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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/21 in all areas

  1. I’m not hitting the panic button or getting worked up, just saying that I want to appreciate the lot scene as much as possible this next season. I think it will be one of the first casualties when changes come around, based on the hinting in the press releases of KSL’s “resort” experience. Want to appreciate before it’s gone.
    4 points
  2. There are some posts on FB with just how fucked up Blue will be this year. I fail to see how anybody knows how this is going to go based on how tight lipped everyone is about whether this was a land grab, or a management deal. I just dont see the sense in getting worked up over it, when we know, basically, nothing.
    4 points
  3. No real information but the writer has a great understanding of the situation... https://www.stormskiing.com/p/camelback-manager-ksl-resorts-adds?fbclid=IwAR1NTJLZch0yuGzkYvLDl_g50iADuAYjQ9r8jzeJnL6i1GypMEKLwN5UqLc
    3 points
  4. "and they don’t go overboard with the grooming" QFT!
    2 points
  5. I recently listened to a podcast interview with the CEO of Altera and he was asked directly about adding camelback to Ikon. His answer was circular and noncommittal but he did indicate that there have been a lot of discussions about it. It appears that while KSL owns both Altera and Camelback they are run separately so there are probably some logistics to work through to make that happen. Ikon doesn’t have a presence in the area and if they want to compete with Epic they almost have to add Camelback. I haven’t read whether KSL actually is buying Blue outright or just coming on as a partner for additional development. If it’s the former it’s probably just a matter of time before they go Ikon.
    2 points
  6. yup, and when you sort of think about it, improving the grooming could possibly be their biggest bang for the buck. like you said, they have the equipment, and from what i know, pretty good equipment too.
    2 points
  7. pretty sure proximity/visibility from the AT was one of the major sticking points of what could actually get built up top for the condo thing. i don't remember the number off hand, but i believe any structure needs to be more than x feet from the AT if it's visible from the trail, or something along those lines. vaguely recall that that's why the proposed condos weren't gonna be taller.
    1 point
  8. I got to ruin someone’s yard today.
    1 point
  9. Zero turn. It would take me all day to walk my yard with a push mower and then my footprints behind it would ruin the lines.
    1 point
  10. Oh you foolish foolish boys. This is how it all starts! I've seen it all before. I was there! It was called the 80's! Ford was President, Nixon was in the White House, Reagan was running this country into the ground. I was bumming in a hole in the wall town in what is now called Utah. Some fella from Colorado shows up and starts making all kinds of so called "improvements", right? Before we knew what hit us, the streets were running us with lattes! Yup! It got so bad that a fellow that liked to, you know, smoke a little grass or drink a little ripple. Crow like a rooster! Maybe challenge the mayor's son to a gentlemen's duel, is uncouth, "Against God!" and bad for real estate values. So we had to go! Be careful what you wish for!
    1 point
  11. It's done wonders for my live TRs.
    1 point
  12. To a non skiing management group though they probably don't quite care about that and would not be able to quantify any kind of return so it'll get skipped over.
    1 point
  13. I sort of refuse to get uptight about the things i have no control over, or hope for things that wont come true, so i will be in a wait and see approach on this. I guess we will see some activity over the next few months, since "they are going to infuse it with a lot of cash". We will see. Hopefully they do correct some things, and my first pick would be bringing the grooming up to a better level, since what we sometimes have is just basically dangerous. I would like to see this addressed long before a lodge remodel, or paving.
    1 point
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