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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/21 in all areas

  1. Back at it. Skin lap at Stratton on the way to Jackson NH, skied almost top to bottom with a little fast grass thrown in for fun. Made it to Tuckermans Saturday morning. The hike up was mud, rocks, slush and snow, we did skin a bit towards the top. Boot pack up right, they got about 6ā€ of snow on Thursday night and we had first tracks in right. Really heavy cream cheese snow. Boot up left En-root to Hillmans. We skied down Hillmans and to rope 7, then back to hiking on the way out. In total it was 8.2 miles,4100ā€™ of vert, 7.5 hours, 4 beers, 2 liters of water and countless snacks. All in all a great day in the mountains. I suck at taking pictures so this is the best I have. After a few more beers and snacks in the lot we were on the road to Killington for the night and gondola laps on Sunday. They reported 30ish trails and the skiing was damn fun. Great way to end April skiing. On to May! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    16 points
  2. Apparently India thought they beat the virus and had some massive religious festivals. Noticed Monroe, Lehigh and Northampton case rates are finally starting to come down. Hope it is not just lack of testing.
    2 points
  3. Kids first rollercoaster. Shes too short for most of them unfortunately
    2 points
  4. Blew the dust of the BMW with a ride through Lobachsville/Dryville area...ended up with a short stop at BC...About 50 or so miles....For a 48 year old bike she still runs pretty good....
    2 points
  5. And it will keep going strong as a lot of people refuse to get vaccinated. They can risk getting Covid while Iā€™m here living my best Lyfe not worrying about anything.
    1 point
  6. A few developments in the Covid-19 pandemic. Cases are rising in Japan and India and in both of those countries vaccination rates are very low. Covid hospitalizations in the US for younger people are rising. 8% of people who had first doses skipped their second dose. Reasons cited are that they think one dose is enough..some also fear the side effects of the second dose or immune response. There are also a lot of households where the wife is vaccinated and the husband is not, about 10% more women have been vaccinated than men. I lurk the reopen PA where most refer to masks as face diapers and they are totally opposed to the vaccine and many of them are older and fat.
    1 point
  7. I think she'd really like the super dooper looper but too small for it...hopefully next year. Back again today. Sky rush was walk on this morning so I ditched the family and did that a few times
    1 point
  8. Nice lines today. Good day to sit in the deck and drink.
    1 point
  9. FAAAAAAAHK that. Spidey senses never lie. Timing in life is everything. Every restaurant and bar up here closed up permanently or temporarily, and the few that stayed open were sucking wind and still are. Everything is pretty much closed down now until May up here which is typical when Smuggs stops spinning the lifts. Got an interview at Spruce Peak Lodge for a bartending job on Thursday. If I like it and the cash is good I'll get a snowmobile for the winter and ride through the notch to work! Pretty stoked on that! Gonna try to work at both resorts for free skiing on both sides of the mountains!
    1 point
  10. I found this funny sitting in aisle #5 at the local Weis.
    0 points
  11. I went into home depot this morning and a normal 8ft 2x4 was around 6.50. I was like wtf
    0 points
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