis I own in the truck Saturday morning lol!
    1 point
  47. This is a ridiculous trip report so I’m going to bury it in the skison thread. Went for an urban ski adventure in bala cynwyd last night with Mike and Wally. I was trying to ski near my old place in Belmont Village because of the slope. It’s about 200 vertical feet over 1/2 mile. Thought it would be fun to do some laps with @Schif. But, everything was plowed. so, we went to the cynwyd trail instead. we’ve ran the cynwyd trail a hand full of times and it always felt like a steeper slope. Like 30ish minutes of shuffling through the snow, we made it to the car 😂 probably like 100 vertical feet over 1.2 miles. we weren’t the only ones who attempted this, which makes the sub par decision feel a little less ridiculous. There were 2 other tracks from alpine skis. 1/2 way through, I texted a friend and requested a heli assist. Send the choppa plz. Here’s Schif and Wally towards the end. Got to the car at CVS on rock hill road. Turns out it’s hard making turns in Philly 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m no longer in park city and telluride, I suppose...
    1 point
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