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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/21 in all areas

  1. I’m loving this forecast. Maybe a sleeper pow day or three.
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. I’ve already noticed it is waaaay less crowded at the nature preserve I go to.
    2 points
  4. Last summer ‘entrepreneurs’ were buying out recreational kayaks from sporting good stores and reselling them on line with huge markups. New RVs are absolute c**p. A lot of horror stories about trying to get warranty repairs. Last summer the local state park with a beach here in the Poconos was absolutely trashed each weekend by people from Philadelphia, NJ and NY. New park supervisor this year so keeping our fingers crossed the rules will start being enforced.
    2 points
  5. Smuggs shmoo fest has a few more lift service days remaining before the bull wheels go silent this saturday. It was going to end Sunday, but there's rain in the forecast, so Saturday it is. I've been going out early afternoon for 5-6 laps in the sun, shorts and sans helmet. Bike season begins..have a great summer PASR!
    1 point
  6. Last year Pa State Parks saw a 26% increase in visitors. And yeah, people who have no respect or experience with the woods will trash it, unfortunately.
    1 point
  7. Rental car is booked..under $500 for a midsize SUV for 7 days.
    1 point
  8. looks like they cancelled the Earned Your Turns events and are issuing refunds. Not surprised though. I hope they do it during winter when there's actually snow on the ground
    1 point
  9. Was just reading the Crested Butte newspaper and it said that 99% of the reservable campsites in the area are full for this summer. Due to overcrowding and people being assholes, they started eliminating the dispersed camping in the valley. The plan is for it to be all phased out by 2022, with reservable and first come first serve sites. It is going to be really interesting to see at the end of this pandemic how the outdoor industry shakes out. Will people who discovered skiing, camping, hiking etc go back to indoor activities like movies and restaurants exclusively? I think this summer will still see record outdoor pursuits for sure. I also think it is great that families who may not have been outdoorsy have changed their habits and tried new things. But will they drop the money to invest in these things long term?
    1 point
  10. Been about 3 years since I have climbed outside. Made it to the top of a 100’ pitch, traversed and was psyching myself up to do another pitch. The longer we were on the ledge sorting out the ropes the more I lost my nerve. But was pleased with my progress, have only made it up that high once before. traverse across. Hike out 78 degrees today! No shade where we were so I am sure I got fried
    1 point
  11. Assholes. I figured it would be cancelled.
    0 points
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