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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/21 in all areas

  1. Finally have a shed and put a coat of stain on the kids playhouse/swingset. I was going to post this in the weather thread with the rest of the deck/yard pics but I didn't want to further derail the thread unlike some of you hooligans 🚂🤘
    5 points
  2. I don't know if I would say irresponsible, but I get what you're saying. It seemed like a "hedge your bets" kind of situation from the doc and the most practical thing was to start antibiotics to see if it would knock it out rather than waste time or go through a ton of tests which may or may not be conclusive and take a bunch of time. It really has got to be hard to be a doctor because I get the feeling that the answer that they want to give most of the time is "it depends" but a sick person absolutely doesn't want to hear that and has an expectation that a doctor knows everything 100% of the time and can fix them.
    1 point
  3. You've got to be kidding me. The chairs are on only one cable.
    1 point
  4. Where are the chairs coming from?
    1 point
  5. It's funny that you ask... Let me give you a perspective of what people are on here... About 2% or less is the share of snowboarders. I've seen only one guy who was on 184 skis, everybody else is on 175 or shorter. I'd say that the majority of skis have width in the 70s. Plenty of folks on slaloms in the 60s. The percentage of people on skis that are wider than lower 80s is even less than the percentage of snowboarders. Yeah, sometimes you run into someone on clearly powder skis, but that someone would be an exception to the rule and he looks like a lost puppy. It hasn't snowed for a week. Brandwise 50% of people are on various flavours of Atomic. Handmade in Austria clearly dominates the market. Then come Heads, but not Monsters, rather Supershapes, Rebels, things like that. Some Fischers, mostly RC4, but older models. I've seen only one recent Curv. Volkl is represented by Racetiger. I've seen one pair of Kendos and zero RTMs. Stocklis are there, but I haven't seen Lasers. Kastles can be found, but are rare. Also they're mostly LXs, I've seen only one pair of MX on the slopes, and I've been really looking. Nordica is rare too. Mostly NRGY. Nobody has heard of Enforcers or Navigators.
    1 point
  6. We skied from 9 to 3 today with a single break for lunch. And hardly could finish one zone near Warth. I don't think there was a trail that we've skied more than 3 times, it's just there are so many of them. By the end of the day you're not really skiing anymore because of how tired you're. It's dangerous skiing tired by itself, but when most difficult parts turn into moguls, it's even worse. And then you may need a ride in this...
    1 point
  7. Yeah. Chondola. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybrid_lift
    1 point
  8. I don't see anything wrong with it.
    1 point
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