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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/02/21 in all areas

  1. originally i though about mounting it to a hitch but i don't know shit about that stuff and quickly found out about tongue weight and that it wouldn't work. so now i'm thinking aobut something similar to this. green line being square tube connected at 90deg angle with a fitting like in the image (though circular or something detachable) so i could slide it when i wanted to store it. red dots are the hooks in the bed to tie it down to. if everything worked, i could put down the tailgate, push it in and put the tailgate back up for when in motion. i know a very, very good welder who i'm going to ask for advice or suggestions that might work better. looks crazy but i can't think of any other method.
    5 points
  2. Post-power wash, pre-sand, pre-stain.
    4 points
  3. It's a mess and I'm picking up the new spindles this week but here's where I'm at with it.
    4 points
  4. So are you insinuating that it was created in another lab (let's say Lab A or somewhere else all together), and transported to Lab B, then accidentally released from there. I'm not understanding. If it was leaked from the lab, whether by accident or not, it likely came from there. Yes these are two different things but I think TP4 was trying to illustrate the origins of the virus, which was the freaking lab.
    2 points
  5. I'm in front of a classroom of 40+ students right now. None of us are wearing masks (all of us are vaccinated). It is quite nice to see everyone. Reminds me of the good ole days of early 2020.
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. Thats called patina. in all seriousness, i could build a brand new chair, but whats the point? No history, no ones ever ridden on it, no nothin. Having some bumps and bruises adds character imo.
    2 points
  8. We are also in the middle of some projects. Having some mold issues upstairs 😡. We had to move everything upstairs to the attic or downstairs. Downstairs is like an obstacle course. We hired someone to do the mold remediation, he’s extremely busy, so it will be done sometime this month. Tore off all the trim, discarded it. Hubby removed all the nails, so trash people wouldn’t get a nail through their hand. We will do the painting and replace trim when mold issues dealt with. Oh, and we’re opening the pool. The joys of home ownership, but definitely worth it.
    2 points
  9. Looks good! I’m in the process of sanding mine down too so I can stain it again and fix any crappy boards. It sucks but the effort is worth it when it’s done.
    2 points
  10. mine is currently a lawn ornament. The other day I walked by it and decided it needs some hanging planters so it serves a purpose and looks like it is supposed to be there and not just yard junk... i'm guessing it weighs about 250# google says ~150# but it seems heavier than that
    1 point
  11. I think your tongue weight would be fine, but just for shitts and giggles, anybody know how much a chair weighs? If you didnt have a tailgate we could easily make it fold up into the bed, at least in my mind.
    1 point
  12. yeah i haven't been able to get you that sofa so this is the next best thing.
    1 point
  13. I would lose my shit if I got to sit on that thing and drink a beer in the parking lot.
    1 point
  14. Attaching it to the truck on the front like a snow plow would be pretty grate
    1 point
  15. I apologize my semantics were not up to PASR standards
    1 point
  16. There's a difference in being created in a lab and leaking or escaping from a lab. Most scientist still think it wasn't created in a lab.
    1 point
  17. That was my thought as well. I do want to clean it up a bit, but my god there are houses out near me in the boonies that have cars sitting there for decades and still hold their shape just fine. Maybe just a quick grind and repair on the rough spots, and then give the chair its 18th and final coating of paint.
    1 point
  18. What’s crazy all along I thought this pandemic was a result of a lableak over in Wuhan...I didn’t believe any of the wet market bat stuff..mainstream media didn’t go there and it was heavily dismissed and now it’s becoming more and more clear the origins of Covid-19.
    1 point
  19. Are you planning on taking it to some ski lift chair shows? Bondo would fill it all in, but i just cant see going through all of that work, but sometimes my lack of patience gets the best of me. Personally i would throw some POR-15 over it and call it a day. A little bit of paint on that and it will outlast you by years.
    1 point
  20. Decided to start fishing with hand grenades, busted out the grinder and flap discs. Coming across a lot of pitted rust, anybody have any advice on what to do? Part of me wants to just prime over it, but not sure. I feel like grinding it out and using bondo to flatten out the divots is a little extra. Also, lmk if I should move this to a general thread.
    1 point
  21. @mute1080 and I got some skiing in on Sunday AM
    1 point
  22. This explains it all in four minutes and 20 seconds. You’re welcome and anytime!!
    0 points
  23. You could cut off the back 3/4 and make them into Big Feet 🦶
    0 points
  24. It was created and released from a lab..
    0 points
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