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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/21 in all areas

  1. Yesterday was a blast. @toast21602 @mute1080 and I left my house promptly at 4:40am planning an arrival just shy of 7:30am. Two pee stops on the way, and he arrived at 7:27am, right on schedule. Quick boot up, we hit the snow at 7:45am and toured up to the top with @Justo8484 and @GSSucks. Despite being 20F when we arrived, we were all sweating our asses off after the first 1/4 mile. We all met up at the top, had a celebratory beer/truly, and enjoyed a well deserved run down before heading back to the car for several beers before venturing out for the ski day. A bunch of bump runs, and it was time to enjoy some more beers, some food, and return for some mono ski and KoreyKustom laps. So good out that there were Trulys just flying in the area.
    12 points
  2. Super fun day! I'm in way worse shape than I thought I was. First "big" uphill effort for the season and I definitely felt it. Definitely fun to do something a little bigger than cornfields and utility lines near Blue though. @toast21602 and @AtomicSkier nearing the last turn before the final push to the top Don't remember the name of this trail, but the body count was high @GSSucks and I slightly miscalculated our route for our last lap. Wouldn't be spring skiing on the east coast if you didn't have to hike down a little bit, right?
    10 points
  3. Oh, and @GSSucks had easter eggs for everyone ... blind drawing, and i got the 24oz bud heavy. 😔 I think it was my first Bud Heavy ... ever. And of course it was a 24ozer.
    8 points
  4. took a little hike today at the jonas mtn nature preserve for the first time. look what i spied distance to the top of challenge is just a hair over 11.5miles from where it was taken .
    4 points
  5. Bradenton/Sarasota area. Went to visit my dad and stepmom who I hadn’t seen in quite a while. They both were recently vaccinated and obviously my jet setting ass accepts the risk of travel. I get my 2nd shot tomorrow so that’s nice too.
    3 points
  6. Got my second shot of Moderna on Saturday at 11 am. I was fine for most of Saturday though later that night it felt like my arm got punched. I woke up Sunday morning and my arm felt like I got hit by a 90 mph fastball and I was achy and it was rough getting out of bed at around 7am. I went to Church and after getting home and doing a few things around the house to get ready for Easter I felt awful. Went back up to bed and slept from 10 until 2. Sore joints, terrible pain in my arm and general achiness. Felt good enough to get dressed into some relatively comfy clothes and socialize for Easter for a while. By 8pm I was tired but a lot of the pain was gone. Today I feel pretty much back to normal.
    3 points
  7. Well that sucks then. I chose to get vaccinated and the government can stay the fuck up out my bisnass.
    3 points
  8. Fukin righteous.....
    2 points
  9. Hunter was fantastic. Got to ski some great spring bumps and GSS’s skis. Great morning to skin up with @GSSucks @mute1080 @Justo8484 @AtomicSkier
    2 points
  10. They want more power. Power comes from control over the people. Its not a liberal thing, it’s a politician thing. The other side gave us the Patriot Act. Control. Power.
    1 point
  11. People are fucking wild now. At the bar Saturday night a slightly older woman flashed her boobs multiple times and her gay friend licked her nipple. Also the economy is the best I’ve ever seen. I’ve already had 19 orders so far this month.
    1 point
  12. Got the shot today but vaccine passport talk needs to be shut down. That is none of the government's business. I can see it happening it Europe but I don't think it will be a legit thing here. Things are definitely looking like they will be back to normal by summer imo
    1 point
  13. This vaccine passport bullshit is getting worrisome
    1 point
  14. Sheesh Atomic Jeff shaved. Nice report.
    1 point
  15. I'm heading to Boston for work this week, so I decided on small detour. I just didn't feel like hitting up the Catskills so I decided to try out Stratton. There is not a lot open, but I've mostly been lapping Polar Bear and Black Bear. For the most part the coverage is pretty good on what is open, but it is starting to scrap off to the glaciers. To sum up... overall It is like riding Elk, but with a longer drive.
    1 point
  16. Pretty sure you can see Killington Peak from Stratton if I remember. I also remember easily seeing Stratton (and Okemo I think) from Killington Peak looking south.
    1 point
  17. i purposely avoided alcohol for a few days before and after so i didn't confuse symptoms hah. i did go for a 10 mile mtb ride right after getting my 2nd shot and probably didn't drink enough water, so slight headache definitely could have been from that.
    1 point
  18. PASR is probably a bad group to talk about side effects. No one is sure if the way they felt after the shot was from the shot or from all the activities we do immediately before or after getting it. For me I don't know if I was fatigued or just needed a post skiing nap.
    1 point
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