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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/21 in all areas

  1. It's fewer. Fewer limousine liberals. If you're going to snark, at least do it correctly.
    4 points
  2. Starting to pull some paint off and the chair is finally in 3 pieces. Four bolts hold the seat to the hanging bar and the restraint bar isn’t mechanically fastened, you just have to pull it off of the pins that hold it in place. Starting to see some metal poke through but the citristrip largely just ate through the outer 1-3 layers of paint. In hindsight, the airplane paint remover you can buy at autozone and the like would’ve eaten this paint a lot quicker, but that stuff is crazy toxic. I’m also on a well, doing this work outside, and airplane paint remover needs to be neutralized by water before handling and I want none of it going into the groundwater
    1 point
  3. I would probably get fired my first hour on the job if I gave vaccines...I’d say it’s just gonna be a little prick kind of like your boyfriend wahahahah
    1 point
  4. I got the “I’m going to guess you’re not afraid of needles” at both of my shots. (Half sleeve tattoo) always caught them by surprise when I said I am in fact afraid of needles, but only when getting a shot.
    1 point
  5. Now that the weather’s a bit warmer and my schedule has started to calm down I thought I’d start to work on the chair. The bolts holding the hanging bar to the seat are painted pretty tight, as are the bolds securing the restraint bar to the seat, so plan for now is see how far a chemical paint stripper can take me. I’m trying citristrip and will leave it on for the full 24 hrs. By my count there are at least 6 coats of paint on these things. I’ve tested a few times for lead and haven’t found any yet but am still a bit afraid to strip with a disk and have airborn paint dust.
    1 point
  6. I went into Weis in Broadheadsville this afternoon. Forgot my mask so went in feeling like I'd be wearing the scarlet letter. Turns out most of the employees were maskless and a bunch of customers too. Felt like the old days.
    1 point
  7. Our governor had a press conference today that the only places masks will be required is public transportation, hospitals and prisons etc. Then he said it is up to individual businesses to decide their own rules. I feel like it’s just going to be a giant shit show, especially here in Boulder.
    1 point
  8. Fauci flip flops more than a pair of sandals wahahahah
    0 points
  9. You are completely correct on the lab, I thought that was common knowledge since March 2020 lol. Fuck Fauci though
    0 points
  10. All y’all need a tall glass of STFU. Also they’re finally saying that Covid-19 came from a lab in Wuhan China..duh I knew that all along. Dr. Fauci is still the GOAT...
    0 points
  11. I’m not going to change the way I speak just like you’re not going to ever be less of an asshole. Saladworks and weed dispensory still require masks.
    0 points
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