I have a feeling that this Moderna may be worse than the actual stuff. I have NEVER felt this bad in my life, can't believe it's only a vaccine.
And it all started so well. No side effects from the first shot except for the sore shoulder. Peachy 8 hours after the second shot, well maybe the shoulder felt a little worse, but then...
Temperature started to rise, first felt almost pleasantly warm, just in time for bed, but it soon changed to chills, oh what a wonderful feeling it is when you feel both hot and cold. Had to find an extra blanket, but by the middle of the night I got so hot that all blankets had to go, and I swear I was almost glowing red. Add to this nausea and awful, excruciating headache so that I couldn't even move my head w/o feeling a myriad of little explosions inside. And the heart racing all night long. Took some Tylenol in the morning, the headache got a little better, so I was able to fall asleep for a couple of hours, but it's back now.
This is nuts, I seriously can't remember feeling so miserable ever.