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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/31/21 in all areas

  1. Just got my wife scheduled for J&J on Friday!
    6 points
  2. Just got my pass for next season. My 3rd season pass to Blue.
    6 points
  3. Woah, Brighton is insane. It has so much variety. It’s more crowded. It’s quite picturesque. It’s confusing. It’s dangerous. Compared to it, Solitude is so much more relaxed, straightforward and open. We loved all those trails in the trees, endlessly merging, crossing and splitting apart, but I still have no idea of how exactly they’re laid out, as it’s just a giant mess. You constantly have to look around for people jumping on you from a merging trail or even crossing from left shoulder to right and disappearing somewhere in the woods. No freaking wonder we saw two med evacs at Brighton in one day and zero at Solitude in two. Tons of little kids scraping trails with their pizzas and guarding parents going edge to edge behind them. Lines in the central area could be 5 minutes at times. And they have a terrain park, ugh. But the flanks of the resort are just the very opposite. No lines, with open views, high in the sky (just the mere thought of something dropping from the Western express is unbearable) and pretty interesting terrain. I agree, the Milly side is the best. There were never too many people, a walk from the parking lot is easy, there’s a terrace where one could stop for lunch, it’s just such a contrast from the hectic center. The trails there are also quite unique. They all offer insane views, are fast, are at the same time easy but also non-trivial with continuous ups and downs, turns and go arounds. We really had a blast at Milly. The weather started cold, about 12F, but quickly warmed up to about 50F. Conditions were immaculate, with velvet in the morning and cream cheese in the afternoon. So good, but I just can’t shake the feeling that the center of the mountain felt so... camelbacky?? In short, between the two, Solitude has won our hearts. Brighton left a long lasting impression.
    5 points
  4. On April 19th all Pennsylvanians will be eligible for Covid vaccine shots.
    5 points
  5. 5 points
  6. 4 points
  7. Remembered to re-up today as well. Found a gift card in my stash so was able to save $225 on next years pass, so that didn’t suck. Also picked up a valley locker. Wonder if I can fit the grill in there?
    4 points
  8. Correct. Ikon has Boyne Mountain in upper Michigan with its whopping 500 feet of vert. How many non-locals are going to travel to Boyne over anything west? Probably zero. I think Camelback is the largest mountain that's less than a 2 hr drive from Manhattan. In 2019, the NYC metro area had a population of 8.4 million and $90,043 GDP per capita. That's a lot of potential Ikon passholders
    4 points
  9. Just re-upped ours for next year. Holy shit the UX of their ecomm store is terrible.
    4 points
  10. Just scheduled husband for his first dose. All CO residents eligible to schedule starting this Friday.
    3 points
  11. never thought i'd hear brighton being compared to camelback; that's a new one.
    3 points
  12. There is nothing Camelbacky about Brighton. Glad you enjoyed it, though. Milly truly is one of my favorite zones at any mountain that I've skied at.
    3 points
  13. @Benm Short video skiing with BenM... he was way way faster than me even on 80s skis. Rad!
    3 points
  14. Long and noisy, but the views!!
    3 points
  15. and you're 100% not getting a pass. Take it to the individual ticket thread.
    3 points
  16. Ski season up here took its time arriving then dumped four feet on us all at once and it was so much snow you couldn't move the first day. For a few days all the backcountry rock stars from up around Stowe were down here in little ol' Brownsville because Ascutney got hammer-slammered with powder in a storm that didn't go much further north than White River Junction. You never saw so many Sprinter vans and Labrador retrievers in our parking lot. Then two weeks later it rained and washed ALL of that snow away and that's how Vermont winter rolls. Then February arrived and kept giving and giving and it was amazing. Nobody could stand the Epic-Pass lines at Okemo (even weekdays were nuts) so we did lots of AT skiing on Ascutney. I work 24-hour shifts and have way more days off than my friends, so I taught myself to snowboard. Got some snowshoes and earned my turns and bruised my tailbone. I can ride a T-bar on the board no problem but still can't figure out how to get off a chairlift without it looking like a disaster from an I Love Lucy episode. I'm drinking coffee this morning and waiting for the New Yorkers to go home so I can get in some springy-soft runs at Okemo this afternoon. Here are some random pics from this season: One day it was all glare ice on Ascutney after some rain, and we were all bummed not to be able to ski. Then around 3pm the guy who runs the groomer decided to make some passes, so we followed him around for a little sunset touring and fresh corduroy: N The community T-bar runs until 4pm weekends then it clears out fast. I had a firepit and a whole powdery mountain to myself lots of evenings. Skinning up near the top of Ascutney is great fun and the snow was unbelievable last month: I retired from teaching and work as an EMT for a fire department, so I drive a fire engine now. This is so much more fun than grading papers and I have five days off every week!
    2 points
  17. The site has a message saying tickets will go on sale after they assess the number of trails they will be able to open
    2 points
  18. Ever watch the South Park ski episode when they go to Aspen for "free" but constantly get trapped into a timeshare presentation (e.g. via the chairlift)? It's grate!
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. Anybody have extra skins laying around? Might need something for the Big Foots...
    2 points
  21. sounds about right, I "skinned" up paradise with the fishscales a few years ago and took about 40 min. Gonna tray to make this
    2 points
  22. It’s absolutely atrocious. Why a business would make it hard for people to give them money is beyond me
    2 points
  23. Perhaps Ikon wants Camelback as a feeder mountain, and their target market is wealthy people from NYC and NJ?
    2 points
  24. I just imagine at least 3/4 of the fathers who wind up taking their families to these timeshares saying/yelling this at least once per overpriced trip to the Poconos....
    2 points
  25. “Get in as many laps as you can”
    2 points
  26. I don't see anything about being limited to one run. Looks like the event is 3 hours, should be able to get at least 3 laps in pretty easily in that time.
    2 points
  27. When I was there a couple weeks ago the ticket windows were not open at Milly, but the automated machine was active. If you bought your ticket online you can just scan the barcode from the email and get your card. If you are redeeming off an Ikon, I'm pretty sure you need to go to the main set of ticket windows.
    2 points
  28. We are already like 1-2% of the way to the next ski season. Steezy
    2 points
  29. That’s a very accurate description of both line lengths and speeds. We made this mistake once to take the Majestic Lift and then even long lines at Crest started to look more attractive. What do you think of Brighton? I feel that we’ve left a lot of it undiscovered, and that by itself makes it worth visiting again. We easily loved Milly and liked Western, but have mixed feelings about the center part, to the point that some said that they’d rather ski Solitude again than another day at Brighton.
    1 point
  30. Not levels, you buy points at certain properties which equate to a slice of a unit at that property, though you are free to use them for any size unit, and any time of year, subject to availability. Bigger units=more points of course, and more popular seasons more points as well. You can also use them at other DVC properties but with less lead-time preference than home owners at the resort. Once all the points are sold (which, with very few “fixed week” exceptions they started selling a few years ago, really are just representations of a particular amount of the occupancy level) that resort is “sold-out” but can pretty much always be bought on the resale market. The strong resale market if we ever want to sell, and the strong point rental market helped convince me it was worth it for us. We pay about $7.50 per point in annual dues, and could rent them for $12-13 pretty easily if we want/need to. We’ve only ever rented to my older sister though, she comes with us often and we book a room for her and my niece and she gives us about $10 per point, which usually puts her in a room in a deluxe resort like Animal Kindom Lodge or Polynesian for less than a value resort. The initial buy in has done well too. We paid $65 per point in 2013 on the resale market for AKL and right now it’s selling for about $120 or more. Of course that can’t be counted on, but it’s nice. By my count, using what we would have paid to stay at moderate level resorts vs our coat for the point used, we’ll “break even” on the buy-in with a few more trips. The final plus was that they expire. Unlike some timeshares that go on in perpetuity, long after anyone wants to stay there, DVC contracts are a 50 year term from when the building opens. So the exit strategy is baked in.
    1 point
  31. I know the guy who’s late father in law invented the commodore. I didn’t have my own computer until 1997. Dude you’re getting a Dell.
    1 point
  32. This boomer bought his first computer in 1983. A Franklin Ace, Apple II clone.
    1 point
  33. I’d keep my ski boots in a backpack
    1 point
  34. It straight up said there was an error last week and to try again later for like a solid hour, I couldn't buy my night nicket. It would clear the guest name on the ticket every time I entered myself. Tried it in 3 different browsers.
    1 point
  35. Pass is purchased. Good thing I just received a small cash order to soften the credit card blow.
    1 point
  36. Agree Milly and the area between Great Western and Snake have some really fun/unique terrain;
    1 point
  37. Thought I was done for the year at Blue on Friday but I might go to Camelback Friday evening due to a light work load this weekend. Waiting to see what the snow report looks like on Friday. I was looking into the bridge tolls you mentioned - it looks like all of those including white haven would be incredibly easy for locals to avoid - just get off, cross the river on the parallel local road, and get back on - not more than a couple minutes lost. I actually think this is a decent idea, make the interstate travelers and truckers pay for the interstate bridge replacements rather than using our PA tax $ which otherwise could be used on local projects. People have been saying I-80 needs tolls for years, since more and more truckers and out-of-staters take it instead of the Turnpike and as a result Turnpike tolls have increased disproportionately to pay for untolled I-80, which is not in great shape - now it may be getting 4 in addition to the Delaware River toll.
    1 point
  38. That seems like the play for most of these smaller mountains on the passes. Who the heck cares about JFBB or Paoli Hills from Epic... it is just to get more people to spend at the bigger places.
    1 point
  39. I REALLY miss Vt this season. I can just imagine all the talent that descended from up north to your neck of the woods ... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  40. Awesome, we have printed barcodes, so will park at Milly then.
    1 point
  41. Today was no spring skiing. Temperatures dropped below freezing yesterday afternoon, and it was just single digits in the morning. But the great part was that they groomed when it was cold, and it never got warm during the day, do today was a winter wonderland. Spectacular groomers that just screamed to be hugged for their perfection. Even in the afternoon when corduroy was long gone, it was still smooth, firm, fast and edgeable. No piles, no mashed potatoes, winter conditions in short. Buuuuut everything else was still frozen. IDK, looking at continuously sunny weather, nice groomer skiing and super thin crowds, it doesn’t look like Utah at all 😂
    1 point
  42. Yeah, doing something similar to hunter where you're allowed to go uphill before the resort starts spinning the lifts would be cool. Even cooler if there wasn't an upcharge as long as you have a valid pass/ticket. I do miss the days of Blue's nonexistent uphill policy where ski patrol would usually just look at you very confused, or you could plead ignorance at worst.
    1 point
  43. Took my first real fall off the season on onteora. Slammed the brakes hard when I saw a bare spot prompting a fall. I guess it was better than hitting it and ejecting forward. Definitely rough in spots. Definitely can't let it go which is somewhat frustrating but it is what it is given the weather I guess.
    1 point
  44. Marcy is a popular spot so take that into consideration....not only the peak but the trail itself...If you are interested in other hikes...This isn't a bad one..Trail head is in Saint Huberts area...Hike the road to Lower Ausable lake...take the short trail to check out Rainbow falls then hike up to Pyramid Peak..short hike over to Gothics...you can loop back down to the road...Some outstanding veiws.. The view from Pyramid peak
    1 point
  45. I took another pair out of the press Saturday morning, and finished them up Saturday afternoon, they are getting a tune now. I’ll have the new pair at Blue on Saturday, this will be S2P2. Yes, they do have a picture of my son shirtless on the tip, there may also be a Waldo hidden in there somewhere and perhaps a rocket if you look hard enough. In other news, I remounted S2P1 (the last pair) with a pair of Look px’s. If I did my math correctly, they should be adjustable from a ~25.5 to ~28.5 boot size, they will be available for anyone that wants to take a few runs on them, just find me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
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