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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/21 in all areas

  1. don't sand after you stain. I just finished my boards last weekend. family stuff prevented me from getting much further this week, but this weekend I'll try and get the posts and rails done when I have time and if it doesn't rain. went with a lighter color that we previously had, but some of the darker stain I wasn't able to completely remove on the posts and rails. The floor boards looked brand new after I washed and sanded everything. It was actually pretty fun to do.
    4 points
  2. My mom, aunt and uncle just finished their PHI to FL train trip. 26 hours non stop.
    3 points
  3. 3 points
  4. sort of depends what is left of the stain, and how the wood looks. pressure washing tends to raise the grain in the wood. 80 would probably be a good place to start, belt sanders are pretty aggressive. Make sure all of the nails or screws on the deck are recessed before firing up Mr Scratchy, or you might cut the belt. After an aggresive grit, something like 120 or even a little higher will make the wood real nice and smooth. Should look brand new if you are putting this kind of work into it.
    3 points
  5. Looks similar to the color I'm doing. I pulled off the old posts, bought new and staining before attaching.
    1 point
  6. no, hit it with like the 80 grit, then 120-160, then stain it.
    1 point
  7. I think I'm done with the pressure wash. Picked up a belt sander to remove the rest of the stain and smooth things out before applying the new stain. What's a good grit to use? Thinking 80 or 100?
    1 point
  8. I still wear a mask most of the time...Not so much outside ....but if I am outside and people I don't know are near me I mask up.....
    1 point
  9. Fauci should be in prison for the destruction he caused to this country
    0 points
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