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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/21 in all areas

  1. The bluest of blue bird beautiful spring today. Snows great... non-existent off piste. Very thin, fading fast but nice on. Made it in less than 3 hours with a pee stop / gas fill up. Looking out toward plattekill and it looks rough over there (not sure if they're even open). Time to work on the goggle tan. Grate day!
    10 points
  2. Took my first real fall off the season on onteora. Slammed the brakes hard when I saw a bare spot prompting a fall. I guess it was better than hitting it and ejecting forward. Definitely rough in spots. Definitely can't let it go which is somewhat frustrating but it is what it is given the weather I guess.
    5 points
  3. Yeah, doing something similar to hunter where you're allowed to go uphill before the resort starts spinning the lifts would be cool. Even cooler if there wasn't an upcharge as long as you have a valid pass/ticket. I do miss the days of Blue's nonexistent uphill policy where ski patrol would usually just look at you very confused, or you could plead ignorance at worst.
    3 points
  4. 3 points
  5. Signed up. Going to run the race in the morning and then skin it. Hopefully some nice weather.
    3 points
  6. Yup, i expect nothing else. Cool that they're doing it, would be cooler if as a season pass holder you didn't have to pay, but such is life. Hopefully patrollers are getting that money. There's like 3 different descriptions of the event, depending on where you're looking, and the registration link as of yesterday didn't work in Chrome, but did work in Chrome Canary (the Chrome beta channel) and Safari. Again, no surprises here. I'm signed up. Couldn't care less about the run thing, but I'll be there for some uphilling with skis and a beer or two.
    3 points
  7. Blue mtn season pass #9 has been acquired
    3 points
  8. It's just going to overcrowd the surrounding trails...I'm sure they will sell a bunch of permits though.... I was at Indian head this past fall....It's spectacular ..
    3 points
  9. Long and noisy, but the views!!
    2 points
  10. I think I saw Solitude from the Milly Lift. Anyway, the Milly Lift is the best part of Brighton in my opinion. You should love the groomers off that. In fact there are many many fantastic groomers accessible from each lift that are a ton of fun.
    2 points
  11. We’re gonna ski Brighton tomorrow. Already eyeballed part of it from the Summit Express, and it looked great from the distance
    2 points
  12. I think I’m going to stay with Epic but also adding a Bear Creek pass. Mainly because I just moved 15 minutes away and they do have a pretty good park to go along with quality snowmaking. I look forward to getting some quick night sessions in.
    2 points
  13. These are condos at the bottom of Solitude where we’re skiing for two days. They look 100% identical to what I’ve seen at Keystone, both inside and outside. Living area, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, balcony, TV, fireplace. I keep having dejavu moments all the time. But the arrangement is awesome. Walking distance to the slopes, 3 hours of skiing, lunch break at home, and off for three more hours. Nice to travel with a chef too 🤣
    2 points
  14. Hey All, I’m back from a fun session at Blue mountain the true mountain. In the house were JFDan, Atomic Jeff, Mute, Boo Bear, Ryan, Schif, Falco, Eddie, PSUFlyGuy, Charles, Salty, Mixilplix, Mrs Snowbunski, Kurt, Toast, Justo, Rose, TheRealKT, Antman, Enjorales, Pops, Indiggio, Nastar Glenn, Ski2Live and many more. Second civilian chair today in the six pack VVIP line. I would consider the snow to be variable spring conditions with groomed hardpack, corn snow and frozen crud dominating..I did an almost tour de Bleu today hitting Paradise, Lazy, Main Street, Switchback and even widowmaker from the top and just lower to midway to little gap to Burma woo what a run. The parking lot was fun had some chip, fruit snacks, pizza and beer. Temperatures were in the 40s rising to the 60s under sunny sky’s. JADIP ski everybody at blue in 8-9 months.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. I give likes if the posts are good, not based on who the poster is 💁‍♂️
    1 point
  17. 100% agree. If only vail could satisfy Barb
    1 point
  18. and you're 100% not getting a pass. Take it to the individual ticket thread.
    1 point
  19. We are already like 1-2% of the way to the next ski season. Steezy
    1 point
  20. Today was no spring skiing. Temperatures dropped below freezing yesterday afternoon, and it was just single digits in the morning. But the great part was that they groomed when it was cold, and it never got warm during the day, do today was a winter wonderland. Spectacular groomers that just screamed to be hugged for their perfection. Even in the afternoon when corduroy was long gone, it was still smooth, firm, fast and edgeable. No piles, no mashed potatoes, winter conditions in short. Buuuuut everything else was still frozen. IDK, looking at continuously sunny weather, nice groomer skiing and super thin crowds, it doesn’t look like Utah at all 😂
    1 point
  21. in regards to their park setup? caveat: i was only there once this year. that said, it was like i was skiing in a time warp. seemed like nothing changed since the days of the showdown weeknight comp series. shoulder high lips onto urban-style down rails will never die at bear, apparently.
    1 point
  22. It’s fully open now, so we’re all over the place, but stay on groomers as the difference between groomed and ungroomed is drastic - the latter is just frozen. The only trail that has some spring coverage issues is Solbright and only in the very beginning - rocks start showing up. Summit Express that you’re referring to indeed goes down and up twice but features the best views, so we’re on it quite often.
    1 point
  23. Looks like Headwall Forest/Evergreen. super fun area.
    1 point
  24. two of my friends at the University of Delaware drove all the way to LV just to get White Castle
    1 point
  25. I think Bear really upped their game this year.
    1 point
  26. Looks nice! Im thinking about looking at the lodging at Solitude for a few days during next seaons trip. As you said, it would be nice to not have drive back out of the canyon every night. .. and with night skiing at Brighton, it gives more options.
    1 point
  27. Different kinda season...Thanks to everyone for making it that way.....
    1 point
  28. Berkshire East is a really fun, well run mountain. The owners bought Catamount about two years ago and are making improvements there.
    1 point
  29. Great day. Triple dip session, hit 8 runs in the morning session, out for drinks and piz courtesy of @PSUFlyand then Pops and I went back for 3 more runs before relaxing in a set of the adirondacks having a drink for about 20 waiting for the boy to finish with his camp. Turns out with the schedule shuffle he ended up being the only one in the group, and got down Main Street today so he was stoked about that. We went out for 2 more runs with him and he chose Switchback and Paradise, so ended out Blue, and probably entire season.
    1 point
  30. Hard to find a better vaccinated group (with the exception of @saltyant) ... hard to find a PASR in the parking lot who hasn't received at least their first dose.
    1 point
  31. Super windy. Pretty sure I just saw Saltys Chevy sonic blow by like tumbleweed
    1 point
  32. Sweaty engineering time Ok so Camelback has been open since 1963 and, although a chair apparently fell off the bullwheel once, only 3 people have fallen off of a chair. Camelback does not share skier visit #s though so you can't get a percent there If we consider only Sullivan, it has been running since 1995 year round with 66 chairs and a 3.1min bottom to top time according to liftblog. Since 1995 66 chairs/6min round trip * more or less 5 full months worth of operating after considering both winter and occasional summer operation * 30 days/month * 12 hours/day * 60min/hour is 1,188,000 trips and only 1 chair has fallen off. This gives literally somewhere on the order of 1 in a million chance even on Sullivan. If there are about 2,500 ski lifts in the US, and at least as many no longer exist, and less than a dozen chairs or so have ever fallen off of a list in the US with people on them (mostly Yan detachables), this gives odds on the order of 1 in 500 million that a chair will fall off in any given trip or about 0.000000001% chance
    1 point
  33. That's what I've been saying and why I brought up the Granby Ranch accident. People keep saying it's not relevant because those victims fell but the chair did not. But witnesses said the CBK chair was swaying and bouncing, and the guy interviewed on WFMZ actually said the chair went nearly vertical and then the passengers fell off right before the chair fell. People who were there that day commented on the weird bouncing and swaying prior to the accident. My point was just that there seems to be some sort of surge or dynamic aberrance that the two accidents have in common. That doesn't explain why the CBK chair detached of course, but it does indicate that there was something significantly wrong not just with the chair but with the larger operating system.
    1 point
  34. Well..., pretty cool knowing that I was on the mountain the same day the video was being filmed. I know I was at the base of Milly when they filmed the 8:20 segment,, but I can't pick myself out 😒... But I remember watching that sequence.
    1 point
  35. Going to the 2002 SLC Olympic cross country ski venue on the Heber Creeper.
    1 point
  36. Well, United offered to change my flight to Sunday since today's flight was full... So here I am back at Brighton for one more day. .. oh and this...(win/win)
    1 point
  37. Killington is loading up superstar for another deep spring run
    1 point
  38. Don’t worry @GrilledSteezeSandwichi don’t want to share a bathroom with you. My place only has one so I will pre approve all guests. But maybe when you come to CO next month we can actually meet up.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Easy. They'll need to submit a 10,000 word essay describing their work. The essay should include 5 professional references and should not be accepted unless it's on times new Roman font...size 11 max, double spacing is not allowed. From there Blue mountain would then verify the authenticity by first bringing on a certified university professor from the Harvard School of Medicine to review and grade each essay. If a B or higher is received, Blue mountain would then contact the 5 professional references to officially certify authenticity. Upon receipt of a B or higher as well as authenticity certification...the health care professional will then need to present a reenactment of their duties in front of Barb and the dude who's name i can't remember. This reenactment will be held in the wedding gazebo complete with scenic view. If Barb is legitimately brought to tears, a pass will be granted for the 21-22 season.
    1 point
  41. Things learned today...climbing in a mask sucks.....I really need some practice, forearms are toast.
    1 point
  42. I came up for a post rain session figuring empty bleachers and sure enough nobody is here. One of the few I have seen is a man fitting a plastic bag around his boot, the purpose of which eludes me. Waterproofing his boot ? Just one ? Does he keep his lunch in there ?
    1 point
  43. Lines pretty long right now at Crested Butte .... everyone is welcome*. * subject to pre-approval.
    1 point
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