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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/21 in all areas

  1. So hubby just texted me. T-Mobile working well, he’s watching a movie without problems 🤞🏼Said WiFi working all the in the garden
    2 points
  2. So basically the Tmobile router is all Wifi? not wired? I just switched to Fios from Comcast like 2 months ago. My 2 year deal was up, and they really raised the rate. I called to see what we could work out, but apparently when i called "i didnt speak to the right person." Only after i set up Fios to be installed, and i called comcast to stop the service, did they offer me something that would have made me keep Comcast. I have had Fios before, but man, the Fios router is pretty awesome. The wifi in my house is superior to what i had before, with my motorola router. I really thought buying my own router was the way to go, but my first one flaked out, so i had to buy another. Sort of made renting a router look kind of like a wash. I have Blue Ridge up in the Poconos, and again, lowest speed, and it does what i need it to do. One thing i will give Blue Ridge the thumbs up on is customer service. Once my internet was down, called them, i think they figured out it was the modem, and the lady i was talking to said "i can have someone there in about a half hour." On a Saturday.
    2 points
  3. I wouldn’t be concerned about security, but reliability will depend on how T-Mobile cell service is at your location. Also, their home broadband customers’ traffic is prioritized at the lowest priority by their network, which could subject it to throttling if the cell site near your home sees high usage. Is their product all wifi in the home, or does the device have Ethernet ports? Personally, I would only use a cellular based internet service for my home if I had no other option, but I could be described as biased. As technology stands right now, if I didn’t work for a cable company, I’d go with: 1 - Fios if I could get it. 2 - Cable internet, purchasing my own modem and router. 3 - DSL 4 - Moving 5 - Cellular based internet 6 - Dialup 7 - Satellite internet like Hughes
    2 points
  4. well the bear box finally suffered its first L ...
    1 point
  5. My formative years....Ah Yes...Sex Drugs and Rock and Roll... If you can find it , the movie "Woodstock" is worth watching just for the music of the era.
    1 point
  6. I didn't actually know Woodstock was held in the Catskills until I was reading facts about the Catskills last night, lol. Visiting was a lot more interesting than I thought it would be. It's mind blowing that 400,000+ people converged in the middle of a farm in NY. Some interesting facts I learned from the museum: The farmer who allowed the festival on his land had different political views, but thought they had the right to their opinion because it's a free country, so he let them hold it. Some residents of Bethel, New York were not happy about the whole thing, but others helped pass out food and sandwiches. One lady bought everything at a local farm to supply food. At the original site intended for Woodstock, that town passed an ordinance requiring a permit for any gatherings of 5,000 people just to block it from happening. Since there were only 600 bathrooms, many people did their business in the nearby woods. It took some people 3 days to find their abandoned cars, since the roads became clogged. People had to walk on top of cars to get to the concert because the road was so congested. There were "trip tents" for people who took too much acid; when they recovered, they helped other people recover. People were told to move their tents for the supply helicopter landing pad, but didn't so were woken up at 6 am by the helicopter hovering above them trying to land. And what I found the most interesting... Notes written on paper plates (or whatever they could find to write on), nailed to a tree in hopes to find missed connections:
    1 point
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