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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/21 in all areas

  1. Florida is cool because you can buy beer, cigarettes, and fireworks in a 7/11
    4 points
  2. PSA: definitely don’t try to make your 2nd vaccine appointment at a different location than your first. I got turned away for my 2nd this morning in West Chester after having my first in Easton even though both were Moderna. Back in Easton now and wasting my whole work day but happy to have the opportunity to get it nonetheless.
    3 points
  3. took a little hike today at the jonas mtn nature preserve for the first time. look what i spied distance to the top of challenge is just a hair over 11.5miles from where it was taken .
    3 points
  4. Not to mention Wolf didn't try to get millions of dollars in advance for writing a book proclaiming himself as some sort of leadership god, while fudging the numbers of nursing home deaths. Cuomo is just another dirtbag politician.
    2 points
  5. A month after the vaccine is available to everyone in the country we should be back to normalcy. I don't expect that but once everyone has the ability to get the vaccine it's a conscious choice to not get it and therefore probably eventually get Covid. At that point it goes from an uncontrollable pandemic to a risk taken by an individual and the "numbers going up" should not be an indication of anything more than people choosing to not get vaccinated.
    2 points
  6. Even though Florida is generally the worst state in America, their handling of this pandemic has been great. Other states hid like jackasses while Florida opened up and they are doing no worse than states where people hid and destroyed the economy. Shout out to the states like Florida and Texas who’ve handled this better. Texas rangers had a 40,000 person crowd and it was cool seeing the joyous children happy to be out...especially after adults destroyed a whole year of their childhoods
    2 points
  7. Bradenton/Sarasota area. Went to visit my dad and stepmom who I hadn’t seen in quite a while. They both were recently vaccinated and obviously my jet setting ass accepts the risk of travel. I get my 2nd shot tomorrow so that’s nice too.
    2 points
  8. People are fucking wild now. At the bar Saturday night a slightly older woman flashed her boobs multiple times and her gay friend licked her nipple. Also the economy is the best I’ve ever seen. I’ve already had 19 orders so far this month.
    2 points
  9. I was in a hurry and got it and ran. Already back in my neck of the woods.
    1 point
  10. If I knew you were up here I’d meet you for lunch. I still can.
    1 point
  11. Cause all the PASRs always wash their hands after they pee in the lot lol.
    1 point
  12. Lololololol. I wasn’t going to look for the Well Health Safety Seal, but since Lady Gaga and jLo told me to, and they are health experts, I will
    1 point
  13. I’m still not washing my hands after I pee. Sorry not sorry.
    1 point
  14. It's all going to be moot in about 6 months. But I wouldn't mind having to show proof of vax if it meant music and entertainment venues could open up wider, faster for the summer. I'm sure they could use the business at this point. And keep in mind, the governement is already collecting this info and have issued you a 'passport' already. It's just a forgeable piece of cardboard at this point. But private companies choose to require seeing something for the safety of their staff a guests, I favor making it more secure and less forgeable than that cardboard, which you can already buy on the internet.... Anyway, end of the summer, more people will be taxed than not, and hopefully this conversation is moot.
    1 point
  15. In Florida right now and can confirm. Stopped at a Wawa (of all places) and was told by an employee “you know you don’t need to wear a mask right?” In a demeaning way. I also didn’t read your other post, this was the Wawa right off Lakewood ranch blvd.
    1 point
  16. They want more power. Power comes from control over the people. Its not a liberal thing, it’s a politician thing. The other side gave us the Patriot Act. Control. Power.
    1 point
  17. Got the shot today but vaccine passport talk needs to be shut down. That is none of the government's business. I can see it happening it Europe but I don't think it will be a legit thing here. Things are definitely looking like they will be back to normal by summer imo
    1 point
  18. Got my second shot of Moderna on Saturday at 11 am. I was fine for most of Saturday though later that night it felt like my arm got punched. I woke up Sunday morning and my arm felt like I got hit by a 90 mph fastball and I was achy and it was rough getting out of bed at around 7am. I went to Church and after getting home and doing a few things around the house to get ready for Easter I felt awful. Went back up to bed and slept from 10 until 2. Sore joints, terrible pain in my arm and general achiness. Felt good enough to get dressed into some relatively comfy clothes and socialize for Easter for a while. By 8pm I was tired but a lot of the pain was gone. Today I feel pretty much back to normal.
    1 point
  19. I don’t know if it will fly. It’s crazy I always thought liberals were about anything goes...gay marriage, legal drugs yet they want more rules.
    1 point
  20. Well that sucks then. I chose to get vaccinated and the government can stay the fuck up out my bisnass.
    1 point
  21. Solid season up here, a later start and unusual because: It snowed a lot in January and ,not unusual, a good part of February. We didn't have roller coaster temps, for the most part it maintained in the teens and 20's, a few single digits, but no rain or torch weather. That pattern did not allow for the normal freeze/thaw to build up a solid uber hardpack foundation, so when it warmed up and got sunny it cooked the snow on both sides and melted very quickly. April Fool's Day today brought another 5-6" of pow for some endless tracks T2B. Hardly anyone on the hill, upper lot was barely 1/4 filled.
    1 point
  22. I was in Florida for the weekend and there is no pandemic there.
    0 points
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