Maybe I’m being naive here, but isn’t it somewhat irresponsible to just prescribe antibiotics without knowing that you have a bacterial infection, and not a viral one? For whatever it’s worth, your symptoms are pretty spot on with what I get for a few days if I surf a lot and end up taking a few on the head and getting an Atlantic Ocean netti pot session. Happens a few times a year. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't know if I would say irresponsible, but I get what you're saying. It seemed like a "hedge your bets" kind of situation from the doc and the most practical thing was to start antibiotics to see if it would knock it out rather than waste time or go through a ton of tests which may or may not be conclusive and take a bunch of time.
It really has got to be hard to be a doctor because I get the feeling that the answer that they want to give most of the time is "it depends" but a sick person absolutely doesn't want to hear that and has an expectation that a doctor knows everything 100% of the time and can fix them.