This is how most of the world does it. They buy a phone (unlocked) then toss a sim card in for whichever carrier they're using. Here the majority are still financing their phones through a carrier. This is why we have a Samsung / Apple duopoly and this is also why phone makers get away with charging $1200 for a flagship device in 2021. Most people aren't paying $1200 up front. They're paying that while tied to a 2 to 3 year contract with a carrier. Personally I like the freedom to choose the carrier that I want (including MVNOs) and switching phones when I want. I have a buddy who absolutely hates Verizon but can't leave because he's locked into the contract for the next 2 years. He'd have to drop a few grand to pay off his family's devices to get out of it now...or wait the full term. That sucks imo