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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/21 in all areas

  1. no but send a photo of this bizarre a/c. i'm curious.
    1 point
  2. Was the spinny thing just inside the top of this thing turning? was this item making some noise?
    1 point
  3. They must use the same arctic chiller that Bear Creek uses to make snow.
    1 point
  4. Todays forecast The "Not Beltzville" is for the folks in Palmerton.
    1 point
  5. wow, way more guests than i expected. stop starting fights in the pool.
    1 point
  6. Update on the Broken AC Saga. I got home around 8:30 last night and the thermostat was reading 91. I went outside to check on the AC unit but I don't really know much about them and it was a different looking one that I've ever seen so that was kind of a waste. I opened the sliding glass doors and windows and used ceiling fans and box fans to blow the cooler air from the storm inside. This quickly dropped the temp to 84. I went to bed with it reading 82 and woke up with it at an even 80. Tuesday can't come fast enough at this point.
    0 points
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