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10 points
Spring skiing was in full effect today and we had a great time. Kids did a 3 hour private lesson which was pretty much a mountain tour and they loved it. The instructor let them hike one of the ridges and ski off it and they now think their shit doesn’t stink. I did a few of the main favorites, Alberta face, glory hole, and even did the 25 minute hike to the top of Alberta peak and skied chute 5. Skied a bunch of bumps with my son in the afternoon. All in all it was a great day.9 points
8 points
Back at the cobble mountain. Lunch break and waiting for my daughter to finish calc. shit sounds like another language not even sure what they're saying...wtf does the "N go to infinity" mean! Anyway class ends in 10 then back to the face. Still just the face lift running. We'll see happens though. Action shot from yesterday8 points
Brighton was grate! Skied all over the mountain, snow was a 12/10 and temperature was perfect. It was so Bright at Brighton I swapped my googles later in the day. After lapping Milly's several times, I spent most of the day on the other lifts as tomorrow I'll park at Millys and spend much of my time there. Overall an amazeballs day, really fun terrain and a swanky hipster vibe. Oh, and the mountain views aren't too bad either6 points
6 points
For sure. Only reason I brought it up was the comparison to Vail day ticket pricing - as Vail is absurd for day tix but completely reasonable for a pass. Not trying to change anyone's mind. For me super nice that my kids have gotten to love skiing bigger mountains and making regular weekend plus trips to do it. Amazing having an activity that brings us so much quality time together in their teen years.6 points
I just like drinking beers with PASR's in the parking lot. If I have to pay $ 549 to do that, fine. Beers and food in the lot after a few hours of scraping off all the snow and sitting at the top of Falls admiring the view of the parking lot is priceless 🥰😍🤩6 points
5 points
5 points
Hey All, I’m done with another AM session at Blue mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the lower lot at 820am and it was windy and in the lower 20s. PASR row was busy because they’re still working on a couple rows on the opposite side of the road. In the house were BenM, C1er and Bethlehem ford guy. First civilian six pack with BenM and a snowboarder who said razors was gonna be fast like a rocket ship. I didn’t want to argue and say that with the 20-30mph northwest wind nothing was gonna be fast. First run on challenge had a few icy spots and a few chalky spots. They blue a small amount of snow across the hill most of which Blew away. Next run sidewinder was decent and more in the sun. Main Street was variable some good some bad but a wind tunnel. Paradise was good until the last pitch where I had to get in a bullet tuck to cut under the wind and the second I stood up my momentum died. Switchback was decent with a few rolly pollys near the bottom and finished off with a few sidewinders. Managed 7 runs in an hour which hasn’t been easy to achieve this season with the liftlines but there weren’t any lines today at least when I skied. Today’s AM skiing makes me wanna get back out tomorrow when there will hopefully be less wind and surely be warmer. Almost every lift ride somebody ate shit on the icy patch near the top of challenge. I don’t know what compels people to think hard carving on ice you can see your reflection in is a good idea...people were taking serious slides. JADIP5 points
5 points
Its also super easy to end up in someones driveway skiing off the trees to the right off Great Western. No cliffs, but a long walk back to the lift.5 points
Shit happens. I probably should've gone with my gut and booked mid March bit it is what it is. Yesterday was hella fun as was the day before. Update...power is back on at the mountain and the sun is bright. Only lifts turning are at kids campus however. They're working on the others. I'm heading over soon. Cobble gave us a noon check out. I mentioned Saltys name and they made it happen for me.5 points
Correct. I enjoyed the views at PC and the fancy houses, but yeah Brighton is right smack in the middle of the mountains which is sick. Brighton offers a lot of mellow glades that I can handle. I like to see where they come out so I dont get stuck like numerous times in the past, so I go in for a bit and then pop back out onto a groomer Also loved skiing to the car at the end of the day. Very very convenient parking if you get there an hour early which scores major points. It's nice being able to stop at the car for a drink, snack or to swap goggles without having to walk 10 minutes4 points
4 points
4 points
For sure. I'm at whiteface. I'm skiing awesome snow. The sun is shining. This would be a 12 out of 10 at blue. Wind is an issue but I'm not at all going to complain about that. This place is empty too with the exception of a few locals.4 points
4 points
Make that skiing Vail 4 days April 6-9 Out of pocket costs: 4 nights Evergreen Lodge king bed mountain view - free with about to expire credit 4 days skiing - free with Epic RT Jet Blue flights for 2 (bringing my non skiing GF) including fee to check skis - $168 (after using about to expire credit) RT shuttle DIA to Vail for 2 - $258 Total = $426 + parking at JFK for 5 day CO vaca for 23 points
3 points
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3 points
3 points
after getting a text that said "Wegmans go!!" I hopped on the internet and snagged myself an appointment for Saturday at 11am. Was hoping it was a weekday so I could just pop out of work and get the shot but oh well. Probably won't be at Blue on Saturday now.3 points
https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/03/02/world/covid-19-coronavirus/under-a-white-house-brokered-deal-merck-will-help-boost-supplies-of-its-rival-johnson-johnsons-vaccine Thank you President Biden Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
I agree with what a lot of people said.. enjoy Milly the best, just be careful to carry speed a few places or you will not make it uphill spots 😀. As other's said too the groomers between Snake Creek and Great Western are fun too.... With a few steeper groomers over on the blacks to the right of GW. Enjoy.. such a fun laid back spot.. I love chilling in the lodge at the base of Milly.3 points
3 points
Everyone's situation is different though. If I lived in north jersey and the driving time difference between blue and hunter was negligible, I'd probably get an epic pass. Hunter may be crazy, but it definitely skis much bigger than blue. Given that the closest epic resort to me is JFBB, which is still farther than blue, epic doesn't make as much sense. When my kid is older and can put in a full ski day somewhere and is more tolerant of a 2-3+ hour drive, maybe an epic pass makes more sense for me. As it stands right now, even with blue's price increase, it still makes the most sense for me, and probably a lot of other folks as well, even if an epic pass is not much more money. Time is money for a lot of people, and an extra 3+ hours in the car every weekend, plus more tolls and gas, definitely adds up.3 points
We found a lot of fresh snow in the mellow trees skier's right of Milly lift. More challenging trees and good snow was up off skier's right of Snake Creek Express. Try Doyle's Dive at the top of Snake Creek lift. When we were there, Great Western Express having issues, so we didn't get over there until the afternoon, so the snow was getting kinda heavy. That area gets the afternoon sun, so you might want to hit it up early enough so the light is good, but the sun hasn't beat on the snow as much. The groomers would be fast, I suspect. Take/Post more pics!!3 points
3 points
Agree with the views. Much nicer than the PC views. Glad you enjoyed. Brighton continues to be a treat to PASRs!2 points
In Edinburg Scotland they bricked up a plague infested alley and left all the people inside to die.2 points
During the Black Plague houses were burned to the ground when infected inhabitants did not come out. Can we do that with texas if it all goes bad? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
They are doing a really nice job on the gravel in the south side lot.2 points
2 points
Paid $769 for hotel last year. Using about $710 of it up now. Yeah will tip shuttle guy. Cheap rate due to 20% discount from Epic Pass Twins won't be vaxxed yet so not taking them on plane. Their call. 3-4 days skiing somewhere drivable (TBD based on conditions) with them right before I fly to Vail. At 27 days in so far, barring another lock down, this will be a record setting season for me. Most I ever skied in a season was 31 days and I could well break 40 this year. Girls will beat their record too - now at 15, could top 20.2 points
I love this. It will finally give us a great look at what happens when there are no restrictions. Will there be a spike? Probably. How big will it be? Will it be the kind of thing that makes them want to lock back down? Or will it be a risk/reward for the people making their own informed decisions? In the name of science I love this move. Viva Texas!2 points
2 points
Plus Ridge is known for his real-time reports!!! Imagine a trip with both ridge and salty together. That would be an epic thread.2 points
Big ass skeet shots of ice rink ice on challenge and main, saw a dude legit wheely his skis over the main street spot but he rode it out and it was quite impressive. Otherwise the snow was pretty good all things considered. We are definitely in the part of the season where the sun is playing a huge part. Lazy was soo soft and slow you couldn't make doodle turns but switch was rock solid and lightening fast. Sidewinder was perfect, firm and fast with smoothness where the Jerry's always fuck it up. Tomorrow should be le tits, going to let it get pretty warm and ski the early afternoon applesauce.2 points
3100 fans in the building for flyers and sixers games. not sure about the sixers, but flyers ticketing is going to work as follows: 2021-22 full season ticket holders w/ inside edge and premium seat owners get priority and then there is a wait list for the general public. Us partial plan people got left out and are considered general public which is quite annoying considering I have 3 games worth of credits in my Ticket account for the games I missed last year. Oh well, it’s a start at least.2 points
Glad atomic skier chimed in to this thread solelyto shit on a compliment given to someone else that isn't him. Don't worry Jeff...its me trying to spray snow on my kid... Not show off my incredible Atomic skier like form.2 points
Probably senses the wind speed using of all those broken anemometers on the lift towers.2 points
Your girls probably think you’re the coolest guy in the world lol. They obviously never met Eaf.2 points
2 points
2 points
Most of the hill is pretty clear except for the steep part where the t-bar went up. That was pretty much full of briars and saplings.2 points
2 points
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